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Chapter 106: Strange sea beast attacks, Chen Chong's revenge (makes up for yesterday's mis


Lin Sheng and Shen Ling shouted loudly at the same time, and the arrows in their hands were released at the same time.

When the arrow penetrated the strange sea beast on top of the ark that was about to seal the road, the last 4% of the sea beast's health was immediately emptied.


Everyone on the Ark let out a long breath.

"Finally we have dealt with these sea beasts."

Lin Sheng sighed.

"What's going on with these sea beasts?"

Shen Ling put a hand on Lin Sheng's back and gasped.

The breath coming out of her mouth when she spoke hit Lin Sheng's neck, making Lin Sheng feel itchy on his neck.

After Lin Sheng came to his senses, he said to Shen Ling, "I don't know either."

Lin Sheng looked up at the sea at this time.

He was also curious as to why these strange sea beasts would attack him.

Moreover, these sea beasts are all made of bodies made of sea water, which is different from the sea beasts encountered before.

"Could it be a monster approaching Thunder Island?"

Lin Sheng looked worriedly at the island that could already be seen.

Although the distance is still quite far, I can only see a black cloud on the island from a distance, constantly launching thunder and lightning attacks on the island.

Just when Linsheng had an uncertain expression, a wild laughter came from above the sea.

"Hahaha, Mr. Sheng is just like that, but he was made so embarrassed by these little sea beasts.

But who gave you the courage to destroy my father's mercenary group? But your end point is just here. "

Everyone looked towards this arrogant voice.

At this moment, on the sea surface, a young man with long hair and shawl stepped on a shark and kept approaching the ark. The appearance of this shark was almost the same as the twelve previous sea beasts.

The body of a shark is also made of sea water.

"who are you?"

Lin Sheng decided to ask who the young man of unknown gender was.

"You dare to destroy the Red Snake mercenary group, but you still ask me who I am? You have taken a broad path!"

The man looked at Lin Sheng with hatred in his eyes.

This man is Red Snake's son, Chen Chong.

"Who was I at that time? It turned out that I was a bastard from Red Snake living outside. Who gave you the courage to come and cause trouble for your father-in-law?"

Lin Sheng stood straight and asked.


Chen Chong blushed in anger at Lin Sheng's words, and a flash of cyan flashed across his face from time to time.

"Hahaha, very good. Only if you are arrogant enough, Mr. Sheng, I can make you feel more intense despair later."

Chen Chong suddenly laughed. He was holding a giant ax in his hand. As he swung it, there was an illusory air blade on the giant axe.

Now Lin Sheng also understood where the previous air blade came from.

But after understanding the reason, Lin Sheng became worried. He looked at the giant ax in the opponent's hand.

An idea came to my mind. This giant ax should not be an ordinary weapon. It must be an artifact like the trident in Kong Kongyi's hand, right?

"Master Sheng, today I will let you taste the feeling of death for everyone around you, so let's try it with the little beauty next to you first, and enjoy the pain."

Chen Chong meant Shen Ling, and he swung out the giant ax in his hand. Across the sea, an air blade struck Shen Ling head-on. The speed of the air blade was as fast as thunder, and it was difficult to see it with the naked eye.

Even if Shen Ling is already at the second level of strength at this moment, as long as he is hit by this axe, he may be split into two.

Lin Sheng was no match for this artifact, and Kong Kongyi, who could compete with this artifact, lacked mental strength due to frequent use of the trident in the past, and could not react for a while.

The air blade fell, and the deck on the ark was split open. Chen Chong laughed wildly across the sea.


He seems to be crazy.

Lin Sheng turned back to Shen Ling behind him and asked: "No one" is hurt, right?

"No, I'm just a little nervous."

Shen Ling said with lingering fear. Fortunately, just when she arrived, Shen Ling reacted in time. She used the ability of the ring and the ability to perform a transcendental jump, allowing her to get behind Lin Sheng in seconds, and then successfully avoided it. Air blade attack.

The two of them looked towards the place where the air blade had just landed.

Lin Sheng felt a pang in his heart. Fortunately, those farmed animals were not in this area.

Otherwise, huge craters would have been blasted out of the deck, and even a huge gap would have been cut into the hull of the Ark.

The gap was extremely dangerous. If it were larger, the entire Ark would be flooded.

Lin Sheng looked at the scene in front of him and felt extremely distressed. There was such a big gap.

Lin Sheng turned back to look at Chen Chong and said angrily: "You are here to show off your power to me with the artifact, right?"

"You actually want to hurt the master, I will fight you!"

Kong Kongyi also spoke at the same time as Lin Sheng.

Kong Kongyi's eyes turned red with anger and he ran forward, holding a trident in his hand, floating above the sea, looking at Chen Chong in pairs.

At this moment, Kong Kongyi's momentum also changed dramatically.

The holy white light that she had when she was recognized by the trident emerged from her body again. The water in the sea simultaneously turned into blue wings and combined on Kong Kongyi's body. A golden Poseidon crown appeared illusively on her head.

The trident swung out in his hand, and a wave of water struck across the sea towards Chen Chong.

After Chen Chong saw this scene, he was shocked that Shen Ling had escaped death, and at the same time, he was trying his best to parry.

Kong Kong Yi's Water Wave Slash kept splitting, and Chen Chong kept using the air blade split by the axe to break the Water Wave Slash.

For a while, the two fought evenly.

As time went on, Chen Chong's face became more and more tired.

But Kong Kong Yi became more and more energetic. The water wings on his back were not just beautiful, but gathered the power of the ocean, which improved Kong Kong Yi's endurance at all times.

"Damn it, how could this happen! Why!"

Chen Chong found it increasingly difficult to parry, and suddenly became helpless and furious!

Finally, a wave of water slashed Chen Chong's body. Chen Chong used the giant axe to block the water wave slash, but he did not get the recognition of the artifact. After blocking the water wave slash, the recoil of the attack shook the giant axe out of Chen Chong's hand. Chen Chong's body flew backwards and slid several meters along the sea water.

The shark that Chen Chong rode hurried to save Chen Chong to prevent him from falling into the water.

Kong Kongyi waved his hand, and the sea water turned into a blue big hand to hold the giant axe and sent it to Lin Sheng.

The savages of the savage tribe took out the fish scale armor that Lin Sheng had made before, and each of them put on the armor, carried a spear on their backs, and held a flaming longbow in their hands.

At the same time, they rode Shui Shangpiao under them and quickly surrounded Chen Chong.

They also saw the right time. Chen Chong was the most vulnerable after losing the artifact.

As long as they surrounded him, they could definitely kill him!

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