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Chapter 128 Protective Shield, Dragon Ball Returns

128, protective cover, dragon ball returns

"Really? Then you can use it and see."

Lin Sheng also said curiously about this protective shield.

"Okay boss."

Old Jack replied to Lin Sheng.

The next moment, Old Jack operated the naval vessel to open the protective cover of the naval vessel.

As Old Jack pressed a button with his finger on the operating console of the naval ship.

In the naval ship's control center, the energy converter was running rapidly at this time.

The energy crystal in the energy converter was rapidly extracted from energy, and the originally tangible energy crystal slowly became transparent at this time.

Of course, the speed of transparency is also extremely slow, at least you won't notice it if you don't pay careful attention.

As the energy converter continuously outputs energy to the naval ship's control center.

At this time, a transparent protective shield slowly appeared around the naval ship.

This protective cover tightly wrapped the naval vessel. The reason for the hesitation was that it was transparent. It looked like nothing on the outside of the naval vessel.

But this change in the naval ship made everyone who had been living on the Ark discover the clues.

"What is this?"

The savage who was busy on the ship asked curiously.

The mermaid girl who was helping the savage blinked and expressed confusion.

The curiosity in her heart prompted her to reach out and touch the transparent film.

The mermaid girl pressed her hand on the protective shield, and suddenly there was a resistance on her receiving hand.

The palm can no longer reach out of the ship as casually as before.

"Hey, it's really strange. Why can't I stretch out my hand?"

The mermaid girl said curiously.

Seeing the mermaid girl's performance and the flowers the girl mentioned, other savages also came over curiously.

"No way? Let me try. I don't study well, so don't lie to me."

A savage said in disbelief.

When the savage reached out to touch the protective cover, he found that it was exactly as the mermaid girl said, not moving at all.

The performance of a mermaid and a savage immediately attracted the attention of other savages.

They started to try it one after another.

But after everyone tried it, they had an expression of surprise.

Only the dog saw through it. This was another magical trick used by the master.

The mermaid and the savage didn't know what to say, "Let's try it together."

As these words fell, the mermaid and the savages pushed one by one and pulled up the long dragon. However, under the combined efforts of everyone, the protective shield remained motionless.

At this time, the protective cover has not been set as an exit, but has a barrier mode both inside and outside.

Gouzi was also extremely surprised after seeing this scene.

The power of this protective shield is too strong.

Gouzi touched his chin.

In the captain's cabin, Old Jack said to Lin Sheng: "Boss, do you want to activate the internal-to-external mode?"

Lin Sheng shook his head, "No need, let's go out together and try the effect of this protective shield."

When Lin Sheng and Old Jack arrived on the deck of the naval ship, they saw Gouzi walking up to touch the protective equipment.

Gouzi felt anxious.

This thing is so magical. I wonder if it can withstand the destruction of my exclusive artifact.

But if you can't resist, you're destroying the owner's things, right?

Gouzi was tangled in his heart for a while, but in the end the curiosity in his heart still led Gouzi to do what he wanted to do.

"If you die, just die. At most, the master will give you a scolding."

After Gouzi said these words, Gouzi had already made up his mind.

Gouzi reached out and took out his axe.

Gouzi struck down with an axe. This was an ax attack that could deal more than 5,000 points of damage.

But this protective shield was motionless.

When no one noticed, in the control center, an energy crystal on the energy conversion furnace suddenly became transparent at this time.

The physicality of this energy crystal is only 1/10 of other crystals.

"Bah bah"

Gouzi spat on his hands and poked them hard. The next moment he turned on his angry look, and his whole body's aura suddenly surged.

"I didn't expect you to be so hard, but I'm really curious, can you withstand my injury?"

Gouzi said.

This time it exploded with double the power.

Just hit the protective shield with a slash.

The giant ax fell, but the protective shield remained motionless.

But in the control center of the naval ship, the energy crystal suddenly dimmed by two points.

"This protective shield is pretty good."

Lin Sheng praised.

After hearing what Lin Sheng said, Gouzi looked back at Lin Sheng with an embarrassed expression.

"Master, I'm just curious."

"It's okay, if you don't try it, I still want you to try it together.

How about everyone try attacking this protective shield. "

Lin Sheng said with a smile.

Following Lin Sheng's words, everyone on the ship was eager to give it a try.

Seeing that Lin Sheng didn't look like a joke, everyone immediately tried it.

For a time, countless attacks attacked the naval ship's protective shield.

There is nothing unusual about the protective cover.

However, the energy in the naval ship control center is consumed very quickly.

An energy crystal turned into nothingness and was replaced by a spare energy crystal.

Two energy crystals...

Until the last energy crystal was exhausted, the water ball in the hand of a mermaid girl flew out directly.

"Ah, I didn't mean it."

The mermaid girl panicked and explained immediately.

Lin Sheng touched his chin. The protective shield failed?

"Boss, the ship has no energy again."

Old Jack said affirmatively after looking at the changes in the ship.

Lin Sheng walked towards the control center and found that all the crystals on the energy converter were used up.

Lin Sheng took out the energy placed next to the converter.

Then he installed it again.

After the energy of the ship was restored, the protective shield was opened again.

After trying for another hour, Lin Sheng confirmed that the energy of the energy crystal was consumed every 2 hours when the ship was not attacked.

And the flower under attack depends on the attack power.

However, with this protective shield, the ship is truly invincible.

Lin Sheng selected two people from the mermaids to be responsible for the means of adding energy crystals to the control center.

Let them ensure the invincibility of the ship at any time.

Lin Sheng's old Jack activated the unilateral output shield mode. The shield can resist people from outside attacking, but it is a one-way channel that will not be blocked when people on the ship attack outside the ship.

After Lin Sheng confirmed the power of the shield, he took out the five dragon sculptures and the golden dragon ball he had obtained before.

The dragon ball was put into the small mouth of the five dragon sculptures.

The dragon head of the five dragon sculptures opened its mouth and golden light came out of its eyes.

Then the second sculpture opened its eyes.

But its cage mouth was not opened.

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