Kongkongyi was dragging a mermaid girl with several mermaid girls, and shouted from a distance in the mermaid lake in a hurry: "Father, mother, Xiaoqi is injured."

Lin Sheng and Shen Ling, who were drinking lemonade, looked over in confusion.

The mermaids were injured?

Isn't that right?

These mermaids go to the sea to play every day, and Lin Sheng knows it.

But although the number of mermaids is small now, they are still the overlords of the sea. Their strength will be strengthened in the sea, so how can they be injured so easily?

The two looked at each other and immediately walked towards Kongkongyi.

"Yier, where are you going?"

The mermaid king was already beside Kongkongyi, looking at the injured Xiaoqi.

He frowned and said.

Xiaoqi's body was full of burnt wounds, which were caused by electric shock.

"No, we can't leave too far, so we just play in the sea near the Ark."

Kongkongyi explained.

The mermaid king looked at the mermaid queen and said, "Queen, please treat Xiaoqi."

The mermaid queen's hand flashed with green light, and Xiaoqi's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her frown also relaxed, and she was no longer as painful as before.

But the weakness on her face was still there.

Lin Sheng took out two pieces of snake meat and handed them to Xiaoqi.

Xiaoqi, who had just woken up, took the snake meat in confusion. She looked at Lin Sheng and waited for Lin Sheng to speak.

Even if she felt that if she ate the thing in her hand, her weakness might recover.

But Xiaoqi didn't dare to eat it now if Lin Sheng didn't speak.

"Okay, eat it, it's something for recovery."

"Thank you, master."

After Xiaoqi thanked him, she ate the snake meat, and the fatigue on her face disappeared immediately.

"Hey, master, you actually have this ice and snow snake meat."

The mermaid king said in surprise.

It is the king of the mermaid clan, and he knows a lot of things, so it can see what the effect of Xiaoqi eating it is at once.

Lin Sheng just smiled and said nothing.

Kong Kong Yi looked at Lin Sheng and said hurriedly: "Master, there are eels that can discharge electricity in the sea."

Kong Kong Yi said to Lin Sheng hurriedly.

"A group of electric eels?"

Without waiting for Lin Sheng to speak, the mermaid king frowned first and looked at the sea with a serious look.

Electric eels, a race that is no more dangerous than piranhas.

If the strength of piranhas is said to be powerful in destructive power, then electric eels are the killers in the sea.

The powerful electric current field they emit has caused all the marine races in the sea area except electric eels to be destroyed.

Lin Sheng thought of this and hurriedly walked to the edge of the deck.

Sure enough, what Lin Sheng saw was the piranhas running away frantically.

Piranhas kept floating out of the sea, not knowing whether they would live or die.

Lin Sheng frowned, these electric eels actually destroyed his piranha team.

You know, piranhas are very useful to Lin Sheng. The enemies who attacked him before were almost all eaten by piranhas on the sea surface.

Xiaobai also came to Lin Sheng at this time. It raised its feet and stood on the edge of the ark, as if it wanted to clean up these enemy fish.

But the fear in its eyes made it dare not go into the water.

It was full of electric current. Xiaobai felt that if he went down, he would definitely be electrocuted.

Lin Sheng also had a headache watching this scene. Attack them?

They were in the sea water and didn't come up. I'm afraid the arrows couldn't hit them.

Going into the water didn't work either. The mermaids were all electrocuted and ran back.

Look at the piranhas that kept dying.

Lin Sheng was also very angry.

"Xiaosheng, is your feed useful? If it is useful, it's better to subdue these electric eels."

Shen Ling suddenly said.

Lin Sheng was stunned and slapped his head.

Yes, wasn't that how piranhas were subdued before?

Lin Sheng immediately took out a lot of feed.

Scattered it into the sea.

Slowly, the death of the piranhas stopped them from running away.

And the current on the sea surface gradually decreased until it disappeared.

Ten minutes later, fifty piranhas and 100 electric eels in the sea popped their heads out in two teams and looked at Lin Sheng.

[You have subdued 100 electric eels]

Lin Sheng showed a surprised expression on his face.

"It's done!"

Looking at the dwindling number of piranhas, although Lin Sheng felt distressed, the newly harvested 100 electric eels brought comfort to Lin Sheng.

Looking at the weak arcs around the electric eels.

Lin Sheng's heart moved.

That's the power supply, electricity!

So far, everything on the Ark has been available, except for the power supply.

Look up at the sky again.

As the days go by, the temperature is getting higher and higher. It won't be long before it's very uncomfortable without electric fans and the like.

In order to live better on the Ark, Lin Sheng felt that he needed to speed up the production of technological products.

And the root of all technological products is energy.

The most used energy before the disaster was electricity.

Lin Sheng said to the mermaid beside him: "Go and bring me some electric eels."


For a while, the mermaids in the mermaid tribe did not dare to move. The main reason was that the damage caused by the electric eels was too serious.

This directly led to them not daring to go into the water.

"Okay, master, I will go right away. I think what you said will not harm us."

Kongkongyi looked at her companions around her and finally said.

She set an example by going into the sea to bring up the electric eels.

And Lin Sheng was very satisfied with Kongkongyi's performance.

Sure enough, the first batch of subordinates were the most obedient.

The dog of the savage tribe, the mermaid Kongkongyi, Paipai, and Old Jack.

Lin Sheng decided to focus on training these four people in the future, and let the others improve their strength on their own.

After seeing Kongkongyi's action, Xiaoqi, who had received a favor before, also followed Kongkongyi into the water.

The two of them each caught two electric eels.

The four electric eels were placed in the bucket.

Xiaoqi said in surprise: "The master is so powerful, they don't attack me anymore."

Lin Sheng smiled and nodded. He took out a palm-sized super battery from his backpack.

He took out the wire he had made before and connected one end to the super battery.

The other end was put into the water.

Lin Sheng ordered the electric eels in the water to release electricity.

The blurry electronic board on the super battery in his hand kept changing numbers.







These numbers represent the amount of power in the battery.

When Lin Sheng saw this scene, he was delighted.

It really works.

With these electric eels and super batteries, we have something to store electricity.

With something to store electricity, we can output electricity stably, so we don’t have to worry about using the energy produced by electrical appliances in the future.

“You continue to help me catch the electric eels so that I can charge the batteries.”

While talking, Lin Sheng took out a lot of super batteries.

These batteries obtained by signing in are all zero power.

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