After Gouzi received Lin Sheng's order, he left immediately and launched the naval ship.

The dog quickly swam to the edge of the island.

Then Gouzi reached out and took out the Sky-Opening Ax. With Gouzi's force, the Sky-Opening Ax in his hand was chopped directly on a tree on the edge of the island.

At this moment, the Sky-Opening Ax in Gouzi's hand chopped down the big tree in front of him with great force, but the Sky-Opening Ax's offensive ended at this moment.

Gouzi was stunned and did not expect that these pieces of wood would be so strong. According to Gouzi's estimate, not to mention the sky-opening ax in his hand, it could split a large forest with one blow, but one person would not be able to split only one forest. A big tree is as simple as that.

Soon Gouzi figured out the importance of this matter, although it was difficult to remove large trees.

But he can still get rid of these big trees little by little.

At this time, Lin Sheng on the naval ship saw Gouzi working hard to chop down trees. He watched the big trees around Gouzi fall down one by one and then pile up next to Gouzi.

Lin Sheng felt that this matter would bring inconvenience to Gouzi's movements, so he said to the savage tribe and mermaid tribe on the ship: "Come over and help, don't let those big trees that were cut down delay Gouzi." The progress of tree felling.”

As soon as Lin Sheng's words fell, those who were named by Lin Sheng immediately said: "Okay master, we will go over to help right away."

As these people finished speaking, everyone jumped from the ship into the sea, and then headed towards Gouzi's location.

When they came to Gouzi, the people of the savage tribe stood beside Gouzi one after another. The savages carried the big trees that Gouzi had chopped down one by one to the sea.

Then the mermaids of the mermaid tribe delivered the big tree trunk to the edge of the island.

This is also to avoid causing inconvenience to the movement of naval vessels.

Thanks to the efforts of everyone and Gouzi, a hole was finally torn open on the island, allowing the naval ship to dock.

"Master, I have taken care of the matter. The naval ship can dock now."

Gouzi came back and reported his results to Lin Sheng. The edge of the island that was originally surrounded by a tight ship was now, as Gouzi said, ready for naval ships to dock.

At this moment, Lin Sheng nodded and gave an order to Old Jack.

"Old Jack, let's go and bring the ship to shore."

The naval ship docked, and Lin Sheng led everyone on board the ship to disembark from the ship. For a moment, everyone was confused as to why the good-natured Lin Sheng wanted them all to come down.

Is it possible that Lin Sheng plans to lead them all to fight this time?

Their doubts were quickly dispelled by Lin Sheng's words.

“Everyone, when I asked you to get off the ship this time, I didn’t mean to take you all to the island to find the fragments.

It's because our naval ships are going to be upgraded. "After Lin Sheng finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Especially Old Jack looked at Lin Sheng worriedly. He had mixed feelings in his heart.

Upgrading a naval ship is a happy event. Once a tool better than a naval ship appears, it will be able to better utilize its strength.

But regarding the upgrade of the naval ship, Old Jack didn't know what state Lin Sheng wanted to upgrade the naval ship to.

If the naval ship is upgraded too much and it cannot pilot it, it will become useless.

Ever since he joined this team, old Jack has always been responsible for the captain's position, and in the end he even directly regarded the captain's cabin of the ship as his home.

On the ship, Old Jack spent almost all his time in the captain's cabin.

So at this time, Lin Sheng said: "I don't know what this upgrade will make the naval ship look like, but it will definitely be much better than the current naval ship."

After saying this, Lin Sheng came to Old Jack's side. The expression on Old Jack's face just now made Lin Sheng understand something.

So Lin Sheng communicated with Old Jack alone.

"Are you worried that if the naval ship is upgraded, you won't be able to use it?"

Facing the inquiry, Old Jack nodded immediately and said: "Yes, Master. I am worried about this. The naval ship has almost become my home. Master, I don't want to leave the ship. I don't want to lose my job as captain."

Listening to Old Jack's words, Lin Sheng smiled helplessly for a moment.

"Ahem, old Jack, don't get excited. You can get excited again after you listen to what I have to say."

Lin Sheng frowned after saying this to Old Jack. Old Jack calmed down a little and then waited for Lin Sheng to explain to him.

"The upgrade of naval ships only makes them better. But no matter what the naval ships are upgraded to, we still need captains who can drive them. No matter what they become, they will still be tools.

And if there are really big changes, Old Jack, you have to remember that you always bring tutorials with you when you upgrade before, right?

So, even if you can't, under the guidance of the tutorial, you must be fine, Old Jack. "

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, Old Jack nodded and suddenly realized something.

But it was just like what Lin Sheng said.

After Old Jack accepted Lin Sheng's explanation, Old Jack changed his attitude and said hurriedly: "Master, I will just wait for the good news about the upgrade of the naval ship."

Lin Sheng nodded and immediately started operating.

Take out an upgrade blueprint and then upgrade the ship directly.

"Do you want to upgrade the ship?"

A choice immediately appeared in front of Lin Sheng, and Lin Sheng decisively chose: "Yes."

After Lin Sheng's voice fell, the ship upgrade scroll disappeared at this time, and a group of colorful clouds wrapped the ship instead.

This is the ship being upgraded, and a countdown time bar appeared on the ship at this moment.


This is the countdown of 60 minutes.

As long as this time is adjusted to the end, Lin Sheng's ship can be upgraded.

"You wait here, and after the ship is upgraded, go to the ship and wait for us on the ship."

Lin Sheng explained to everyone.

Then he said: "Gouzi, Paipai, Kongkongyi, and Lingjie, you come with me."

After saying this, Lin Sheng led everyone directly to the inside of the island.

The rest of Old Jack and the others sat on the forest floor waiting. The ship only had one hour to upgrade, so for them, the signboard would pass in a moment.

Lin Sheng led everyone on the forest path on the island. It must be said that this island was full of trees, but this island was called Shenmu Island. What was so special about the trees?

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