Disaster Survival: Start the ocean sign-in 100 times increase

Chapter 365: The attitudes of various forces, the revival of the mineral veins

The speed of the flying saucer can be said to be unrivaled so far.

It didn't take long for everyone to return to the land.

Previously, whether it was the dragon country or the bear country, the land recovered even after time.

However, many mineral vein resources on land have not been restored at all.

The Miguo people who returned from the Red Sea in the Miguo base were immediately furious.

He had already used special means to know that all the people he sent for revenge were dead and not a single one survived.

Miguo's general suddenly became furious.

"The damn Dragon Kingdom actually dares to kill my Miguo warriors. I'm afraid they don't want to live anymore."

"Gather my men together and we're going to kill them."

However, no one paid heed to the general's words.

The most important reason is actually that the few Miguo soldiers who were run out died so quietly that not even a little bit of news was passed back to their friends.

For a time everyone was full of energy.

The general said angrily: "What do you mean?" After the general finished speaking, a man in black robes walked in.

"Jet, that's enough. There's no rush for revenge. We have more things to do."

The man in black robe said.

The general immediately became silent and did not speak again.

Seeing that Jet didn't speak, the man in black robe immediately said: "After going through the Red Sea, our manpower is really too few, less than 500 people, now is the time for us to recruit people.

I heard that the Dragon Kingdom has now cooperated with the Bear Kingdom, and we should also find those allies before the disaster. "

After the man in black robe finished speaking, everyone present agreed.

Yes, the number of people in the Star-Spangled Kingdom is too small now.

"Sir Speaker, leave this matter to me. I can contact the countries that followed us, but you need to promise me one thing."

The man in black robe nodded and motioned for Jet to state his conditions.

Jett didn't hesitate and said immediately: "When we have enough manpower, I will take revenge."

There is a reason why Jeter is keen on revenge, and that is the people who went to find Lin Sheng and others, including his relatives.

I thought it was just a matter of taking credit, but in the end, I let my relatives do it.

What they didn't expect was that everyone who went there would die at this time.

And Jet's real idea is to take revenge.

After thinking for a moment, the Speaker said: "Okay."

After the Speaker finished speaking, Jet walked outside excitedly.

At this time, the news about what happened in Xiong Country was spread among the survivors.

"Have you heard? Now only the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom have land in the world."

"Yeah, I heard about it."

"Oh, I really envy them. Once we have land, we no longer have to wander on the sea."

"Actually, I heard that the Bear Country became the closest cooperative partner with the Dragon Country, and that's why it gained land.

Therefore, the source of land all lies in the Dragon Kingdom. "

"Damn it, our country was just a straggler after the disaster, and there was no organization to restore the country at all."

"We can join the Bear Nation and the Dragon Nation."

There were endless discussions among the many survivors, all discussing how to seek refuge in the two countries.

Inside the island base.

"Dragon Kingdom has the ability to restore land. This ability must be donated and shared with people all over the world.

Why should they keep it to themselves?”

Someone said.

"But our strength is simply not enough. We are struggling in every possible way against the Dragon Kingdom, not to mention the Bear Kingdom."

Another person said worriedly.

For a while, both of them fell into silence.

After a long time, he finally decided.

"We are going to recruit allies. I just got the news that Big Brother Miguo has returned.

As long as we bring together more than a dozen countries, and then Miguo helps absorb it, I still don't believe that the people of the Dragon Kingdom really dare not to share those things. "

Said a survivor from the island country.

It was at this time that they took the initiative to bring together those allies who already had connections.

On the contrary, there are those countries that have good relations with the Dragon Kingdom.

They are also gathered together at this moment.

They already had friendship with the Dragon Kingdom. Although they did not take the initiative to seek refuge with the Dragon Kingdom after the disaster, they still helped the Ha Long Kingdom from time to time when they met the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Now after getting this news, these countries want to go to the Dragon Kingdom one after another. Even if there is no way for the Dragon Kingdom to help them get the land back at this time, they can temporarily borrow the land of the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom.

After all, the land of these two countries is very huge.

"You old Tieguo has the best relationship with Longguo. Why don't you go talk to Longguo about this matter."

A leader of a small country said to the leader of an old iron country.

The leader of Lao Tieguo felt that he had face.

Yes, the relationship between Lao Tieguo and Longguo is the best, and they are the only ones among these countries who can talk.

With this condition in place, the leader of the Lao Tieguo also felt that he had more face.

At this time, the leader of the old iron country said: "Okay, I'll go now."

As the leader of the old iron country said, the leader of the old iron country immediately contacted the old leader of the dragon country.

After the two negotiated, the leader of the old iron country cut off the contact and said to the people in front of him: "The matter has been resolved, we can go to the location of the dragon country."

As the leader of the old iron country said, he immediately led a group of leaders and the subordinates of the vassal state to the location of the dragon country.

It was at this time, on the land of the dragon country.

Po Jun and his people just came back and got the news that the dragon country and the bear country had discovered mineral veins on the land.

With the mineral veins, as long as the two countries fully exploit them as materials, it will definitely make the development on the land faster.

But as for mining, everyone now does not have the original equipment. After all, even if they still have the technology after the disaster, the materials are limited.

So the mining fell on Po Jun again.

Pojun naturally thought of the puppet that Lin Sheng had given him before.

He immediately found Lin Sheng.

"Master Sheng, I need a puppet."

When Lin Sheng was resting leisurely in the flying saucer, Pojun came over and asked for it bluntly.

"Uh, you are not polite to me now?"

Facing Pojun's familiarity, Lin Sheng blinked his eyes.

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