After all, who made him the one who was hit the hardest by Hoho?

The hellhound had been chasing him since the first encounter.

Now he saw the opportunity to counterattack.

How could Paipai be willing to give up this opportunity for revenge.

Paipai, who was the first to approach the hellhound, directly hit the hellhound with a thunder hammer.

After the hellhound was hit hard, it just looked back at Paipai with hatred and continued to run.

It was unwilling. It was obviously a guy who was being crushed by it, but it dared to chase it at this time.

The hellhound ran all the way, and its health dropped all the way.

Until only 300,000 health points were left, the hellhound stopped.

When the health was less than or equal to 10%, the hellhound would fall into a violent state.

The hellhound in a violent state turned into a hellhound with black flames all over its body at this time.

When it turned around, it was about to descend upon the sea of ​​hellfire.

I only saw the three-headed hellhound spitting hellfire randomly.

If you don't look carefully, you will only feel that the three-headed hellhound is spitting fire randomly, which is something that only a person with a weak mind can do.

However, Lin Sheng noticed that something was wrong and immediately said: "Everyone be careful, things may not go well."

Lin Sheng had just finished speaking.

The flames spit out by the three-headed hellhound began to gather at this time.

A black sea of ​​fire was formed directly on the ground. This wrapped everyone in the sea of ​​fire.

However, this fire is its home field, and it will not bring it any pressure at all.

However, the sea of ​​hellfire is a very stressful thing for Lin Sheng and others.

Looking at the three-headed hellhound walking freely in the sea of ​​fire, the faces of Lin Sheng and others were extremely ugly. At this moment, they can all feel that when they are in the sea of ​​hellfire, the physical condition is getting worse little by little, such as the blood volume is slowly losing, and the average blood volume will be lost by 3 to 5 points per second.

And its mobility was still restricted.

The hellhound flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

However, with the previous experience, everyone was alert enough and looked back to see the hellhound that was about to pounce and hit.

The hellhound paused and was discovered. If it was discovered, it would fail.

The hellhound disappeared and hid directly in the forest of hellfire.

Shen Ling's frown relaxed at this time.

The demon refining pot in his hand was opened immediately.


Shen Ling's voice fell.

After receiving the order, the demon refining pot began to absorb.

The black flames of the hellfire sea were collected in the demon refining pot and became the nutrients of the Samadhi True Fire the next moment.

Shen Ling, who was still worried about whether the demon refining pot could absorb the hellfire, was relieved.

After the hellfire was absorbed completely, the hellhound appeared in front of everyone.

The hellhound stared blankly at Lin Sheng and others with a lot of question marks in their heads.

"??? Where is my hellfire? Why is it gone?"

The hellhound was confused at this moment.

Its hellfire is its home ground. As long as the hellfire is released, the place covered by the sea of ​​fire will be its territory. Once the enemy is covered by the sea of ​​fire, it will basically be harvested by it.

And the hellfire, which has always been regarded as its strongest trump card, was destroyed by someone.

"Ah, this guy is hiding here."

Paipai shouted immediately after discovering that the hellhound was not far away from him.

This shout immediately exposed the position of the hellhound, and Lin Sheng and others immediately joined forces to attack the hellhound.

The hellhound quickly lost its blood volume in the face of Lin Sheng's attack, and turned into wisps of black gas on the spot and dissipated in the air.

The moment the hellhound just died, the whole cave was shaken.

[The cave is destroyed, explorers should leave as soon as possible]

A prompt suddenly appeared in front of Lin Sheng and others.

After seeing the prompt, Lin Sheng fell into deep shock. It turned out that the crisis of the cave could be solved by delivering the leader in the abyss.

[Reminder again: The cave is about to collapse, please leave the cave immediately. ]

After Lin Sheng reacted, he immediately pulled Shen Ling to the entrance of the cave.

"Let's get out of here quickly."

At the same time, Lin Sheng did not forget to shout to everyone, asking everyone to follow and leave here together.

A group of people ran out in a mighty manner.

Just at the moment when the last person just left the cave, the cave behind him made a rumbling sound of something falling to the ground.

When everyone looked back, what came into view was that the entire cave entrance was constantly filled with broken stones falling from the top to the ground.

As the broken stones continued to fall, the cave collapsed immediately.

Is this... destroyed?

Lin Sheng and others looked at the collapsed cave in a daze for a long time.

In the void.

The spirit of Hanba, who was suppressed by the blue shadow man, suddenly became weak, and then Hanba's head tilted and he fainted.

After seeing this scene, the blue shadow man smiled.

"Did they get backlash? It seems that the Blue Star people are growing quite well."

The blue shadow man said this happily.

Above the ocean, Lin Sheng shook his head. The disaster in the cave was over, and he led the rest of the people back to the naval ship.

Back on the naval ship, Lin Sheng took out the soul crystals, and then he became worried again.

The cave is gone, and the undead creatures should also disappear. So where will the source of the soul crystal be obtained?

Lin Sheng didn't think too much, and he would talk about the future matters later.

Just when Lin Shengcai was thinking this, Po Jun ran over from a distance.

He panted in front of Lin Sheng and said, "Master Sheng, you are back."

It turned out that when Lin Sheng came back and flew through the air on his thunder dragon, Bei Pojun saw it.

"Well, nothing happened."

Lin Sheng just asked out of habit.

After all, you can see when something happens.

Po Jun shook his head and nodded and said: "Nothing has happened now, but something will happen soon.

The swarm of bugs you mentioned before are coming towards us.

It only takes a day to arrive at our island base. "

"It seems I came back in time."

Lin Sheng said after thinking clearly.

Fortunately, he is back now with a large number of soul crystals. Otherwise, when he comes back, he will have to face those bugs without any preparation.

But now that he had enough strength and materials, Lin Sheng was confident that he could deal with those bugs.

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