Disaster Strikes

Chapter 994 Elder Luo

A few hours later.

Along the way, Fairy Jigong continued to use her great powers, and after killing two monsters that were no less powerful than a human-faced twin-tailed scorpion, as a few people continued to go deeper, Chen Mo felt that the aura of heaven and earth around him suddenly and completely changed at a certain moment. Gone.

This made Chen Mo, who had meditated in Guixu World for many years, feel as if he was suffocating as a fish landed.

Fortunately, as a natural disaster victim, he quickly adapted to this environment.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

But whether it was Fairy Jigong or Taoist Five Elements, they were obviously much more affected by this environment than Chen Mo. It took a while for the two of them to finally adapt to this strange environment.

The first is the Five Elements Taoist, his face is extremely pale.

"In this environment, no matter what magic weapon is sacrificed or magical power is used, the power of the hand will be reduced by more than half."

Although Fairy Jigong had been mentally prepared for it, she was still tortured by this unique environment. In addition, the previous three battles had consumed a lot of mana and her face became extremely ugly.

"Indeed, just like the legend, we cannot get any replenishment of the power of heaven and earth. In this environment, the mana in our body will be used up one point less. If the mana is exhausted, we will not even have the ability to fly away from here. ”

Then she thought of something again and looked at Linghe beside her.

"Fortunately, I have Zijin."

This spiritual crane not only relies on magic to fly, but also has two wings. In this unique spiritual environment, it can still fly even if its magic power is exhausted.

As the two of them gradually adapted to the environment here, Taoist Five Elements realized that Chen Mo didn't seem to be affected much, and he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Seeing this, Chen Mo took the initiative to explain: "To a certain extent, this place is very similar to the environment in the disaster world."

"Let's go."

Fairy Jigong said: "The next battle will be inevitable. I will use several great magical powers. How much you can learn and whether you can leave here alive depends on your luck."

When Chen Mo heard this, he wasn't too worried.

Now he has been in a state of no battle, and this place is not out of the time and space influence of the disaster world, so he may return to the disaster world at any time as long as he is willing.


If the enemy found out and interrupted him, forcing Chen Mo to enter combat mode, that would be another matter.


The Taoist of Five Elements felt awe-inspiring, and he was also ready to use those means to suppress the situation at any time.

"Hmm, hum, hum..."

In the darkness, there was suddenly a burst of strange and gloomy laughter. Then, under the gaze of Ji Palace Fairy and Five Elements Taoist as if they were facing a formidable enemy, a skeleton slowly walked out. The eyes of the skeleton were burning with soul fire. The two were shocked.

"Ghost monk!"

The skeleton stopped hundreds of meters away from the group of people. Soul Fire looked at Fairy Jigong and said in a human voice: "Who dared to break into this place? It turns out that the little princess of our sect came to save her father. "

When Fairy Jigong heard this, her expression suddenly changed.

"You are Elder Luo!"

"Tsk, tsk, back then, I tried my best for the Five Color Sect, but in the end I ended up like this. I was forced to turn to the ghost path. I am afraid that I will never be able to retaliate against the enemy of Gui Xu Zhenren, so let him My dear daughter, let me repay it for my father.”

Fairy Jigong took a deep breath and then sneered.

"Whatever you try your best, you are just a lackey who surrenders to the enemy for glory!"

In the memory of Fairy Jigong, this person was the person who persuaded his father to surrender on behalf of the Xuanling Realm during the ancient war, and was immediately thrown into a prison by his father.

"This elder just can't bear to see the sect master hitting the stone with an egg, dragging the Guixu world and the Five Color Sect into the bottomless abyss, and destroying all living beings!"

The humanoid skeleton said hysterically: "I didn't expect that he would be so unwise. In the end, he not only harmed himself, but also harmed the Five Color Sect and the entire Guixu World. He is the heinous sinner of the Five Color Sect!!"

"You are presumptuous!"

Fairy Jigong said solemnly: "My father may be guilty, but at least he is a human being, and you want to become a dog in the Xuanling world. Do you really understand the Xuanling world, you ignorant fool."

"Hmph, hum, hum... I almost forgot, our little princess has grown up."

The humanoid skeleton said quietly: "I can feel that your father has been working very hard down there these years, especially in recent years. He has begun to struggle desperately at all costs to make this Immortal Mountain shake. I think he can resist after all. I can't help but be purified by Guixu, but before that, if I can use your little princess's body to make a blood slave, and then I will play with it wantonly and use my secret technique to pass a ray of spiritual image through the bottom of the Jueling Abyss, and pass it on. If he goes down there, he will definitely experience what real despair and pain is..."

Then the humanoid skeleton disappeared instantly.

Fairy Jigong's expression changed, not only because the other party had the ability to ignore the unique environment here after converting to the ghost path, but also because the other party said that his father could not withstand the purification of Guixu in the end.

She had numerous conjectures about the appearance of the Yi Zhao Immortal Mountain.

But she thinks there are two most reliable conjectures. One is that her father realized something in the seal and shook the seal internally, and the other is that as the humanoid skeleton said, his father's end is approaching.


Fairy Jigong immediately sacrificed the Five Elements Mountain without saying a word.

"Five Elements Mountain!"

The ghostly humanoid skeleton was obviously startled, but then laughed triumphantly.

"Hehe, if it was outside, I would still be three points afraid of the Five Elements Mountain, but here, you can exert a little power of the Five Elements Mountain. I think you should just surrender obediently, so as to avoid more physical pain later."

