Disaster Strikes

Chapter 851: Raising a bandit to protect oneself

"What can we do?"

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → Smoke𝚠𝚔g𝚗.𝚌W𝚖]

Qian Song and Bing Ling asked Chen Mo.

"We can't do anything."

Chen Mo's calm answer made the two feel desperate.

Although the crowd could not see the specific situation in the formation, it was not difficult to see that an amazing battle was unfolding inside. It was obvious that the evil god's clone had descended, and even the light from the blood moon law was disturbed, causing the blood-colored flame above Chen Mo's head to be intermittent.

Because the time and space window opened by the Lord of Distress River was squeezed and too narrow, the strong among the third-level natural disaster destroyers could not escape. Therefore, among these thousands of natural disasters, Chen Mo became the only fourth-level authority.

Of course.

Most of these natural disasters are second-level natural disaster enhancers.

The reason is very simple.

The first-level Scourge Predators were not fast enough, and the third-level Scourge Destroyers could not escape. Only the second-level Scourge Enhancers were the most convenient.

Chen Mo's prominent position naturally attracted the attention of the Sword Tomb Covenanters, who gathered around.


Babaya, one of the executors, came with a wand in one hand and more than fifty covenanters that Chen Mo looked familiar with.

The covenanters who noticed the situation here also gathered around.

"The Shocker, Adolf, and Roman Conti are probably still inside."

"Hey, old woman, don't talk nonsense."

From the dark shadows, Roman Conti, wearing a cloak, stood up and looked at Chen Mo and said, "Leader, issue the order."

However, the covenanters are only a minority after all, and most of them are small team members, and there are some old enhancers who are not happy with the covenanters.

Compared with the time required for a Scourge Predator to be promoted to a Scourge Enhancer, the promotion of an Enhancer is undoubtedly longer. In the past six years, only a very small number of Enhancers have chosen to apply for trials in the gathering place.

More and more people gathered around.

Chen Mo thought for a moment and said, "Build fortifications and be ready to fight at any time."

In front of the public, he naturally had to avoid saying some discouraging words and show a positive attitude, but all he could do was just that.

The process of stripping the truth was repeatedly blocked by external forces, and the queen bee was very anxious.

The prisoners in the cage kept resisting.

If facing ordinary low-level creatures, his witness deprivation formation would naturally have no problem, but facing the resistance of level 4 and level 5 creatures, it must personally suppress it.

As time passed.

The Desperate Evil God became stronger and stronger. As the formation had a gap, the pressure exerted on the queen bee by the vast army in the formation was even greater than that of the previous great guardian.


The two sides fought for a day and a night. The queen bee didn't know how many natural disasters and blood moon monsters she killed. Finally, she decided to compromise. Anyway, these people had lost their value and killing them would not bring her any benefits, so she chose to stop.

"Stop it."

The queen bee said coldly: "I have no grudges with the disaster world. If we continue to fight like this, it will only increase our losses. You leave now, and I will pretend that I didn't see it. How about it?"

It looked at the desperate evil god who absorbed a lot of fear power.

As for the Screaming Banshee Queen, the Lord of the River of Distress, and the Death Curse Evil God's clone, although they caused him some trouble, if there were only three people, he had the confidence to kill them one by one in a short time. Only this desperate evil god, as it became stronger and stronger, the queen bee felt a huge pressure.

"What's your name?"

Faced with the question of the desperate evil god, the queen bee responded: "I don't know."

The desperate evil god continued: "You return their life authority to the way."

"I can't do it."

Seeing this, the desperate evil god had nothing to say.

So he continued to lead the Death Curse Evil God's clone, the Lord of the River of Distress, and the Screaming Banshee Queen to fight against it, and constantly tried to destroy the formation cage, allowing the army of the Scourge and the army of the Blood Moon Monster to surround it.

But even this short stop caused the Scourge outside the formation to talk about it.

"Could it be that someone important has fallen?"

"Shut up.

Everyone knows who he is referring to.

If the Lord of the River of Anguish falls, the Calamities under his command will be punished in various ways, including but not limited to zero points, invalidation of all fair contracts, disappearance of job contributions, loss of fixed property in the gathering place, loss of the increase during the Starving Ghost Trial period...

Although there are not many similar incidents in history, they are not rare. However, for the lower-level Calamities, it is equivalent to an unprovoked disaster.

Chen Mo led the mini-corps to participate in this doomsday mission with the idea of ​​​​slacking off.

Even if his income is not as good as that of other level 4 officials, he is carrying out strategic tasks after all, and the income he gets is not comparable to that of other Calamities who rely on personal efforts.

If he gives an order at this moment and lets these predators and enhancers rush forward without hesitation, the income in the future will definitely be greatly improved, but his personal reputation will drop to the freezing point.

After thinking about it, he decided to wait and see again.

"Hey. "

Outsiders naturally cannot understand the hesitation in his heart.

