When Lin Sheng came to his senses, he was happy for his correct decision to take the dwarf tribe into his hands.

He didn't know before that the restoration of the ancient artifact needed to be completed by the dwarf tribe.

But it's not too late to know now, the dwarves of the dwarf tribe are now his people.

Lin Sheng looked ahead, this endless road, Lin Sheng shook his head, or wait until the next time to explore this cave world, after all, today's time in the cave world has been long enough.

And the purpose of this visit has been achieved.

After getting the Forget Worry Spring Water, it's better to go back and treat those in need first.

Lin Sheng was also afraid that if time was delayed, those who had undead embryos planted in their bodies would be sucked clean of vitality and die.

Lin Sheng didn't know how long it would take for the undead embryos to mature.

Lin Sheng said: "Let's go back first."

After Lin Sheng's voice fell, he led Gou Zi and others to the way back.

Walking on the way back.

When Lin Sheng passed by the Forgetful Spring, the ghosts did not notice them at all, or simply did not care.

When Lin Sheng walked out of the cave entrance, a black shadow appeared in the cave.

"Shengye? This action is really fast. He has reached this point so quickly. The abyss is not far away from him.

Hehe, but the abyss is afraid that your Shengye will be buried."

The shadow's empty voice became smaller and smaller until it dissipated, and the owner of the voice, the illusory black shadow, also disappeared at the same time.


Lin Sheng, who returned to the ship, entertained the dwarf king directly at the urging of Paipai.

Three minutes ago.

"Boss, hurry up, you promised me in the cave world, you quickly take me to find the dwarf king for help, you can't go back on your word."

Lin Sheng looked at the anxious Paipai and said helplessly: "Okay, come with me."

Lin Sheng agreed so decisively because he didn't want to be bothered by Paipai anymore.

When Lin Sheng arrived at the location of the dwarf tribe, he saw the dwarf king hammering a weapon.

The sound of "ding ding dang dang" continued to spread in the air.

This is also what the dwarf king often does. After all, if you don't do it for a long time, your skills will become rusty.

Lin Sheng took Paipai and waited quietly by the side without disturbing the dwarf king at the first time.

Time passed bit by bit until the dwarf king took the weapon he forged from the forging furnace and put it into the water, making a "sizzling" sound.

The dwarf king's attention shifted from the weapon to Lin.

He saw Lin Sheng and Paipai waiting for him.

The dwarf king said respectfully to Lin Sheng: "Boss, you are here."

The dwarf king just arrived and his attention was completely focused on weapon forging.

"Well, ah, try to see if this thing can be repaired?"

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, he signaled to Paipai with his eyes.

"Brother Short, take a look at this."

After Paipai understood Lin Sheng's eyes, he immediately took out his Thor's hammer and weapon fragments.

He looked at the Dwarf King in a flattering manner.

The Dwarf King's eyes fell on the weapon in Paipai's hand.

He couldn't move his eyes away immediately.

Repair of ancient artifacts.

To be honest, the dwarves have always had a magical obsession with repairing ancient artifacts since ancient times.

If they can repair ancient artifacts, they will think it is a supreme honor.

The Dwarf King's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "I can try."

"Hmm? Let go!"

The Dwarf King was about to take away the exclusive artifact in Paipai's hand, but Paipai held the exclusive artifact tightly and was unwilling to let go.

After hearing the words of the Dwarf King, Paipai let go.

"Oh, okay, Brother Short, you try."

Paipai let go of the weapon and let the Dwarf King take it away.

After the dwarf king took the weapon away, he immediately came to the forging table.

Then he took out a strange bottle from his big box.

The dwarf king poured the powder in the bottle on Thor's hammer.

The next moment he placed Thor's hammer on the forging table.

The flame of the forging table suddenly burned vigorously.

Thor's hammer, which was placed on the forging table, was roasted by the high temperature, and the surface began to slowly soften.

But the prototype of Thor's hammer did not change at all.

The fragments were placed on the softened Thor's hammer by the dwarf king.

Then the fragments began to melt, and the liquid melted by the fragments slowly wrapped Thor's hammer.

And these liquids were constantly absorbed by Thor's hammer.

The white lightning on the surface of Thor's hammer, which was originally a little dim, became more and more dazzling at this time, as if it didn't need to be used yet, and Thor's hammer would always send out lightning arc attacks.

After the repair was completed.

The Dwarf King took out his weapon, and he didn't even need to rinse it with water. The high temperature on Thor's Hammer turned into normal temperature the next moment.

The Dwarf King casually threw Thor's Hammer to Paipai.

Paipai was terrified, but he was afraid that Thor's Hammer would fall to the ground and be damaged for some reason.

He caught Thor's Hammer and immediately became a little slow to the Dwarf King.

Just when Paipai wanted to argue, the Dwarf King said: "Try it, it should be okay."

After hearing the Dwarf King's words, Paipai was stunned.

He also felt that the Thor's Hammer was not hot enough to burn his hands.

Paipai's exclusive [Damaged Thor's Hammer (40%)

Level 1 (Growable)

Attack Power +1000

Attack Power +1000

Damage +20%

50% True Damage

Paipai's exclusive weapon, Paipai gains 30% increase in all attributes when using it.

Skills: Lightning Cyclone, Ten Thousand Volt Hammer, Thunder Smash (2/5)]

The attributes of Thor's Hammer have been greatly improved this time. Paipai looked at the faint lightning on Thor's Hammer, his eyes were full of surprise, and his original dissatisfaction was immediately dispersed by the surprise.

Paipai thanked him: "Thank you, Brother Dwarf."

Paipai took his Thor's Hammer and threw it in a direction that Lin Sheng didn't understand.

Then Lin Sheng looked at the Dwarf King and smiled helplessly.

"Master, if you need to repair ancient artifacts next time, you can come to me directly, and I will complete them one by one."

Although the Dwarf King did not show any skills, he did clearly see the changes that took place on the artifacts during the repair process.

This hope for change brought the Dwarf King a lot of gains.

He also hoped that one day he could create a weapon that was as famous as the ancient artifacts.


After Lin Sheng finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the medical room.

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