"Even if I can only exert three points of power, it is enough to kill you, a traitor who turned to ghost cultivation!"

Boom, boom, boom...

The battle between the two sides was about to break out, but the Five Elements Taoist and Chen Mo each received orders from the Jigong Fairy to find the so-called Absolute Spirit Abyss mentioned by the humanoid skeleton.

Chen Mo rode on the back of the spirit crane, his face gloomy and uncertain, and he was considering whether to return to the disaster world immediately.

With his talent as a time traveler, as long as there is enough time, he will continue to grow and develop in the future. However, this long cumulative side quest has been accumulated since his predator period. Now it is involved in the root of many world conflicts in ancient times. He has also gained a great opportunity. If he leaves now, it means that he will completely stay away from this continuous side quest.

Instinct told him that if he left, he would definitely lose a great opportunity.


Chen Mo's expression became extremely focused.

The sky prison is much larger than Chen Mo imagined. After Chen Mo and the Five Elements Taoist separated, they gradually moved away from the battle area of ​​the Jigong Fairy and the human skeleton, and looked for the Juelingyuan mentioned by the human skeleton.

According to the Jigong Fairy, as long as the two find it and activate the five-color spiritual light magic, she will be able to feel it.

And according to Chen Mo's guess,

This Juelingyuan is probably the deepest part of the Tianlao, and it is also the place where the Yanzhao Immortal Mountain is closest to the seal of the Guixu Land at the bottom of the mountain. Otherwise, the human-shaped skeleton Elder Luo would not have said "use the secret technique to pass a ray of divine thought through the bottom of Juelingyuan".

And he obviously has not yet realized that this so-called Jigong Fairy is just an incarnation.


Chen Mo instructed Zijin Linghe to search in the Tianlao for half an hour, but still found nothing. Just when his mood gradually sank to the bottom of the valley, Linghe took him over a group of rocks that looked like Jianshan. A cave with a diameter of only 20 to 30 meters in the central area attracted his attention.

Then Linghe circled around the cave and slowly landed.

Although he did not think this was the so-called Juelingyuan, after all, as an "abyss", it was too small. After finding nothing for such a long time, he naturally could not let go of any suspicious places.

With the mentality of giving it a try, he took out a palm of talismans, activated them and threw them into the cave.

What surprised Chen Mo was that the cave was surprisingly deep.


It was naturally impossible for Chen Mo to go down rashly.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally gritted his teeth and activated the five-color spiritual light magic, and then waited quietly nearby.

After a cup of tea.

There was a violent fluctuation from the horizon.

"Hehe, hehe, my little princess, why did you run away? The power of this elder's dark bone method has not really been exerted yet."

I saw that while the Jigong Fairy sacrificed the Five Elements Mountain, she continued to radiate a large number of five-color spiritual light beams behind her, and behind her, a huge three-headed and six-armed skeleton was chasing, obviously that Elder Luo had activated the power of his true body.

"Is it here?"

The Five Elements Taoist arrived one step earlier than the Jigong Fairy, looking at this inconspicuous cave, his face was a little ugly.

"Although I didn't go down, I can be sure that it's unfathomable down there."

At this time, Fairy Jigong also landed.

Her face was very pale, obviously because she had consumed too much mana in her body. After seeing the cave in front of her, she rushed in without hesitation. Chen Mo and Taoist Wuxing followed closely, and then there was a bang, and a huge ancient sword fell from the sky.

The human-shaped skeleton looked at the cave, a little surprised.

"Is this your trump card?"

Then he sneered, put away his true power, and returned to the form of an ordinary skeleton. He followed closely, but saw Fairy Jigong once again sacrificed the Five Elements Mountain to block the entrance of the cave firmly.


The skeleton attacked the Five Elements Mountain fiercely.

If he didn't have a treasure in his hand, with the difference in strength between the two sides, plus the advantage in the environment, how could he let the other party delay until now!

Chen Mo was right. This strange cave was indeed strangely deep.

After a while, several people came to the bottom of the cave.

Chen Mo looked at the huge cage at the bottom of the cave, his face was a little ugly, but when he looked at the Fairy Jigong, she did not show a disappointed expression, which made him a little relieved.

"Although this is not the Absolute Spirit Abyss, it is also deep underground in the Yanzhao Mountain. It seems that it is mostly used to imprison people with heinous crimes."

Fairy Jigong said calmly: "Transfer all the mana in your body to me. I plan to perform several secret techniques next. No matter what the result is, I will ensure that you leave this place smoothly."

The Five Elements Taoist heard this and began to transfer mana without saying a word.

Chen Mo looked embarrassed, and under the other party's puzzled gaze, he said hesitantly: "This... I don't know."

This made the Five Elements Taoist on the side speechless.

Fairy Jigong was also stunned.

After all, for cultivators, this is similar to the natural disaster mastering the natural disaster to learn to launch ordinary attacks during the skill interval, which is a common sense trick.

But after seeing that Chen Mo was not pretending, Fairy Jigong said: "Stretch out your hand, follow my orders, and don't resist."


Chen Mo stretched out his right hand.

Then a soft and boneless white hand gently grasped his right hand.

The moment the two sides touched, the completely different and wonderful feeling immediately made Chen Mo's heart flutter, and he couldn't help but tighten the little hand by three points.

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