After entering the world behind the crack, everyone immediately began to patrol.

Lin Sheng frowned as he looked at the caves.

He approached alone.

When he came to the cave, he looked down and saw a large dark area in the cave.


As time passed, Lin Sheng was still hesitating whether he should go over to take a look.

But a strange feeling told Lin Sheng that the cave was very dangerous and it was not a place where people could enter.

So when Lin Sheng was hesitant, Gou Zi and others also patrolled the surrounding environment. Finally, they came to the conclusion that there was no danger in the world behind the crack.

So at this time, they came to Lin Sheng and said to him: "Master, there is nothing strange around here. Instead, it is very desolate and there is no life at all."

After hearing what Gou Zi and others said, Lin Sheng became more certain. One of the monsters that Po Jun mentioned before was in this cave and did not run away.

So after thinking for a while, Lin Sheng said to everyone: "Let's go down together."

In Lin Sheng's opinion, it might be dangerous to go down alone, but if five people go down together, the combat effectiveness of the team will be greatly improved, so there will be no danger to threaten them.

So when they came to the bottom of the cave, Lin Sheng took out the fluorescent stone that he had not used for a long time.

Under the illumination of this fluorescent stone, the environment of the entire cave was displayed in front of Lin Sheng and others.

Looking at the passages in the cave, it is of course dazzling.

If you are not familiar with this place, you will get lost.

Lin Sheng immediately led the way, and the more he went forward, the more he found the strange places in this cave.

Many times they walked in from the left passage and walked out from the right passage. Back to the original place.

And the situation here directly proves that these passages are connected to each other in this cave.

After thinking of this, Lin Sheng immediately stopped, and at the same time, everyone around him stopped at this time.

Then he said to the people around him: "Everyone, check the situation under your feet.

Don't walk around when it's not necessary. I don't think it's that simple here."

Just as Lin Sheng finished speaking, Gouzi exclaimed: "Ah." The next moment, a hole appeared under Gouzi's feet.

The next moment, Gouzi fell into the hole.


Pai Pai exclaimed immediately, and then hurriedly came to the outside of the hole.

The next moment, he squatted down and poked his head over.

It's just that the darkness in the hole is completely different from the situation outside illuminated by the fluorescent stone.

Pai Pai immediately asked: "Gouzi, are you okay?"

But Gouzi didn't respond to Paipai's words, and Lin Sheng and others came over one after another.

"What's going on? After hearing Lin Sheng's question, Paipai immediately turned around and said: "I don't know, it's dark down there, Gouzi didn't answer me. "

As Paipai spoke, he was about to throw the fluorescent stone in his hand down, wanting to make it brighter below so that he could see the situation below.

But Lin Sheng stopped Paipai from doing it at this time.

"Don't be in a hurry."

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, Paipai's hand froze in mid-air, and then he retracted it.

He looked at Lin Sheng in confusion.

Lin Sheng just shook his head and didn't say anything, but stared at the entrance of the cave and waited.

At this moment, Gouzi was covering his head in the cave. When he fell just now, he seemed to hit something and felt a pain in his head.

Now he sat on the ground and felt wet all around, as if the thing he had just hit was broken.

He naturally heard Paipai's voice, but every He was not sure that this place was safe. If he answered and attracted danger, he would lose more than he gained.

What he needed to do now was to make sure that there was no danger around him.

So at this time, Gouzi carefully explored around, trying to figure out the situation around him.

He explored for a while and did not find anything dangerous. So at this time, he carefully took out the fluorescent stone on his body. Lin Shengke not only gave each person a fluorescent stone, but also gave a few more just in case.

Of course, the fluorescent stone in his hand was lost when he fell before.

When the new fluorescent stone was taken out, his surroundings began to brighten.

"Ah, Gouzi is fine. "

Pai Pai said.

Lin Sheng also nodded. Seeing Pai Pai about to ask something, he told Pai Pai to shut up again.

Lin Sheng and the others waited quietly without saying anything.

After a long time, he saw Gou Zi lying on the ground and observing.

Gou Zi pinched the liquid on the ground with his hands, and then showed a puzzled expression.

Some of these liquids were as sticky as egg white.

Then Gou Zi raised his head and looked over. In front of him was the huge insect egg that he had smashed before.

The liquid on the ground was hatched from the insect egg.

At this moment, Gouzi looked around. As expected, he saw that there were many insect eggs around him.

As for those insect eggs, many of them looked like they were about to hatch.

Something was constantly shaking inside the eggs, as if trying to break through the outer layer of skin and crawl out.

Gouzi now realized that he had fallen into an insect hole.

Paipai, who understood the situation, was a little nervous.

He looked up at the place where he had just fallen and saw Lin Sheng and others looking down at him.

Because the number of fluorescent stones was too small, from the perspective of Lin Sheng and others, they could only see Gouzi standing there stupidly.

Paipai immediately became anxious.

"Hey, come on, what is that place below? Why are you standing here? If you can't explain it clearly, come up and tell us what those things are."

This time, Lin Sheng didn't have time to stop Paipai, and Paipai spoke out anxiously.

It was at this time that Lin Sheng said: "Come on, stop talking nonsense.

This dog will handle it himself. If your loud voice attracts monsters, you will kill all of us."

Paipai immediately shut up and didn't say anything else.

Instead, he watched quietly.

The dog said nervously, "Master, you all come down and take a look. I really don't know what to say here."

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