Even Li Xiu had to leave that place quickly, not that Li Xiu was too weak, but the killing qi and resentment there were too terrifying, if he changed to another strong person in the peak realm of transcendent beings, he would definitely fall in less than three seconds, which shows how terrifying it is.

In addition to these two places, Li Xiu has also seen all kinds of great terrifying places, and the danger of any place is no less than the first two, and even Li Xiu has broken into a place similar to the tomb of the gods, but this time the tomb when Li Xiu stepped into it, all the strong people inside were resurrected, or the skeleton revived without consciousness and instinct.

It seems to be just skeletons, but each of them is at least the peak realm of the transcendent, and there are many newcomers to the Dao realm, the number is enough to reach tens of thousands, even Li Xiu has spent a lot of strength to suppress them one by one.

On the top of a mountain, Li Xiu sat cross-kneeled with an expressionless face, his eyes were indifferent and there were no waves, after looking at the distance for a long time, Li Xiu slowly withdrew his gaze, shook his head, and Li Xiu let out a breath, “No wonder countless strong people since the Heavenly Era have never gone out alive when they entered the Heavenly Peaks, I’m afraid that only Dao Realm powerhouses can have the power of self-preservation in the Heavenly Peaks.” ”

The corner of Li Xiu’s mouth twitched, and he had a deeper understanding of the cognition of Zhu Tianfeng.

Yes, the Dao Realm powerhouse only has the power to protect himself!

Just the cemetery that Li Xiu entered not long ago is already terrifying to the extreme, and the strong people of the ordinary Dao Realm are also in danger of falling, after all, there are many Dao Realm skeletons there, even if they are just a beginner, but there are too many of them, if Li Xiu is not invincible in the Dao Realm, the price to pay if he wants to retreat all over his body will be too great.

However, since this time, Li Xiu has not gained nothing, in addition to encountering dangers and seeing incredible places, Li Xiu has also obtained some heavenly materials and earth treasures, and some ancient divine objects, judging by the breath, each thing is so old that it is stunning, and some Li Xiu even suspects that they do not belong to the original dimension.

It’s just a pity that if these things are still useful to Li Xiu before the strength breakthrough, but these things obtained after the strength reaches Li Xiu’s realm are too small and small for him, almost negligible, can only be regarded as better than nothing, but can be divided among his apprentices and a few servants, compared with the danger encountered, it is far from worth it, can only be said to be able to accept it reluctantly.

“The last place, whether there is a harvest or not, leave the Heavenly Peaks.”

Standing up, standing with his hands in his hands, looking at the bottomless abyss in front of him, Li Xiu pondered for a moment and made a decision.

This place gives Li Xiu a sense of danger if there is nothing, if it is just like this, then Li Xiu will definitely not choose to go, after all, the place that can make him feel dangerous is absolutely unusual, there is no need to take risks, but in addition to the feeling of danger, Li Xiu also has a premonition in his heart, there is a huge chance in the abyss, this feeling is very strong, Li Xiu believes in his feelings.

Therefore, he must go!

One after another dimensional forces surrounded Li Xiu’s body, adjusting his state to the peak state, and Li Xiu jumped into the abyss in a flash.


The abyss was like leading to an endless purgatory, as if it was infinitely long, and there was no end in sight, and Li Xiu still flew for more than tens of minutes without landing even though he accelerated to land.


The violent friction between the space and Li Xiu’s flesh made a loud noise that shook the earth, looking up, the top of the mountain seemed to be close at hand, and it could be clearly seen, but Li Xiu knew very well that this seemingly close distance was more like the end of the world, it seemed to be within reach, but it was the end of the world, and mortals could not reach it for hundreds of millions of years!

“Why hasn’t it been the end yet?”

With a slight frown, Li Xiu mobilized the strength of his whole body, and the power of dimensions wrapped around Li Xiu’s whole body, and Li Xiu’s speed increased again and turned into a meteorite burning with flames and fell madly downwards.

I don’t know how long it took, an invisible ‘wave’ sound swept by, Li Xiu felt that he seemed to have passed through some film, and soon, a loud noise erupted, sparks splashed on the brown ground, dust filled the sky, and Li Xiu stepped out of the dust flames.

“Have you arrived…”

The deep voice echoed throughout the space, and Li Xiu’s eyes narrowed slightly and looked around.

Its environment is similar to a world, a complete world, Li Xiu’s current position is on a light brown land, the color of the sky is the same as the earth, the whole heaven and earth have no substance, the holy eyes of the heavens open, Li Xiu looks ahead, a touch of green outside the boundless distance appears under Li Xiu’s eyes, the space continues to shorten, the picture in front of him quickly enlarges, and the distant scene immediately appears in Li Xiu’s eyes.

It was a world full of greenery filled with all kinds of immortal grass and divine flowers, and the blue sky in the sky was shining brightly, and Li Xiu’s current position was simply like two worlds, as if isolated by an invisible enchantment, thus forming two completely different worlds.

There is a vast and boundless world under the peak of the Heavenly Peaks, and there seem to be at least two different regions in the world, which sounds incredible, you must know that the Heavenly Peaks are just a mountain, but it contains all kinds of worlds and heavens and earth, it is simply terrifying to say, but Li Xiu, who has experienced the weirdness of the Heavenly Peaks, is used to it.

The mind moved slightly, the holy eyes of the heavens gradually faded, moving the body slightly, Li Xiu sensed the spatial level of this piece of heaven and earth, well, it was okay, it was similar to that broken heaven and earth, his eyes flickered, Li Xiu tore the void and left.

In the next second, Li Xiu descended into a completely different world full of all kinds of fragrant flowers and exotic grasses, and suddenly, just as Li Xiu stepped out of the void, the abnormality appeared!


Dark clouds instantly shrouded the endless void, one after another black-purple divine thunder was densely spread above the firmament, and the terrifying aura of destruction shrouded the entire heaven and earth, and the fragrant flowers and weeds that were originally still swaying in the breeze were directly shattered and destroyed under the pressure of divine thunder and the power of overflowing thunder, and the corners of Li Xiu’s mouth twitched when he saw this scene.


Li Xiudao.

This is not similar to the situation in a place he encountered before, except that this is the arrival of thunder, and there is directly the end of the world.

“Then fight!”

Take a deep breath, just as Li Xiu was preparing to face the Divine Thunder, change and regenerate!

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