This way.

The battle between the two sides actually lasted for three days and three nights. It seemed that there was no winner or lose and could continue.


As thunder exploded in the sky, the two sides who were fighting fiercely were vaguely aware of the changes in the world.

The hive world is boiling!

This is not a good thing for either the natural disaster victims or the queen bee.

But overall, the queen bee is undoubtedly more anxious. She is eager to deal with these annoying guys and achieve success in one step.

Generally speaking, the troughs and boils of the world have their own specific internal evolutionary cycles, and are also affected by many external factors. This type of stress-induced temporary boiling will consume some potential, so from the perspective of the evolutionary nature of the world , unless absolutely necessary, the world itself will try its best to avoid entering a state of stress boiling.

Buzz, buzz.

A strange fragrance floated in the air, accompanied by the sound of intensive flapping wings.


The queen bee was keenly aware of the changes in the power of the world around her. She knew that there was a great guardian hiding here, and immediately let out an earth-shattering roar.


The ground that was originally riddled with holes was now filled with flowers. Countless bees flew out from the flowers and gradually gathered together to form a huge bee.

The amazing power of the world fluctuates, forming a huge vortex around it, like the movement of a galaxy. In the center of the vortex, countless light points can be faintly seen moving in some mysterious trajectory.

"Is this your true form?"

The giant bee mouthed: "How ugly."

"Annoying guy."

The queen bee felt something bad. Although for the great guardian of this world, both it and the natural disasters were enemies, but the enemies were also divided into different priorities. At this moment, its priority was undoubtedly far higher than the natural disasters.


It felt a familiar aura and suddenly froze for a moment, carefully recalling where it had seen the other person.

The Clone of the Evil God of Despair, the Clone of the Death Curse Evil God, the Lord of the River of Anguish, and the Screaming Banshee King also took this opportunity to take a break. They had also already realized that as the power of the world boils, once the great guardians of this world appear, , will inevitably rank the other party as the highest priority enemy.

So time is on their side.

"Very good."

Lord Anxiety River finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the plan was completed.

But she quickly adjusted her emotions, because what she wanted was not to defeat or defeat the opponent, but to completely kill the opponent and regain what she had been deprived of as a witness.

"Don't be careless."

The Evil God of Death Curse is best at observing the interconnectedness between living beings. Its curse magic is proficient in this, and it is keenly aware that there seems to be some kind of connection between the two.


The queen bee suddenly reacted, her waving tentacles stopped, and she exclaimed in disbelief: "Gana!"

"You're not too stupid."

The great guardian composed of countless bees mocked.

"Impossible, impossible, you clearly intend to be promoted to Great Guardian..."

This Ghana is the person who once refined it with his own hands, or the sage of the mysterious world who discovered it using black magic.

"Am I not the Great Guardian now?"

"But this is the hive world!!"

The queen bee really couldn't believe this fact, but she quickly figured out many things. No wonder the ancient civilization of this continent knew how to deal with it and would cause such harm to it. Not only did the sage it bewitched become a Historically, those terrifying birds could no longer be controlled, and a loss and isolation seal was formed.

The giant bee smiled coldly.

"It seems that you really don't know or have forgotten. I have asked you countless times what the price of using the Philosopher's Stone is. After you defected, I did work hard in the mysterious world and wanted to become A great guardian who failed time and time again.”

It exudes sarcasm.

"So I came here based on the clues from those who asked for help in the ancient empire, and was strangely accepted by this world. I knew then that for this world, I am your antidote, and I can only be in this world. Only by getting rid of you can we avoid the side effects of the Philosopher's Stone and rely on the power of the evolution of this world and the terrifying priority of the Great Guardian during the world boiling period to be promoted to a seventh-level sage!"

What a good show where the mantis stalks the cicada and raises the bandit to respect itself.

Although it sounded confusing, it was great news for Lord Anguished River. The goal of this great guardian was the same as his own, which was to completely get rid of the queen bee.

Immediately afterwards, both sides unexpectedly launched an attack on the queen bee.

Garner chose the weird bee form, or worker bee form, which was obviously intended to be a punishment for the queen bee's betrayal.

The Great Guardian during the time when the world was boiling was really terrifying.

It is far beyond the ability of the queen bee who has not mastered the power of law to resist.

Only half a day later, the queen bee was already riddled with holes.

It decided to fight hard, so regardless of the fact that the Law of Truth had not been completely separated from the body of the previous master, it wanted to take control by force, and then use the power of the Law to reverse the situation of the battle.


But it let out a desperate cry.

Starting from the end of the queen's limbs, it seemed as if something invisible was erasing it bit by bit, tearing it into molecular structures and dissipating it.

It showed despair and kept trying to struggle, but it was completely useless. It could only watch itself disappear bit by bit and become a molecule at the level of the basic material structure of the law of truth.

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