Taking a deep breath, pushing the messy thoughts out of his mind, and looking at the grave keeper, Li Xiu silently said, “Check personal attributes!” ”


At the moment when Li Xiu was silent, the tomb keeper frowned and got up, the heavenly stone monument behind him shook slightly, and a loud noise appeared, and a heavy heavenly universe phantom came from the distant sky, and the magnificent and terrifying aura immediately locked the entire range of the heavenly peaks, and the time and space of the entire heavenly peaks were frozen at this moment.

“It’s that prying breath again… Who the hell! ”

Slowly raising his head, the shadows of the heavens flashed from under the eyes of the gravekeepers, and the dimensional lines were constructed in the eyes of the tombkeepers, and the tomb keepers whispered.

Someone, spying on him!

In this regard, Li Xiu, who was opposite the grave keeper, had an indifferent and calm expression, not at all vain, anyway, there is a dimensional covering talisman, will he be afraid, it does not exist!

Looking at the virtual projection that appeared in front of him, Li Xiu looked intently.


Character: Gravekeeper


Repair: ???



Question mark!

It’s all question marks!

Except for the name, none of them are displayed!

“It is worthy of being a character that can be comparable to the time that existed in the original dimension, and it is really mysterious.”

The virtual projection in front of him disappeared, and Li Xiu slowly stood up and ignored the grave keeper whose body was already faintly trembling.

“Damn, who the hell!” Finding that the prying feeling disappeared, the tomb keeper’s face became more and more gloomy, his gloomy eyes scanned the surroundings, his gaze seemed to be able to cross endless time and space, and the entire scene of the heavens and realms seemed to meet the eyes of the tomb keeper, withdrawing his gaze, the corner of the tomb keeper’s mouth showed a cruel smile, “Is it, the so-called Dao Venerable?” ”

One step out, the surrounding space began to blur, just when the tomb keeper was about to leave the heavenly peaks, in an instant, dark clouds shrouded the heavenly peaks, one after another order god thunder built by rules rolled from the dark clouds and roared, the tomb keeper’s limbs gradually emerged an unknown chain, the chain imprisoned the tomb keeper’s body and spread into the void, even if it was as strong as the tomb keeper, it could not get rid of the confinement of the chain.


Fists clenched tightly, and the red-faced gravekeeper sat down again, his face becoming more and more ugly.


As the gravekeeper sat down, the dark clouds in the sky, as well as the rules, thunder and chains, gradually merged into the void and disappeared.

“One day, the Buddha-figure will kill you, and will definitely kill you!”

The gravekeeper lowered his head and muttered.


Li Xiu, who originally wanted to go somewhere else to see, saw this scene and froze his eyes.

There is nothing strange that the grave keeper knows his name, even if it is not Hongjun they say that it is easy to know with the strength of the tomb keeper, but what is the situation of the chain, and who is the person that the grave keeper said?

Who is it that imprisons the gravekeeper in the peaks of the heavens?

Who is it that makes the gravekeepers so angry?

“Could it be that the person who injured the Gravekeeper was the one who sealed the Gravekeeper here?”

Li Xiu thought secretly.

“However, what is the purpose of sealing the gravekeeper here?”

Li Xiu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The mysterious energy that helped the Demon Clan…

Those eyes in the dark base camp…

Rumors of Origin Creation…

The gravekeeper is sealed…

“This chess game is a bit big.”

Shaking his head, Li Xiu eliminated all the messy thoughts in his mind.

His cultivation is still too low, and he has not even reached the realm of the transcendent to think about these questions, it is just meaningless, there will be no answer at all, it is better not to want to.

Looking at the strange blood-colored waterfall, Li Xiu strode over, squatted down, his heart moved, the soul power enveloped a stream of water, and Li Xiu slowly withdrew his soul power in half a sound.

“Strange, there seems to be some strange energy in this water, and the energy is very majestic, if absorption can quickly improve the strength, but there seems to be a hidden deep evil force, if you absorb too much power of this water, I am afraid that the mind will be affected.”

Standing up, Li Xiu looked up at the waterfall.

Where did this water come from, and how could it be so strange?

After a deep groan, Li Xiu turned into a stream of light and flew into the void.

The height of this waterfall is very high, even longer than the area of some galaxies, the length spans millions of light years, and it took about a breath or two to fly Li Xiu flew to the top of the waterfall, looking ahead, Li Xiu’s pupils shrank, and a shock flashed in his eyes.

“That was…”

Black hole!

Silent black hole!

A black hole tens of light-years in size!

A black hole built by inexplicable lines!

A large amount of blood-red liquid flowed out of the black hole, gathered into the river below, and rushed down from the cliff to form a majestic waterfall!

“What kind of hole is this?”

Gradually coming to his senses, Li Xiu cautiously approached the black hole.

In order to be on the safe side, Li Xiu stopped at a position of about millions of kilometers away from the black hole, and after thinking about it, Li Xiu flipped his palm, the power of rules gathered, from virtual to real, a stone condensed in Li Xiu’s palm, the palm shook, and the stone turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the black hole.

10,000 meters, 5,000 meters, 1,000 meters, 500 meters…

The stone was getting closer and closer to the black hole, and suddenly, just when the stone was about to approach the fifty-meter range of the black hole, an aberration appeared!


The lines in the black hole fluctuated slowly, and an inexplicable breath flowed out of the black hole, and the stone rushing towards the black hole turned into nothingness silently, leaving no trace, even Li Xiu, who was concentrating on observing at this time, did not sense how the stone disappeared.

“Great terror! Absolute horror! ”

With a look of horror in his eyes, Li Xiu turned and left without hesitation.

This black hole was definitely not something he could touch and see now, and a feeling in the underworld told Li Xiu that if he continued to be so curious, maybe what would disappear was… Him!

“What the hell is this Heavenly Peak.”

Falling to the waterfall again, Li Xiu took a few breaths with palpitations.

Mysterious blood-red liquid…

Mysterious black holes…

You must know that Li Xiu’s current cultivation is the seventh layer of the Hongmeng controller, even Li Xiu, a cultivator in the middle stage of the Transcendent Being, has the confidence to suppress it, but as a result, he feels a mortal threat in the face of the black hole, and how many people in this terrifying black hole heavens and realms can resist?

Its origin is definitely beyond Li Xiu’s imagination!

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