The picture in the light curtain is still continuing, I don’t know how many years have passed, finally, the heaven and earth divine stones in the light curtain began to crack, the sound of clicking and clicking continued to sound, and in an instant, a loud noise erupted from the light curtain.

One by one, the heavenly flowers flew, one after another immortals condensed, purple qi soared and auspicious all over the sky, the nine-colored Xuanguang continued to shine, one by one, the virtual shadows like gods and demons came out of the void, the magnificent mysterious Dao sound echoed for nine days, the law Dao evolved and condensed, for a time, the heaven and earth where the light curtain was located had been shrouded in vision.


A thousand white lights bloomed from the cracks in the divine stone, time and space seemed to stop at this moment, and a beautiful figure wearing a white dress walked out of the divine stone step by step.

Jade is finally born!!!

The purple road derives from the foot of the jade, and the power of heaven and earth converges and condenses into a sword in the void and falls into the hands of the jade, and the heaven and earth at the time of the birth of the jade seem to be congratulating!


“That’s awesome.”

“The scalp is numb, the scalp is numb.”

“Maybe this is the big guy.”

“When I was not born, all kinds of visions were surrounded, when I was born, the heavens and the earth were congratulated, and the Kendo Heavenly Venerable was mighty!”

“Obedient, too dragging, this treatment, invincible!”

The people everywhere in the ruins were amazed, everyone was shocked by the jade, and there was only one thought left in their minds, maybe this is the big guy!

The picture continues to fast forward, one by one fierce beasts and enemies are constantly encountered by jade, jade holding the sword in his hand, step by step from the forbidden land, until this time the ruins know that the original kendo Tianzun was born in a peerless forbidden land.

And the birth of jade was doomed to be the enemy of the entire forbidden land from the beginning!





Endless killing!

The cold light in the light curtain continued to rise and fall, the blood gathering was enough to form a sea, the bones were piled up enough to become a mountain, and when the jade stone walked out of the forbidden land, there was already a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood behind it.

And when the jade officially entered the big world in the kendo era, the entire kendo era was shaken by the jade!

Because, the murderous aura on the jade body and the sword intent on the body had already shocked the entire kendo era the moment he left the forbidden land!

“Master, I will see you again, it will definitely be…”

In front of the forbidden land, the jade left a word, and the figure disappeared.

“Why do you feel sour nose.”

“Even just by looking at the light curtain, I can feel the firmness.”

“Oh my God, is the Sword Dao Tianzun constantly getting stronger just to be able to see the Dao Zun again?”

“Hiss… Unthinkable, unbelievable. ”

People in various places in the ruins had different faces when they heard what the jade in the light curtain said, and the eyes of some of the more emotional people had become a little red.


In the void, Li Xiu looked at the jade stone with a blushing face on the side.

“Master Venerable Apprentice left first if he had something to do.”

Putting down a word, Jade left in a hurry.

“Oh, this girl.”

Li Xiule smiled he


In the Kendo era, because there are already titled strong, so Jade can only constantly challenge the strong, crazy cultivation, crazy to become stronger, just to defeat the titled strong She ascended to the first.

Because, only the titled strong can survive the era catastrophe, in order to see her master again, jade can only continue to become stronger!


There are already strong titles!

But even if there is, it doesn’t matter, as long as you defeat the previous title powerhouse before the end of the era, then you are the new title powerhouse, in the testimony of everyone in the era ruins, jade has grown step by step from a girl who was originally a little young to a kendo powerhouse that makes the entire kendo era fearful.

Finally, countless tens of thousands of years later, jade challenged the title powerhouse high above, this battle, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, this battle, the heaven and the earth had no light, the two fought for hundreds of years, and most of the continent was damaged by jade and the title powerhouse.

In the end, a sword of jade shone on the entire era, a sword cut off endless mountains and rivers, and the title of the strong fell.

Xiangrui was shrouded in purple qi, the sky was surging with golden lotuses, and the jade covered in blood holding the cold sword stepped into the sky step by step, and no one in the entire continent looked at the jade, at that moment, jade was the center of the entire continent, and all the brilliance between heaven and earth was concentrated on the jade.

“Tens of thousands of years ago, my master taught me the way of kendo, and since then, my master of the way of the sword, who of all living beings has not been convinced?”

The voice was calm and cold, spreading throughout the continent of the Kendo Era.

“See Kendo Tianzun!”

“See Kendo Tianzun!”

“See Kendo Tianzun!”

All sentient beings on the mainland were happy to surrender, and all of them bowed their heads and bowed down, welcoming the appearance of the new title Tianzun, and welcoming the birth of the strongest of the era!

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