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Chapter 136: Sky Barrier, Island in the Clouds

"whats the matter?"

Lin Sheng asked.

"It's like this. If one of us wants to invite you to help attack a wave of YD people's base, will you help?"

Po Jun asked.

"If you want to come back with revenge, I don't recommend this. Look at it this way. If we beat the other side, and the other side beats us, then do we still need to develop? The best way is for us to develop well and make the other party envious. Come and beg us, that’s the best way.”

Lin Sheng expressed his suggestion.

Po Jun nodded and left. He was going to take Lin Sheng's statement back.

After all, when he came here, it was because of the different opinions of the leaders, but as Lin Sheng, the most powerful combatant, all weapons were in Lin Sheng's hands. No matter how long the leaders discussed, they still had to see what Lin Sheng meant.

This time it was clearly the decision to choose leaders who prioritized development that won the day.

After Po Jun left, Dapeng Bird was also ready.

It grew larger on the sea surface next to the naval ship, waiting for Lin Sheng and others to come up.

Lin Sheng took Gouzi, Kong Kongyi, Paipai and Shen Ling.

Lin Sheng finally decided to go up together with five people.

Others followed Old Jack to guard the naval ship.

After Lin Sheng and the other five stepped on Dapeng's back, Dapeng spread its wings and flapped its huge wings vigorously.

There were ripples on the sea surface, and the body of the roc slowly flew into the air.

However, the flight of the Dapeng and the breath of wind left behind by the flapping of its wings caused the butterfly effect.

On the sea surface quite far away from the naval ship.

The yd man was looking at the wooden boards he had brought back with joy. Just when he was about to celebrate, the sea water suddenly surged and rushed directly onto the big raft that the yd man used as his base.

The raft base shook for a while. The wooden planks just obtained fell into the sea in an instant and scattered in all directions.

Many Yd people were also thrown into the sea together with the materials on the raft and struggled desperately.

Almost all the Yd people's conspiracy was wiped out because of this sudden small tsunami.

Lin Sheng and others had already flown into the sky on the roc.

Under the blue sky, a giant bird soared in the sky.

The Dapeng chirped happily, and the flying position immediately increased again, even breaking through the layers of clouds and mist in an attempt to penetrate the atmosphere.

But before the roc could get close to the atmosphere, the entire bird's head seemed to hit an invisible barrier.

At this moment, Dapeng felt like stars were popping up in his eyes, and the whole bird body suddenly slid down in the air.

"Dapeng, what are you doing?"

Lin Sheng immediately scolded, Dapeng's pursuit not only made Lin Sheng feel uncomfortable, but also made the five people on Dapeng's back break into a cold sweat.

After hearing the scolding, Dapeng quickly shook his head and stabilized his body, allowing Lin Sheng and others to regain their balance.

"Master, I don't want to either. Who knows there seems to be a barrier above."

Dapeng can't fly as high as it can descend, so it can use the inertia of its descent to reach Sky Island faster. After all, Sky City Island is still far away from the naval ship.

"You are a big bird after all, will you be stopped by this kind of barrier?"

Lin Sheng said angrily.

The Dapeng bird knew that he had not made it clear and made Lin Sheng mistakenly think that it was Blue Star's natural barrier.

So he hurriedly explained: "Master, this barrier is not what you think. It is like a restriction imposed by someone."

"Go up and have a look."

When Dapeng said this, Lin Sheng also became curious about this barrier.

What exactly is it.

With the full flight of the roc, it finally reached the barrier again.

"It's right here, Master. My head still hurts."

Lin Sheng stretched out his hand and touched it, and indeed felt a solid barrier between his fingers.

So he said: "Come closer."

Dapeng approached the barrier, and Lin Sheng pressed his entire palm on the barrier. It felt like there was an extra wall in front of him.

Lin Sheng was shocked.

I had never heard of rockets flying into the sky or planes flying before. How could it be like this now?

Lin Sheng took out the Xuanyuan Broken Sword and struck it with one strike, but it had no effect at all.

"Master, if I guess correctly, maybe there is a super strong person who has blocked Blue Star."

Kong Kongyi said gently after examining it for a while.


What the hell? Lin Sheng looked at Kong Kongyi and waited for Kong Kongyi’s next words.

"It's like this. According to the records of our mermaid tribe, there are many races in the universe. They have different levels of brain development according to different levels of civilization.

When the level of brain development reaches a certain level, everything can be generated with thoughts.

If the barrier in front of us is correct, that should be it. "

Lin Sheng was stunned for a while after listening to Kong Kongyi's words.

But the next moment, Lin Sheng came to his senses and said, "Have you been restricted by someone else's arrangement?"

Lin Sheng touched his chin at the same time and started thinking.

It is true that all these changes in Blue Star have happened too fast.

There was no sign of the catastrophe. But now it seems that there is a big hand behind all this.

Who is this person who can control the entire world? Lin Sheng can't think of it now and can only think about it later.

"Dapeng, don't worry about coming here for now, let's go to Sky Island."

Dapeng was on the road again, but Lin Sheng felt extremely heavy.

Someone has made a plan for Blue Star, so is there someone manipulating this sudden ocean world?

If these powerful cosmic beings from higher civilizations can do this to Blue Star, will they do other things in the future?

Lin Sheng shuddered when he thought of this.

After all, just the global flooding of the sea has led to the current situation.

For unknown dangers, Lin Sheng's mind is more certain.

He wants to survive!

Survive with Shen Ling and everyone on the ship.

Oh no, if the future enemy will be a life form in the universe, then it is necessary to develop more power and become stronger.

Even... help cultivate a powerful force.

"Master, we are here"

Just as Lin Sheng was thinking, the big peng bird passed through the clouds, landed on the edge of the island with white clouds at the bottom, and said to Lin Sheng.

"Is this the Sky Island?"

Lin Sheng exclaimed, looking over.

The Sky Island is surrounded by snow-white clouds, and the entire island stands in the clouds.

As far as the eye can see, the white clouds on the trees on the island seem to grow on the branches like leaves.

"Go to the island."

The big roc slowly landed on the sky island. Lin Sheng and the other five fell from the big roc, and then the big roc slowly shrank to the size of a person and stood beside Lin Sheng.

"It's so beautiful here."

Shen Ling said.

This sky island feels like a paradise.

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