
A roar of pterosaurs came from these pterosaurs.

However, they were interrupted from their thoughts of continuing to attack the flying saucer.


The energy rays above the flying saucer are constantly being emitted, but when facing these Zerg, they feel a little powerless.

After all, Old Jack alone controls everything.

At this time, Old Jack's voice suddenly came from the crowd: "Boss, now I will give you a permission. The number of these pterosaurs is really too much. I can't deal with it alone." of."

After Old Jack finished speaking, consoles immediately appeared in front of Lin Sheng and others.

There are buttons one after another on these consoles.

These buttons are like the control keyboard of a game console.

As long as Lin Sheng and others operate on it, they can control the weapons on the flying saucer to attack the pterosaur in front of them.

After these buttons came out, Gouzi's voice immediately said to Lin Sheng and others: "Boss, as long as you control these consoles, you can attack the pterosaurs outside."

After Old Jack's words fell, Paipai immediately came to the front of the console. He immediately began to control the console and launched an artillery fire attack on a dragon outside. For a while, the pterosaurs were continuously attacked by artillery fire, one by one. The pterosaur fell from the air.

"Boss, this is too exciting."

Paipai immediately screamed excitedly.

Then at this moment, Lin Sheng smiled silently without saying anything, but turned his eyes to the operating table.

He said to the people around him: "Brothers, let's do it."

After Lin Sheng's words fell, the surrounding men began to control the console to attack the pterosaurs outside.

High in the sky outside the flying saucer, the pterosaurs faced the intensive artillery fire attack from the flying saucer.

He was unable to dodge for a moment and was blown to pieces.

It's just that they didn't think about retreating in the face of such an attack. Instead, they sent out infrasound waves somewhere in the air.

Everyone in the flying saucer also saw this scene.

The next moment, Old Jack's anxious voice sounded again: "Something is going wrong. These pterosaurs are calling for reinforcements!"

After hearing what Old Jack said, everyone was stunned.

The next moment, Lin Sheng asked Old Jack: "Does the other side have many reinforcements?"

"There are so many... so many, so densely packed. The number detected by the radar of our flying saucer is no less than the number of these pterosaurs in front of us!"

After hearing what Old Jack said, the faces of everyone in Lin Sheng changed and became extremely pale.

There were so many pterosaurs, it was a very scary thing.

Faced with these huge numbers of pterosaurs, Lin Sheng didn't know what to do for a while. He immediately said to Gouzi and others, "Hurry up and take aim before attacking. We have to fight before the opponent's reinforcements arrive." Get rid of all those pterosaurs."

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, everyone's expressions turned ugly.

Under Lin Sheng's command, everyone seriously launched an attack on the enemy.

It was at this time that Gouzi said: "Boss, why don't we go out and fight? This weapon is too strenuous."

"go out?"

Lin Sheng glanced at the sky outside in confusion.

"Can you still fly?"

Gouzi was also stunned, and then he realized that this was in the air, and there was no place he could deal with.

So Gouzi said to Lin Sheng embarrassedly: "Boss, I think too much.

Feel sorry. "

At this moment, Old Jack's voice was weak and said: "Feitian, boss, Feitian is actually not impossible, but it may be more dangerous."

After hearing Old Jack's words, everyone's faces changed with strange expressions.

"Old Jack, what do you mean?"

Lin Sheng immediately asked curiously.

Old Jack immediately controlled the virtual projection in front of Lin Sheng and others, and then said to Lin Sheng and others: "Boss, you see, this is a special device on the flying saucer. As long as someone carries this on their back, After putting on the backpack, you can control the backpack to fly in the air, but the danger is that once the backpack is destroyed, the driver will lose everything and fall down from high altitude. "

After hearing what Old Jack said, Lin Sheng looked at the backpack on the projection seriously.

Indeed, as Old Jack said, the disadvantage of this jetpack is that it will be destroyed by a hit.

Lin Sheng asked: "Isn't there any other equipment?"

Old Jack said helplessly: "There is no other finished equipment, but there is information, but we don't have that kind of meteorite resource on our flying saucer. If there is, it can be produced by then."

Old Jack's words made Lin Sheng a little disappointed, but the eyes of Gouzi and others became hot.

"Boss, stop talking nonsense. I, Paipai, are willing to take risks and fight!"

Paipai took the lead and said.

"Master, my dog ​​is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and I don't think these pterosaurs are our opponents."

Gouzi also echoed.

Kong Kongyi thought for a while and asked: "Will the possession of the soul of our artifact protect this jet backpack?"

"Wait a moment and let me take a look!"

After hearing what Kong Kong Yi said, Old Jack responded immediately, and then went to do the experiment. Under Old Jack's operation, the information of the flying backpack was immediately collected. Combined with the information of Kong Kong Yi and others collected before, Old Jack immediately made a judgment.

Then, after comparing the information, he finally gave the result and said: "There is no problem at all. According to the information, after you put on the backpack, it will not only not affect the flying ability of these backpacks, but also protect them. If you have to say it, it is equivalent to wearing extra armor."

"Master, Kong Kong Yi understands, I am willing to fight, but this time the master and the mistress don't have to fight. This is a dangerous thing for the two masters, and the three of me, Gou Zi Pai Pai, are possessed by the soul of the artifact, and we are not afraid of the danger outside at all."

Kong Kong Yi analyzed it for Lin Sheng and told Lin Sheng their decision.

Pai Pai and Gou Zi also nodded to represent their agreement with Kong Kong Yi's statement.

Lin Sheng did not refuse. He did not want Shen Ling to take risks, but Shen Ling did not want to go. She had heard what everyone said, so she would definitely not let him go.

So Lin Sheng said to Gou Zi and others: "Thank you for your hard work. We will assist you from behind. Be careful and come back alive for me!"

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, Kong Kong Yi smiled quietly, Gou Zi grinned and laughed foolishly, and Pai Pai raised his head, "What's the danger? Boss, wait for us to bring you dragon meat!"

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