Disaster Survival: Start the ocean sign-in 100 times increase

Chapter 248 Energy Problems of Energy Concentrator Cannon

"How come they came back so quickly?"

Lin Sheng had just started to wonder.

Po Jun told his men to open the defense line, and then ran towards Lin Sheng.

"Sheng Ye, oh my god, those bugs are really as BT as they can be, our outer defense line can't defend against them at all.

Sheng Ye, can you bring your men to help us?"

Po Jun thought so in his heart, and he didn't know the specific situation of how much difference there was between his own strength and Lin Sheng's strength, but what he could be sure of was that Lin Sheng was definitely stronger than him, and there were so many masters under Lin Sheng's command.

Po Jun believed that as long as Lin Sheng's men helped, the crisis from those bugs would definitely be perfectly resolved.

"Hmm? Well, then, are you going to trap all these bugs outside?"

Lin Sheng asked with some doubts.

Pojun's expression suddenly became serious, and then he said: "Yes, that's what I thought.

This is our last line of defense. If these bugs break through this line of defense again, then our island base will be in real danger."

Lin Sheng nodded and signaled Pojun to take them away to make preparations.

After Pojun got Lin Sheng's consent, he left directly to Lin's first generation of defense line.

However, just when Pojun arrived at the defense line, the war broke out.

These bugs rushed to the defense line desperately, and Pojun was leading people to attack these bugs.

On Lin Sheng's side, Lin Sheng said to the people on the ship: "Get ready to go to support these compatriots of our Dragon Country."

After Lin Sheng's voice fell, Gouzi and his people took their people and set off on the water floating tools that had been prepared long ago.

One after another, figures left the ship and continued to move forward on the sea.

In this way, these figures kept moving on the sea.

They rushed to the bugs.

Each time these ship members pass by a bug, they will stop for a while. After solving the bug in front of them, they will move to other bugs to kill them.

However, at this time, when Lin Sheng was about to leave, Old Jack came out to stop Lin Sheng from leaving.

"Boss, I found something and I want to tell you now."

"What is it?"

Lin Sheng asked in confusion.

Old Jack pointed to the energy-gathering cannon installed at the front of the ship.

"Boss, it's this cannon. I just found out that the energy required by the cannon is not provided by our ships, and it seems that the energy can only be provided by the ancient artifacts in your hands."

As soon as Old Jack's voice fell, he immediately attracted Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng asked: "How much power can the energy cannon exert?"

"The upper limit is not clear at the moment, but according to my inference, as long as the energy is sufficient, it may destroy the entire planet or even the entire universe. Of course, if it is a single attack, it should be easy to destroy a planet."

Lin Sheng was shocked by what Old Jack said.

Then he looked at Old Jack excitedly and said: "If that's the case, then try it first."

"Okay, boss, please follow me."

Old Jack said as he led Lin Sheng to the Supreme Energy Cannon.

When they came to the energy cannon.

Old Jack opened a groove on the energy cannon.

"Boss, you can now insert the weapon in your hand."

Lin Sheng began to try as Old Jack said. Just when the Xuanyuan Broken Sword was inserted, a screen appeared on the energy cannon, and icons appeared on the screen.

Xuanyuan Sword 40%, Demon Refining Pot 0%, Axe of Creation 0%, Thor's Hammer 0%

"What is this?"

Lin Sheng's eyes were full of doubts.

But Old Jack's eyes became excited.

"Boss, this is exactly what I thought.

The energy source used by this energy-gathering cannon is exactly these exclusive artifacts.

Now, boss, listen to me and let me explain it to you.

For example, among the four weapons here, only your Xuanyuan Sword, which has been repaired by 40%..."

Old Jack introduced himself happily.

After listening for a long time, Lin Sheng finally said: "Old Jack, I am not too clear about what you said. Just tell me directly whether the power of this energy-gathering cannon can blow away these bugs?"

After being asked by Lin Sheng, Old Jack looked at the bugs that were fighting with humans, and then said: "Yes, but compatriots need to evacuate."

After hearing what Old Jack said, Lin Sheng said to Paipai, who was waiting to spend the afternoon with him: "You go and notify first... Forget it."

Before Lin Sheng finished speaking, he gave up this idea.

Then he took out the survival manual and sent a message to Pojun. It should be because Pojun needed to report the news at any time, so he kept holding the manual and waiting for notification at any time.

Now he saw the message sent by Lin Sheng. Although he had some doubts in his heart after reading the message, Hai Shou agreed with Lin Sheng's idea.

He immediately organized his own people.

And Lin Sheng set his eyes on Paipai and Shen Ling.

Then he said: "Exclusive artifact."

The two had been watching beside Lin Sheng, and immediately understood what Lin Sheng meant, so they took out their exclusive artifacts and did what Lin Sheng had done before.

When Old Jack saw that 20% of the Demon Refining Pot and 40% of Thor's Hammer had entered the energy cannon, he immediately became excited.

The three weapons charged the energy cannon to 25%.

This 25% power is enough to kill these bugs instantly.

"Boss, you may not be able to kill them with one shot before, but now I can guarantee that with the energy cannon, you can definitely kill more than 90% of those bugs with one shot."

The main reason is that the number of bugs is too scattered, and Old Jack dare not guarantee that the energy cannon is 100% effective.

So he can only say this.

Po Jun continued to evacuate soldiers and also notified the dog who led the team to help.

After Gouzi came back, he asked in confusion: "Boss, what's wrong?"

"Why do you put all your weapons here?"

Gouzi noticed the weapons in the hands of the people locked on the energy cannon. Lin Sheng and others did not explain it.

It was because the people led by Pojun were about to leave.

Rather than describing it, it would be better to let Gouzi see the real power of the energy cannon with his own eyes.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Pojun's people had already left the position where Lin was in sight.

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