Disaster Strikes

Chapter 964: The Valley of Chaos

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

The explosion outside the shelter lasted only a moment before gradually disappearing.

For the battle-hardened tour group, this kind of weapon was relatively small-scale and not fierce. The uncle hiding in the shelter listened to the noise outside and even felt like making fun of it.

"The fireballs from the Demon Bird Mountain seem to be a little off. From the sound, it seems that they were fired at the Heavenly Corpse Sect."

Speaking of this kind of large-scale tactical weapon, the various devices developed under the technological world system are undoubtedly more powerful, such as the space-based particle cannon in the hands of the tour group.

Tiantian, who was a little worried, couldn't help but feel relieved.

"It seems so!"

So she put her mind at ease and began to use the gentle skills to control the Qi training monk in front of her.

It's not to increase the combat power, but to obtain the basic information needed by everyone as soon as possible.

For these battle-hardened natural disasters, listening to the sound to determine the location is just a basic ability.

At this moment, in addition to Chen Mo, Tiantian, Ning Ying, Uncle, and Linda, there are also the mysterious cat Xiaobai, puppets, tyrants, nanotechnology mechanical dogs, and a frost element summon in the shelter.

There are only three puppets left summoned by Chen Mo, and they are all injured.

Now that he has a little free time, he actually takes care of these three puppets until Ning Ying sticks his head out and confirms that the tactical attack from the Demon Bird Mountain outside has stopped. She and Linda then cancel the shelter skills together and say with a smile: "Hehe, those fireballs really fell into the area under the responsibility of the Tianshi Sect."

They naturally don't know that these fireballs of amazing strength are just launched by a group of foundation-building monsters.

And these monsters are the first time that the Demon Bird Mountain side has been deployed on the battlefield.

However, several people did not rush out. Only the uncle left the shelter to be on guard, and the others looked at Tiantian, waiting for her charm to end.

After a while,

The sound of killing started again nearby, and Tiantian finally completed the control of the Qigong cultivator from Moqin Mountain. Then, through Chen Mo's questions and answers, she gradually learned the basic information.

After Chen Mo stopped asking, Ningying and Tiantian asked some other questions.

After the man's value was fully utilized, because he was only in the Qigong period, it was not worth Tiantian's control with the gentle skills, and finally Tiantian sacrificed him to the devil.

Chen Mo was thoughtful.

"The land of Chaos Valley, we are here."

Chen Mo had a little understanding of the hugeness of the Guixu world because he had traveled with the Five Elements Taoist.

The Guixu world is not like other worlds, where the continents are divided by the boundless sea. The cultivators in this world seem to live on a super continent. At the beginning, he followed the Five Elements Taoist from a peninsula called Fenglan, through the Yingji Sea, and went to the Taiyi Gate of the Great Xuan Kingdom on the main continent.

I remember that at that time, in the Yingji Sea, a group of local sea overlords named Yingni were fighting a group of dragons.

The reason why the Five Elements Taoist wanted to cross the Yingji Sea to the Great Xuan Kingdom was that if he wanted to cross from the mainland, he had to pass through an extremely vast ancient battlefield. Most of the cultivators in this area were unorthodox, cruel, and extremely xenophobic, which was very dangerous.

So the Five Elements Taoist would rather cross the sea than pass through this area.

Although the Five Elements Taoist did not elaborate at the time, Chen Mo did a little investigation afterwards and learned that this ancient battlefield area was called the Land of Chaos Valley.

In the Guixu world, there are dozens of chaotic cultivator areas similar to the Fenglan Peninsula.

They are all marginal areas around the main continent. Some areas were once prosperous in ancient times, with countless fairy mountain spirit veins, but later gradually declined.

In the central area of ​​the continent, the last few fairy mountain holy places in this world are gathered.

The cultivators built incredibly large sects around these holy places, forming several super countries.

There are even some means that can directly connect to the mysterious world.

Among them, the Taiyi Sect of the righteous way and the Xuanming Sect of the demonic way are powerful sects that can rival the entire Fenglan Peninsula area. The five-level transformation cultivators in the open have never stopped since ancient times. If the power in secret is counted, sometimes they can even maintain several at the same time, which is incredible.

These are all side stories.

The Chaos Valley where they are now is an area between the Fenglan Peninsula and the main continent. The area is very vast, and the outside is surrounded by some mysterious restrictions and space chaos areas left over from the ancient times. If you are not familiar with the road conditions, even a Yuanying cultivator may fall into the ancient restrictions and space turbulence and perish at any time.

In addition, the monks here have developed various methods that are completely different from those in the outside world, so there is very little communication. Many sects will directly extract souls and refine bones, and use blood sacrifices to enslave monks from the outside world after capturing them, so few monks from the outside world are willing to take the risk to come here.

This also caused the Fenglan Peninsula to be almost separated from the main continent.

The land of Chaos Valley is divided into five major areas.

Among them, the northern area of ​​the valley is ruled by a group of monsters, and the Demon Bird Mountain was established.

Although the living conditions of the humans living there have improved in modern times, and they are no longer slaughtered by monsters as they used to be, they cannot get rid of the days of being enslaved and driven, which is quite miserable.

Since the end of the ancient times, the East Valley has always been ruled by ten sects. Its area is much larger than that of the North Valley, and its resources are more abundant. Although most of the sects have been replaced during this period, the number has always remained at ten. In other words, if any master wants to establish a sect, there must be a vacancy first.

