Then Lin Sheng patted his shaped cannon and said confidently to Po Jun: "If they dare to resist later, I will show you the power of the shaped cannon in my hand."

After hearing Lin Sheng's words, Po Jun looked at the shaped cannon and immediately thought of the extremely powerful energy beam from before.

He immediately smiled and nodded.

In his heart, he was also glad that he had brought Lin Sheng with him.

Otherwise, if Rice Guo's base has too powerful weapons, wouldn't they be the ones to die?

When the fleet arrived at the edge of the base, someone from the base shouted to Lin Sheng and others on the ship: "Who are you? Stop approaching and accept our inspection!"

After shouting these words, the people on the base fired artillery directly at the fleet.

The artillery bombarded the fleet, and two ships were directly trampled.

Hai was undergoing a shitty examination. At this time, Po Jun became angry when he saw Lin's scene.

Directly give Dalin orders to the soldiers on the fleet. "Everyone, pick up your weapons and attack directly!"

Under Po Jun's order, everyone picked up their weapons at this time and aimed at the people on the base in a frantic attack.

Those people at the base on the opposite side of the fleet were all confused at this time. Didn't one of your dozens or hundreds of ships get trampled? As for coming back with such an attack that's like going crazy?

But in confusion, they still hurriedly started looking for bunkers to escape.

Comparing these barrages is no joke.

The sound of rumbling artillery fire continued, which could be said to be what Pojun would do if he wanted to level this base.

But the Miguo warriors who had already hid were stunned at this time.

They were thinking, with great annoyance, why they were being counterattacked.

The more he thought about it, the more irritated he became. He immediately raised the gun in his hand, pointed it in the direction of the artillery fire, and fired a shot.

The gunshot signal immediately spread all over the place. At this time, everyone on the base directly picked up the weapon in Lin's hand. Some people even went directly to the weapons warehouse on the base to adjust Lin's weapon. Prepare to fight back with all your strength.

When Lin Sheng on the naval ship saw this scene in front of him from a distance, he immediately asked Gouzi and others to hand over their exclusive artifacts. He was going to activate the shaped cannon. Otherwise, after the enemies on Heavy Rain Base had their weapons ready, his ships would definitely be fine.

But the people and weapons and ships brought by Po Jun are afraid that they will suffer directly.

Facing these people, Lin Sheng couldn't just run up and fight with them alone.

So Lin Sheng installed all the artifacts in his hands. Above the cannon's outlet, an energy beam continued to gather. The next moment, this energy beam was fired directly towards Lin's island base.

The power of the energy beam has been adjusted to 50% this time.

In this way, this beam of light directly bombarded half of the island base and turned it into dregs.

"Oh, I hope what I want won't be destroyed."

Lin Sheng also had no way to control the power of the energy beam, turning it on and off whenever he wanted.

So I could only pray silently.

It was at this time that Po Jun looked at Lin Sheng and his eyes became extremely strange.

This look is half like looking at a monster.

You must know that this is an island base. You have to waste a lot of power at least. In the end, you only used half of the tentacles to deal with those people.

After the power of Lin Sheng's shaped cannon exploded, those people no longer dared to resist.

Didn't everyone just raise the white flag and surrender?

Po Jun immediately became happy when he saw these surrendered people, and directly led his people up to guard these guys.

In the hands of the Pojun people, after the weapons of these Miguo people were taken away, there was no threat.

Lin Sheng also walked up, "I'll leave the matter here to Pojun. I'm going to go over there and have a look."

Lin Sheng's goal was the ship from the Red Sea.

Lin Shenghen expected that the ship would bring some difference to Lin Sheng.

Po Jun nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Sheng, please go slowly."

Po Jun suddenly said hello to Lin Sheng and then watched Lin Sheng turn around and leave.

: "Hey, brothers, I searched them for them. If you find any treasures, take them out. If there are any new things, keep them and make a report. If they are useful, hand them in later. The credit will definitely go to you guys."

Po Jun's words immediately made everyone excited.

When Po Jun's men were acting bravely, Lin Sheng had already arrived at the edge of the base.

After Lin Sheng arrived here, he immediately opened the deck door of the strange ship near the sea.

Then Lin Sheng strode up like this.

Before Lin Sheng could react, he had already seen the Miguo man unconscious in front of him, but at this time Lin Sheng did frown. Apart from anything else, if he saw it right, this Miguo man would have died during the experiment.

So at this time, Lin Sheng kicked the opponent away and continued walking inside.

When he came to a stone door that had been pried open.

Then Lin Sheng noticed that there was something about the medicine here. There were no finished medicines, but the formula of the medicine was still there.

Lin Sheng immediately collected these medicine formulas.

Then when I took a look at it, I immediately discovered the problem.

The potion effects produced by these potion formulas can actually persist until the attribute points of the seventh level of strength are increased.

Lin Sheng regretted it. If he had known that he had come here from the beginning, he wouldn't have been cheated out of so many things by the mysterious businessman.

At this time, Lin Sheng's eyes were attracted by a room on the naval ship.

Lin Sheng stepped in and the next moment he saw several quaint books placed in the ship's room.

Lin Sheng opened a book at random.

This is a record of food expenses during the voyage.

The next book is a novel to pass the time when you are bored.

But the next book caught Lin Sheng's attention.

What is written in that book is the Red Sea Diary!

Lin Sheng suddenly felt a roar in his head.

"Ah this..."

Lin Sheng hurriedly opened the Red Sea Diary.

His attention was quickly attracted by the records on the Red Sea Diary.

“In XXXX, my ship mistakenly entered the Red Sea and there was only one ship left. I used the item prize I was lucky enough to get to upgrade the ship to a ship that can sail on the Red Sea route.

But in my naivety, I actually tried to challenge the end of the Red Sea. In the end, luckily among misfortunes, I escaped from the forest and came back in a naval ship.

If you give me another chance, I will never go there again. The end of the Red Sea is..."

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