Disaster Strikes

Chapter 880 Zuma

After leaving the Lingnan Swamp.

After flying south for two days, Chen Mo and Xiao Du arrived at the edge of the War Roar Tribe.

This is an extremely quiet forest, and it is also the area where Zuma appeared in the intelligence.

According to the ogres, these so-called Zuma were once weapons created by the Propagation Demon God, but with the arrival of the Dark Flies, the Propagation Demon God returned briefly and abandoned the Amazon Forest World again, causing these weapons to completely lose their ability to reproduce and could only survive on their own.

Until those Dark Flies found these Zuma and gave them the ability to reproduce through food and evil flowers.

"What an evil breath!"

Chen Mo practiced the "Xuan Yang Sutra" and keenly perceived the outrageous evil breath in this forest.

This is extremely polluting and breathtaking for many people, but for Chen Mo, it is a great tonic!

Only by killing evil spirits can the Longyan Fireball increase the basic damage and play a role in strengthening the foundation and prolonging the life of practitioners.

Xiao Du was unaware of this.

It was not until Chen Mo called it that Xiao Du looked at Chen Mo in confusion.

"Be careful, we are walking forward."

If we fly in the sky, the target is too big.

Chen Mo knows very little about the Zuma here, but since the Zuma is specifically mentioned in the task prompt of this disaster, these Zuma must have some special features.

A moment later.

Chen Mo came to a giant tree.

On the trunk of the giant tree, four black giant flowers grew. These black giant flowers exuded amazing evil spirits and kept wriggling, as if something terrible would be sprayed out of them at any time, a bit like the eggs of alien face huggers.

"Human-shaped life forms are detected inside."

Xiao Du's eyes glowed green, and he kept scanning the giant flowers.

"What a magical forest!"

For Xiao Du, everything here is full of novelty, and after taking it back to the mother world, it will give great inspiration to scientific researchers.

With a whoosh.

The evil sword flashed and poked a hole in one of the giant flowers, from which a large amount of thick green mucus flowed out. Then the black flower actually groaned in pain. Just when the evil sword was about to attack again, something covered with mucus slid out of the giant flower.

Seeing this, Chen Mo paused for a moment.

Woo, woo...

This humanoid creature covered with mucus made a strange sound, like a gust of cold wind blowing through a mass grave. Then, under Chen Mo's gaze, the skinny "she" slowly stood up.

When Chen Mo saw her face clearly, he was immediately shocked.

Judging from the face of this person, it was the female disaster who was one of the few enhancers. Chen Mo still had some impression of her, but he didn't expect that the two would meet in this way.

"Shouldn't she have completed her mission and returned to the disaster world?"

Chen Mo frowned and looked at the woman vigilantly, full of doubts.

"Could it be that Zuma has mastered the technology to stop the recycling of the disaster world?"

Just as Chen Mo was puzzled, the woman covered with mucus slowly stood up. When Chen Mo saw her full appearance, his face changed again. Most of her body had no skin, and even the muscles and ribs on her chest had disappeared. Her internal organs turned into countless monster insects, which were connected and wriggling, looking horrible as if they were half-digested.

The next moment.

The woman suddenly screamed and rushed towards Chen Mo at an astonishing speed.

The Evil Sword hovering in the air returned to Chen Mo's hand. After a Nine True Swordsmanship, twenty-seven sword energies surged out. The woman who rushed to the halfway point was severely injured by Chen Mo on the spot and fell to the ground, dying.

With a whoosh.

Chen Mo had an extra dragon eye fireball in his hand.

The 'pupil' in the center of the flame seemed to breathe, constantly shrinking and expanding.

"How did you become like this?"

Chen Mo looked at this half-digested woman and asked with a try-it-out mentality, but saw the woman grinning at him, looking like she had completely lost her mind.


With the sound of explosion, the woman who was severely injured by Chen Mo was immediately killed by the dragon eye fireball. The positive energy in the fireball immediately absorbed all the evil energy that was scattered nearby.

Tip: The basic damage of your dragon eye fireball +1.

Tip: Your life span is slightly improved.

Chen Mo felt the nourishment of the spiritual energy in his body, and his whole body trembled slightly. A beautiful arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he even uttered a soft hum involuntarily.

This process was very short, but Chen Mo couldn't stop.

"No wonder those guys in the Guixu world often launch sect wars under the banner of eliminating demons and defending the way..."

Just as Chen Mo sighed.

The other three black giant flowers seemed to have noticed the changes outside, and they accelerated their wriggling. Then, under Chen Mo's gaze, three figures covered with mucus were sprayed out in no particular order.

After these three people stood up one after another, Chen Mo's eyes widened completely.

Looking at their appearance, they all looked like the female calamity killer just now, and they all looked weirdly half-digested.

"I know."

Chen Mo thought of another possibility.

"You are not half-digested, but only half-grown. You are the Zuma derived from Zuma after Zuma ate her. No wonder there is a special reminder to be careful of Zuma in this mission. The parasitic world really has the means to steal the mass of the disaster world!"

The three women rushed towards Chen Mo from different angles like mad beasts. Each of them had the strength of a second-level ordinary creature and could exert some of their abilities in their previous lives.

If they were allowed to grow up, they might be even more powerful than they were in their previous lives!

"What an evil, weird, and terrifying life."


Xiao Du's energy ball blew away one of the Zumas.

With Xiao Du's strength as a third-level small leader, even ordinary attacks were not something these second-level ordinary creatures could resist, but Chen Mo hurried to stop Xiao Du.

These Zumas are not only the growth nutrients for his Longyan Fireball, but also the tonic for his longevity. Naturally, he must be treated with caution and try to let the Longyan Fireball kill these Zumas one by one.

"It seems that there will be something to do in this world in the future!"

Chen Mo immediately fought with the three Zumas.

Tip: Your Longyan Fireball basic damage +1.

Tip: Your life span is slightly improved.

Tip: Your Longyan Fireball basic damage +1.

Tip: Your life span has been slightly improved...

After a fierce battle, Chen Mo severely injured the Zuma that had not yet fully developed, and then killed them one by one with the dragon eye fireball.

The black giant flower on the tree trunk quickly withered in front of Chen Mo because it lost the Zuma that it nurtured.


From the depths of the forest, a very penetrating roar came.

Chen Mo, who was carefully sensing the changes in the dragon eye fireball, could not help but sense in the direction of the roar, and then a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"Space-time twist?"

Xiao Du also came to his own perception conclusion at this time, made a (*) expression, and responded with a mechanical voice: "The gravitational wave phenomenon caused by micro wormholes was discovered ahead."

"Could it be that these Zuma have the ability to freely shuttle between the parasitic world and the Amazon forest world!?"

If so, these are worth his careful study!

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