
I saw that we were about to be reunited, but in the end I saw this scene. If I had arrived just one minute later, wouldn't the reunion have turned into a world apart forever?

"Damn leviathan!"

Lin Sheng cursed in his mouth, and the long bow appeared in Lin Sheng's hand.

Lin Sheng pulled out a full moon bow with full anger in his hand.

"Close, closer."

Seeing the giant pincer getting closer and closer to Shen Ling's back, Lin Sheng became more and more anxious when he saw that Fang Ark was not close enough.

"Close, just a little bit close...go to hell!"

The distance finally reached the shooting distance, Lin Sheng roared angrily, and the arrow in his hand seemed to break through the air, hitting the giant pincer in the blink of an eye.

And Shen Ling was frightened and turned around at Lin Sheng's roar.

After the arrow hit the giant pincer, the sea beast in the sea surfaced in pain.

A huge lobster had long eyes, and its interest in Shen Ling was also drawn away by the anger brought by the arrow.

The giant lobster turned back and stared directly at Lin Sheng.

But Shen Ling was covered in cold sweat after seeing this scene.

It was too dangerous. I just should have been careless and almost fell into trouble.

It was also because of the excitement of knowing that she was about to be reunited with Lin Sheng that she temporarily forgot about the dangers in the ocean.

The giant lobster swung its tail and rushed towards Lin Sheng quickly.

"Be careful, young student."

Across the water, Shen Ling shrank her pupils on the raft and shouted to Lin Sheng in panic.

The next moment, a large group of savages suddenly appeared next to Lin Sheng on the ark. They each held a long bow, nocked an arrow and drew the bow, and aimed their arrows at the huge lobster.

The lobster that was charging suddenly froze, and forcibly restrained its forward momentum.

It clearly felt the threat posed to it by those arrows on the Ark. This was absolutely certain. With so many arrows, once all, no, as long as one-third of them hit it, it would died on the spot.

Although he is huge, he does not have much health.

The big lobster never thought that it would encounter such unfair treatment today just when it came out to hunt.

First, it was attacked by someone and hit its shrimp claws with an arrow, and then a large group of people bullied it into a lobster.

If the lobster could talk, he would definitely jump on his feet and curse, "You bully others without moral ethics. A group of people bully a shrimp."

The giant lobster wanted to retreat and escape, but it suddenly discovered that a group of piranhas appeared behind it.

This group of piranhas completely blocked its escape path.

The giant lobster immediately petrified on the spot.

There are archers in front and piranhas in the back. This is simply not the way a shrimp should be treated!

"If the master wants to eat this hard-shell prawn, we can help him catch it. If it is shot by an arrow and turns into a hedgehog, it will definitely not taste good!"

Kong Kongyi came out and said at this time.

After eating crabs, her little mind also became curious about this huge lobster.

The crab is so delicious after removing its hard shell, but what about the big lobster? Is it just as delicious with the shell removed?

For a moment, Kong Kong Yixiang's mouth watered.

"That's okay. I'm worried that my sister's reception banquet won't have any staple food, so I'll choose it today."

Kong Kongyi nodded and immediately took the mermaid sisters into the water.

As the melodious singing sounded, the giant lobster suddenly fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Sheng looked at this scene and suddenly felt as if he had discovered a new use for Kong Kongyi.

Eh? Can I catch big sea beasts and eat them more often in the future?

Lin Sheng's idea got out of hand. One day in the future, a message like "Cherish life and stay away from arks on the sea" will be spread among the sea beasts!

When Kong Kongyi and other mermaids carried the huge lobster onto the ark, Lin Sheng decisively handed over the rope and said: "Tie it up, don't let it escape."

After saying this, Lin Sheng turned over and jumped into the sea without caring about other things.

With a "pop" sound, Lin Sheng stirred up huge waves.

Shen Ling, who was stunned by what Lin Sheng showed before, was hit by sea water in the face and reacted belatedly.

Lin Sheng also poked his head out of the sea and swam towards Shen Ling.

Seeing Lin Sheng swimming towards him in the sea, Shen Ling reached out and grabbed Lin Sheng's arm who was close to him.


"Okay, don't be afraid. Let's go to the Ark. No one will bully you while I'm here."

Lin Sheng thought that Shen Ling was frightened. Although Lin Sheng kept calling Shen Ling sister, in fact Shen Ling only lived as long as Lin Sheng for a few months.

"No, what I want to say is that the lobster is so big and there must be more meat than what I have eaten in the hotel before."

After Shen Ling finished speaking, Lin Sheng suddenly became ashamed.

Lin Sheng thought: Sister, you are a girl, okay? Shouldn't you have thrown yourself into my arms for comfort when you were so frightened?

But you do care about whether the lobster has a lot of meat!

After seeing Lin Sheng's helpless expression, Shen Ling blinked and showed a moving smile.

Then Shen Ling kissed Lin Sheng's face gently, as quickly as pouring water, and said with a smile: "I am your sister, and you should be the one who should be protected."

Lin Sheng touched his face and muttered: "I don't regard you as my sister."

Yes, after the experience in the previous life, Lin Sheng no longer regarded Shen Ling as his sister.

"You deserve a beating, please take my sister to your ark and have a look."

Shen Ling heard Lin Sheng's muttering and immediately went to pull Lin Sheng's ears.

In the experience of the previous life, Lin Sheng had already sharpened his perception of the surrounding environment, not to mention that his basic attributes have now been improved.

Lin Sheng dodged Shen Ling's ear-pulling attack and gave Shen Ling a princess hug.

"Yeah! Let me down, my stinky brother."

Shen Ling exclaimed, but Lin Sheng had no intention of letting go and jumped directly into the water and swam towards the ark.

The dolphin that had been accompanying Shen Ling tilted its head in confusion and followed him.

Arriving under the ark, Gouzi quickly put down the step ladder.

Lin Sheng, on the other hand, hugged Shen Ling and walked up the stairs.

"Xiaosheng, please let me down. I can leave by myself. Besides, it's embarrassing for so many people."

Shen Ling also noticed a large group of dark figures on the Ark looking at him. He lowered his head and said with a blush.

"No matter what happens, we are all our own people. From now on, everyone will be a family."

Lin Sheng said calmly.

In fact, at this time, Lin Sheng had already determined in his heart that Shen Ling definitely still had the same thoughts as in the previous life. He knew this just by not rejecting his actions.

"Then my little piggy..."

Lin Sheng paused and looked down at the dolphins in the sea.


"It's okay. I'll send you down here to get the dolphin up."

Lin Sheng came to his senses and gave instructions to Pai Pai.

"Okay boss."

Paipai took action as soon as he finished speaking.

As for the dolphins, they didn't resist and allowed themselves to be carried on Pai's shoulders.

Arriving on the ark, Lin Sheng let go of Shen Ling and let Shen Ling step on the deck.

"Sister, this will be our new home from now on. Look, that's the residential area over there. Of course, it's just a log cabin now. Don't worry, it will be converted into a big house in the future. That's the planting area over there. Come on, come on, try this tomato , the freshest ones just picked not long ago..."

Lin Sheng first took Shen Ling for a walk on the Ark, while Gouzi and others followed Lin Sheng.

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