Disaster Strikes

Chapter 92 will be available tomorrow

Just now I suddenly saw the background message that it will be on the shelves tomorrow. I was a little rushed and not ready. I thought it would be on the first of next month.

I will update another chapter today to inform you of this news in advance.

Bai Lu also knows that since "The Wizard's Journey", the two subsequent works have not been satisfactory, and his character is about to be ruined. He blames himself deeply in his heart, but after all, he is only a young man in his thirties. It is said that it is a great virtue to return to the right path after losing the way. It is also a way to mend the fold after the sheep have been lost. It is not too late, so this book "Disaster Comes" just wants to be serious, low-key, and carefully written. It is generally slow, more than 6,000 words a day, and it is estimated that it will be completed in about three or four years to rebuild confidence.

The main story of the disaster world should not begin until a considerable number of chapters later. The early stage is the story of the gathering place of the River of Anguish, and it will not involve too many external areas. It is just to lay the groundwork for clues.

As for the mission world of the disaster, there will be a distinction between the main world and the secondary world.

The main world will be attacked again and again in the future, and will continue to follow up, so as to broaden the horizons, understand the operation mode of the disaster world, and the small corner of the disaster world that belongs to the endless world.

The secondary world will describe the natural ecological reasons and historical reasons of the world, as well as the results of the subsequent contact with the disaster world after the clues are laid out in the first mission, so-called appropriate details.

The protagonist's clues are first from the perspective of personal objective cognition, from being small and humble, to establishing a fixed team, and then as a club leader to start confrontation and cooperation with other clubs. It belongs to the coexistence of upgrade text, collection text, exploration text, mortal flow, and infinite flow. Therefore, the team established by Lei Wu in the early stage, and the current surprise team, will be the members of the club in the future, gradually uniting in the confrontation, and there is a reason for the detailed introduction of the clues of these teams.

The protagonist's plug-in, in the early stage, tells the spirit brought in by the traverser. The qualities that are very common in our lives, such as repaying favors and keeping promises, are rare qualities for the natural disaster. Therefore, according to the style of writing, good people will get good rewards and make friends of all kinds of trustworthy friends.

Then, the traverser's talent golden finger will help the story of the work to advance, and to gain a deeper understanding of the subsequent clues of the mission world. Of course, the upgrade link is also indispensable.

The style of this work is that good people are rewarded, and people unite and cooperate to fight monsters. The main storyline is relatively easy, and there will be no internal divisions or brain-burning forms, but the monsters also have their own flesh and blood spirit and goals and ambitions, similar to the current description of Nad Howell, who is a flesh and blood NPC with spirit, but he still has to die.

The story of the first-level period of the Scourge is inclined to team cooperation, the difficulty of career optimization, and the refreshing process of teamwork and cooperation to complete the task.

The second-level period is inclined to the process of community confrontation and cooperation, the various groups with different styles around the protagonist make little progress, and the process of in-depth understanding of some world clues promotes the overall story.

The third-level period is inclined to the process of the battle for the master of the gathering place, which is a confrontation between different professions and fighting methods among the Scourge. Through the early preparation, a stable world foundation structure is created. It is also a relaxed and enjoyable period of bullying, which can be regarded as the climax of the story in the early and middle stages of the work.

After that, it is inclined to the world war, depicting the process of the war, the dense lower-level legions attacked the high-level invaders in order to protect their own world, but only got the pitiful values ​​of -1 and -2. On the contrary, the high-level invaders have a large number of skills, and then the legions like a tide surge out of the cracks.

After that, it is a higher-level war process and historical exploration, but no matter how it is described, the consistency of the data must be guaranteed at all times. There can be a little deviation and error, but it must be ensured that there will be no data collapse.

This is also the so-called data creates value.

It will be put on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow, and some of the manuscripts will be released. More than ten chapters will be released. Please support the first order, the recommendation ticket, the monthly ticket, and the leader of the alliance to settle in "Disaster Comes".

It's not that there can't be more. This article has 150 chapters of manuscripts, and it has been written to the eighth volume, but for the future data consistency and style consistency, more than two volumes of content must be reserved for polishing.

In addition, Bailu will correct typos within one hour after the article is updated. I always miss some, so I hope you don’t mind. Then, I will comment on the content, that is, the comments on a certain word or sentence after a paragraph. I will watch it within a few hours after the update, or watch it the next morning, and give feedback on some of the content. If there are readers who want to communicate, you can leave a message.

Thank you for your support.

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