"Let's go, Paipai will lead the way."

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, he followed Paipai, and then shouted loudly to Gouzi who was busy: "Gouzi, all the people who have called you are ready to fight."

After Gouzi heard Lin Sheng's call, he immediately summoned all the busy savages.

When Lin Sheng came to the edge of the ark, what he saw was a vast sea, with green-faced and fanged sharks. Their bodies were tightly wrapped in fish scales, and there were sharks stepping on them. The mounts were surrounding the Ark from a distance at extremely fast speeds.

These sharks all held spears made of huge fish bones in their hands.

If you count carefully, there are as many as 300 in number.

And the total number of people on his ark, including himself, Paipai and the savages, was only 53 people.

Divided evenly, unless one person kills more than 6 sharks.

And those who are truly capable of combat need to exclude those child savages, that is, there are only 43 people.

Lin Sheng swallowed his saliva.

This is the biggest crisis we have faced since our rebirth.

Lin Sheng's expression suddenly became serious.

"Gouzi, have everyone line up and aim at these sharks. When they get into range, they will shoot them hard!"

Lin Sheng was so anxious that he yelled out. The sharks riding sharks were only a thousand meters away from his ark. It wouldn't take long for these sharks to get close to the ark.

If left unchecked, the Ark would be lost.

After hearing the order, Gouzi responded and arranged for his tribe members.

The sharks still have 900 meters to reach the ark.

The sharks still have 500 meters to reach the ark.

The sharks still have two hundred meters to reach the ark.

"Fire the arrow!"

Lin Sheng roared.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

All the savages who had already nocked arrows and drew their bows loosened their hands on the bow strings, and the arrows turned into a rain of arrows and soared into the sky, shooting towards the sky above the sharks.

Arrows fell towards the sharks like falling stars.

Bright red numbers lit up on the bodies of the three hundred shark soldiers.




The attack power of each savage is different.

The arrow shot by Lin Sheng hit a shark, and large red numbers floated on its head.


In an instant, the shark's blood volume was emptied and he fell into the sea.

Lin Sheng thought to himself that since he could kill the opponent instantly, he could still fight.

At the same time, I felt lucky in my heart. These sharks were not the octopuses from before. Otherwise, with such a large number, they would really have no choice but to run away.

Oh no, you probably can’t escape either.

Just as the arrow in the savages' hands was shot, another arrow suddenly appeared in their hands. This was all due to the effect of the infinite enchantment book.

Let this consumable appear continuously.

And those savages used to hunt a lot on the island, and they were very annoyed about the lack of arrows after the arrows were consumed.

Now the arrows can be used unlimitedly, and cheers continue for a while.

The cheers turned into the sound of arrows being fired.

On average, these savages kill a shark with three arrows.

As for the shark at the shark's feet, after the shark was shot, it escaped from the shark's control and dived into the sea with a pop, and did not continue to emerge.

"Fortunately, these sharks have not been tamed by the sharks."

Lin Sheng said happily, but the arrows in his hand kept flying.

Facing the arrows, the sharks looked left and right, watching helplessly as their clan members died, but they were helpless.

There was no fear on their faces, but instead they became increasingly angry, making their faces even more ferocious.

80 meters, 50/300 shark casualties

50 meters, 120/300 shark casualties

30 meters, 210/300 shark casualties

10 meters, 270/300 shark casualties

After all, 30 sharks slipped through the net.

These sharks immediately gave up on the sharks under their feet, kicked their feet hard, and flew into the air, holding the fish bone weapons in their hands high.

But the shark used as a pedal was stepped on and sank into the sea.

Lin Sheng saw the shark's jumping ability was so strong, he immediately put down his bow and arrow and took out his spear. The spear peeled off a piece of the shark's skin, and blocked the fish bone weapon that the shark struck from the air.

After blocking, the spear in Lin Sheng's hand turned and cut off the shark's head. Suddenly, the shark fell from the sky and fell into the sea.

Lin Sheng's side was handling the battle in an orderly manner, but the savage tribe was in a different situation.

Some savages were frightened by the jumping sharks, and when they were distracted, the sharks took advantage of the opportunity and left a wound on their body.

The sharks also successfully boarded the deck, and after they came up, they continued to attack the injured savages relentlessly.

Lin Sheng became angry when he saw more than twenty sharks coming onto the deck.

These are all troublesome laborers for you. If you don’t have them, who will farm for you?

Who breeds them for themselves?

In addition, he plans to teach them how to cook so that he will not have to cook in the future.

These beautiful futures will be destroyed by these sharks.

The sin is unpardonable!

Lin Sheng waved the spear in his hand and killed one shark after another. The spear in his hand was thrown out and penetrated directly through the body of a shark, nailing it to the deck.

Taking advantage of the situation, he nocked an arrow in his hand and drew the bow, and shot out arrows one after another, saving the savages who were almost killed from the hands of the sharks.

Paipai was also angry. He took out a can of spinach and ate it. The anger in his body suddenly surged, and he tore the shark in front of him in half with his bare hands.

After the battle, Lin Sheng dropped the bow and arrow in his hand and sat directly on the deck.

"Ganni, you are so tired."

Lin Sheng complained, and Gouzi came to Lin Sheng.

"How about the death of Gouzi?" Lin Sheng asked when he saw Gouzi coming.

"Master, I just want to say that at this time, none of our people are dead, but everyone is injured, and I am afraid they will not survive."

Gouzi reported with a serious expression.

"What? He's not dead, and he can't live. What nonsense are you talking about, bitch?"

Lin Sheng couldn't help but cursed.

If he's not dead, he's not dead. Wouldn't it be better if he was treated?

"Master, our savage tribe has no medical technology. Generally, if you are seriously injured, you have to wait for death without any treatment."

Gouzi said seriously.

Lin Sheng:......

Medical treatment, yes, my own Ark does not have medical personnel and equipment yet.

But where can we find medical equipment and doctors in this catastrophic world?

Lin Sheng fell silent immediately.

At this moment, Kong Kongyi, who had been hiding just after the sharks got on the boat, popped out.

"Master, why don't you let me try?"

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