After Old Jack finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

The next moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

This damn mysterious fog actually has such restrictions.

Lin Sheng immediately felt bad in his heart.

"Boss, don't move around. Just stay here like this. I will shroud you with strong light to disperse the fog around you, so that you will not get lost in the fog. Then, boss, you will slowly emerge from this fog. Come out and I'll try to attract you back to the flying saucer."

Old Jack's voice sounded again, and what he said was also making crazy plans for Lin Sheng and others.

At this time, Lin Sheng responded directly.

But its eyes were constantly looking around.

That not-so-good feeling lingered in Lin Sheng's heart for a long time.

At this moment, Lin Sheng really saw a strange figure moving in the fog.

Lin Sheng immediately frowned and stared at that figure.

But at this moment, Lin Sheng noticed that the black shadow disappeared from his eyes.

Lin Sheng immediately looked around again.

And in Lin Sheng's sight, the black shadow appeared again.

Lin Sheng immediately patted Pai Pai and Gou Zi on the shoulders, and then said, "Have you noticed that black shadow?"

Under Lin Sheng's questioning, both Gouzi and Paipai were shocked.

Then Gouzi and Paipai said in unison: "Boss/Master, don't scare us.

What shadow?"

"That's the one."

As Lin Sheng spoke, he immediately pointed at the black shadow and said.

Paipai and Gouzi immediately followed the position pointed by Lin Sheng.

The next moment, he immediately discovered the dark shadow that Lin Sheng was talking about.

But the next moment, the black shadow in front of the three people disappeared again.

"Holy shit, what kind of situation is this?"

Paipai immediately exclaimed.

But Gouzi said: "Over there."

"Oh no, there are them over there too."

Gouzi immediately pointed at two locations to express that he had discovered two black shadows.

"You're wrong, Gouzi, there are them over there too."

Lin Sheng also pointed out a location.

At this time, Shen Ling and Kong Kongyi each pointed out a position.

Then he said to Lin Sheng: "Master/Xiaosheng, there are some over there too."

Lin Sheng and others couldn't help but feel their scalps numb as they looked at the black figures hiding in the mist that kept appearing in front of them.

What on earth are these black shadows? They have been hiding in the black shadows.

Paipai seemed to be forced to endure it no longer and immediately yelled at the black shadow in the mist.

"What the hell are you doing? If you can, don't hide your head and tail. Come out and fight face to face in front of us!"

As Paipai finished speaking, the black figures seemed to understand and immediately gathered towards where Lin Sheng and others were.

At this time, Lin Sheng and others were glaring at Faction.

You silly boy, it’s good enough if people don’t come looking for trouble, so there’s no need for you to attract them, right?

It's just that at this time, everyone has understood it, and blaming Pai Pai or something else will have no effect at all.

So he set his sights on those black shadows and stared at them, hoping to see what the black shadows were as soon as they came out.

However, the hopes of Lin Sheng and others were ultimately dashed.

No, Lin Sheng and others didn't get any results when they stared at them. The only thing they could get was that the black shadows came to the edge of the fog and seemed to be approaching them.

But just after leaving the fog, these black shadows completely disappeared.

At this time, a black shadow appeared again in the fog.

Lin Sheng felt that these people were completely being fooled.

Immediately he angrily called to Old Jack, "Can you let the flying saucer shoot out some light beams? Shine them for me, I want to see what they are supposed to be?"

After hearing Lin Sheng's call, Old Jack immediately responded with a voice through the light beam: "Yes, but boss Xu Yai will wait for a while."

After Old Jack finished saying this, he immediately began to operate the flying saucer.

Lin Sheng and others couldn't help but gnashed their teeth as they looked at the dark figures in the mist.

And those black shadows seemed to be provocative, coming and going freely in the black mist.

"I'll expose you guys who are pretending to be ghosts later."

Lin Sheng was thinking silently in his heart. At the same time, Old Jack on top of the flying saucer was also constantly flying towards the flying saucer. After the control was completed, the light beam could already be shrouded.

The beam of light immediately fell on those black figures.

It was at this time that those dark shadows were immediately revealed.

It was at this time that everyone in Lin Sheng saw clearly the appearance of those black figures.

These black shadows are not humans, but a race with almost the same appearance as the snake people.

It's just that there are no dense snake heads on their heads, but straight black hair like humans.

At this moment, Lin Sheng said slowly: "What race are these snakes, and why are they like this? Are they still the same as the snake people before?"

Kong Kongyi and Gouzi frowned and observed at the same time.

The snakemen suddenly covered their faces at this time.

After being exposed to the strong light, they also showed a resistance, which was obviously unwilling to accept. At this time, the snakemen suddenly wanted to escape.

But when they were about to escape, Old Jack controlled the light beam and no matter where they fled, they would be locked by the light beam at the first time, making it impossible to escape.

Gouzi said at this time: "They are from the Mist Clan."

"It's the Mist Snake Clan."

Kongkongyi also said affirmatively.

Lin Sheng looked at Kongkongyi in confusion, not understanding what the difference between the Mist Snake Clan and those snakemen was.

At this moment, Kongkongyi immediately popularized it with Lin Sheng.

"Mist snake people, look like snake people, but they are not snake people, and there is an essential difference.

In other words, these mist snake people should be called mist people.

There are rumors that the mist is actually formed after the curse power of the snake people leaked out, and some wild people accidentally entered it, and because the mist was too thick, they could not leave.

Finally, they were affected by the mist, causing them to become human bodies with snake tails.

This is the leakage of the curse power of the snake people, so there is also a huge snake power in it. It is normal for the wild people to be infected, and thus obtain the snake gene and become what they are now."

Lin Sheng finally understood, it turns out that these guys are victims.

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