As for the South Valley, it is said to be an area larger than the East Valley, but the population is at least dozens of times that of the East Valley. The resources are extremely rich, but the degree of chaos is also unimaginable in the East Valley. The replacement of major sects is almost commonplace, and it seems like the survival of the fittest.

The most mysterious is the West Valley.

The human monks there have completely broken away from the human monks in other areas. Various methods are not even considered side doors. They are almost out of the monks' professional system and have created a new professional system in a different way.

Therefore, the outside world knows very little about it.

The central area surrounded by the four major regions of east, south, west and north is a huge Demon Valley, which is the place where the war took place in ancient times. It is filled with countless mutated monsters, including undead creatures, gold-eating beasts and a large number of polluted and mutated ancient monsters.

After understanding these basic situations.

Chen Mo also focused on understanding the situation of the ten major sects in the east of the valley. Almost all of them specialize in the unorthodox and crooked ways that other cultivation circles do not think highly of. Generally speaking, it is a lawless place that is difficult for both the righteous and the evil forces to touch.

These include the Soul Curse Temple, the Heaven Corpse Sect, the Mysterious Demon Sect, the Thousand Illusion Sect...

The Golden Demon Sect, which is now summoning the natural disasters, is a new sect that was established decades ago among the ten major sects. It is the one with the weakest foundation among the ten major sects.

The Golden Demon Sect came to the Blood City Alliance this time to resist the invasion of the Demon Bird Mountain in the east of the valley. Naturally, it is necessary to show the method of summoning the disaster of the sect.

Different from the summoning method of those ordinary demon sects.

Since the Golden Demon Sect established their sect with this, Chen Mo guessed that maybe they have already established a connection with the Demon Eye Evil God of the Disaster World, and the cost of the "tax" when launching the disaster is much smaller.

Now the war between the two sides has been going on for more than a month.

At least more than 100,000 of the hundreds of thousands of elite monks gathered in Xuebo City have died here, but fortunately, the various sects continue to send new armies of monks to gather here.

The monsters of the Demon Bird Mountain are also not doing well.

Therefore, in the process of chaos, both sides have gradually begun to use some big killers that can only be used on large-scale battlefields, such as the Golden Demon Sect's Disaster, the Tianjue Twin Corpses of the Tianshi Sect, and the Devouring Star Toad of the Demon Bird Mountain.

"I see."

Chen Mo shared this information with the uncle in charge of vigilance outside in his PHS, and began to plan to go to the Five Color Gate of Fenglan Peninsula after the mission is over.

But these are all later.

The problem facing several people now is how to successfully complete this mission and survive the mission.

In such a large-scale war, let alone the travel group, even the hundreds of natural disasters summoned for the entire disaster mission are really insignificant and cannot influence the situation of the war.

So whether the mission can be successfully completed depends more on luck.


After hearing Chen Mo's analysis, Tiantian's face looked a little bad.

"But we don't have too many points now, including the public points of the team have been borrowed by my uncle and me. What should we do if the mission fails?"

Chen Mo rubbed his temples. This was also what he was worried about.

But now, in addition to completing this mission as much as possible and at least ensuring that the mission does not fail, the only way is to trade extra points from other natural disasters, at least to ensure that the three people will not be wiped out and recycled because of the failure of the mission.

"That's the only way."

Ning Ying said in a low voice: "2000 points per person, 6000 points for three people, this is not a small amount, let's collect all the points and see how many points we can collect."

After a brief discussion, the four of them found that everyone's points were very limited, and they had already bought magic tools at the gathering place for investment.

And the points they have now are the rewards for killing the monks of Demon Bird Mountain during the battle just now.

"Let's fight first."

After understanding the current severe situation, Chen Mo naturally knew that other natural disasters would also face a situation similar to the tour group.

He encouraged: "Fortunately, killing these demon bird monks in Demon Bird Mountain will get extra points as a reward. If you collect 6,000 points in 120 days, there is still a chance. The second-level boss I just killed gave me more than 300 points. Besides, this is not necessarily a bad thing for us."


Tiantian, Ningying, and the uncle were all stunned when they heard this.

Chen Mo showed a mysterious expression and sneered: "At worst, we can also launch space-based particle cannons, including my starfall technique, which can earn a lot of points in a short period of time, but it also comes at a huge risk. However, we can use this opportunity to trade with those natural disasters who also need points, and the more unfavorable the war is, the higher the value of the points themselves. We can let them collect the monks' magic tools, or exchange points with other materials!"

Chen Mo's words made Tiantian, Ningying, and the uncle suddenly enlightened and clapped their hands in amazement.

It must be said that compared to Chen Mo, none of them really had this kind of brain, and they really didn't think about it.

Chen Mo's need for points was equally urgent.

Let's talk about his Moonfall Technique. Because of the continuous improvement of related proficiency, the improvement speed of the Vajra Fist was delayed. The reason is that with the continuous improvement of the proficiency of the Moonfall Technique, the energy value consumed is also increasing.

Now his proficiency of the Moonfall Technique is Lv30, and the energy consumption is 60 points.

This energy consumption is not even as good as A-level skills, let alone S-level skills, but as the proficiency continues to improve, the energy consumption is also increasing, and the speed of skill proficiency will eventually become slower and slower.

Fortunately, there are practice areas in the major gathering places in the disaster world!

In the practice house, the natural disasterer does not need to consider energy consumption to improve the skill proficiency, but only needs to consider energy, physical strength, and skill cooling time, which is suitable for the proficiency improvement of the Moonfall Technique.

Of course.

As an S-level skill, the points required to improve the proficiency of Moonfall in the training house are definitely not comparable to those of E-level skills, D-level skills, and C-level skills.

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