“Shut me up.” The Nine Lamas pouted.

“No matter, I’ll blame you anyway.” Naruto’s black face froze, and Chakra turned into smoke to surround Naruto, “Ninjutsu Shadow Doppelgänger Art!” As

four shadow doppelgangers appeared next to Naruto, the scene suddenly became five vs four.

The shadow avatar is a B-grade ninjutsu, and the multiple shadow avatar is forbidden.

Don’t ask why you don’t use multiple shadow avatars, ask Naruto to learn well.

“Nine Lamas, last question.” A chakra appeared in Naruto’s hand, and his face began to become serious, “Can Dao Jade block the dust?”

“Only the power of the Blood Snare and the Six Dao can shatter the Dao Jade.” The Nine Lamas replied, “By the way, I will tell you again that destroying their filthy soil reincarnation with Dao Seeking Jade will make it impossible for them to recover. ”

Received!” Naruto responded, and the wheel in his right hand was thrown out directly, “Spiral wheel Yu!” The

black star-like wheel flew towards the four people, heralding the start of the battle.

Wu’s figure instantly disappeared in place, and the whole person seemed to melt into the air, and he couldn’t even feel a trace of Chakra’s breath.

Luo Sha clasped his hands together, controlling the placer gold to wrap the remaining three, and when the placer gold and the wheel collided, the sound of the explosion blew everyone with a fierce wind.

When the flames dispersed, the placer gold disappeared at the same time, but there was no longer the figure of Ai and Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon in the place of sight.

“Lei Dun Lei Qiao Hot Knife!” Naruto’s eyes narrowed, and Ai’s figure above quickly fell, and the speed was almost beyond the visual limit of ordinary people under the shroud of thunder and lightning.

But Naruto is not the former Naruto now, even Naruto in time and space can keep up, let alone simple speed!

“Ninfa, Spiral Wheel!”

With his right hand upward, a black spiral wheel suddenly appeared, completely blocking Ai’s attack.

Almost at the same time, the four shadow doppelgangers took action, and they found four people respectively, and directly condensed the head-sized tailed beast jade in their hands.

Ai, who was wrestling with Naruto’s body, froze, the thunder armor on his body emitted a violent light, and his foot stepped on the sandgold and disappeared in place, making the shadow avatar Naruto’s attack fail.

But it didn’t matter, the shadow avatar Naruto also launched an instantaneous body, keeping up with Ai’s movements, chasing after him like a cowhide candy.

“So fast!” Ai’s face was solemn, this little ghost’s speed could actually catch up with himself? And this is not the body, just a shadow avatar, “but only one shadow avatar against me, don’t you look down on me too much!” ”

Thunder Dun Hell Spurt Shiben Hands

Naruto subconsciously trembled.

That day, Naruto recalled his fear of being poked to death with a finger in a book.

Not only the body, but even the shadow avatar was affected, with a twitch at the corner of his mouth, it was clear that the body of the six paths could resist this blow and then exchange injuries for life, but the shadow avatar Naruto turned around and avoided the attack.

Then the Naruto body behind him was revealed….

Naruto: “…”

If I didn’t need you to help me block these people, I would have to give you a shadow doppelganger.”

Spit and complain, Naruto’s body is not slow, the golden chakra condensed into a huge fox head, wrapping Naruto in it, the hand is very strong, but a four-book hand is not enough to break through the defense of the golden nine lamas in the six-way mode.

Thunder fell on the golden Nine Lama’s face, and a look of surprise appeared on Ai’s face.

Without waiting for him to speak, the huge golden nine lama began to condense the tailed beast jade in his mouth, and the chakra continued to expand, and as soon as the thunder shadow wanted to dodge, the shadow avatar Naruto rushed directly up, and the golden chain broke out, completely blocking the direction that the thunder shadow could dodge.

“Got it!” The tailed beast jade condensation was completed, and Naruto burst out, “Super tailed beast jade!” ”

The tailed beast jade comparable to the size of the head of the Nine Lama’s head suddenly shot out, and the huge Chakra aura even Ai felt a little tricky.

But he’s not alone!

“Psychic Mirage.” The understated words sounded in the distance, and as the fog unfolded, a strange light suddenly flashed in front of Naruto’s eyes.

The originally inevitable tailed beast jade of the “Magic Vapor Pavilion”

bombarded the body of the thunder shadow, and before the roar and explosion could unfold, he saw the tailed beast jade passing through Ai’s body and landing on the ground.

The light burst out and the ground exploded again.

“This is … Magic? Naruto was shocked and subconsciously sealed his hands, but no matter how he used the power of the six paths, the illusion could not be lifted.

At this moment, the voice of the ghost lamp phantom moon came out from a fog: “My illusion is not aimed at you, but at the light, called ‘Magic Vapor Pavilion’, you need to use high-intensity perception to determine our location, and then directly attack my body, it is best to kill the mirage directly, so that you can lift this illusion.”

Naruto’s hand lowered and nodded slightly, “Thank you for the clarification.” ”

Perception technique, this ninja world, he said first, no one dares to say second!

“I’m number one.” The Nine Lamas silently raised their hands.

His perception is actually similar to Naruto’s, but there is an additional perception of good and evil, anyway, one plus one is greater than one, he is stronger than Naruto.

Naruto: “Don’t make trouble. ”

Dust Escape Origin Realm Stripping Technique!”

The white pillar of light shot out from nowhere, Naruto subconsciously wanted to move his body to dodge, but stopped in an instant, he opened his eyes and looked in the direction where the pillar of light came from, motionless until it was completely covered by the pillar of light.

After the pillar of light dissipated, Naruto’s figure appeared in the sky unharmed.

“Good.” Wu’s voice also came out, with a touch of approval, “Although I hate that guy from Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon, my technique and his technique match are indeed not low, don’t be confused by what is in front of you, to perceive, all you can believe now is your perception.”

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief, “I almost moved just now. ”

If he hadn’t sensed that the Chakra of the pillar of light was in the wrong position, he would have dodged upwards by now, and then was hit head-on by the real dust.

The four shadow doppelgangers returned to the body, and the fog had gradually faded, and he could see the other four people surrounding him.

But Naruto could clearly perceive that the other party’s position was not there, but was standing on the other side in a misplaced position, and even the person was not right, and this stunned visual gap made Naruto very uncomfortable.

“Don’t see with your eyes, with your heart.” The Nine Lamas spoke in a deep voice, “What the eyes cannot see does not mean that the heart cannot see.

“Although what you said makes sense, I know where you must have copied this sentence.” Naruto kept his hands sealed, his face serious, “Moving while fighting, this kind of thing can’t be done, the four of them cooperate too tacitly, if you forcibly move, it will reveal flaws.” ”

It’s not that there is no chance to move just now, but he can feel that once he moves, he will be greeted by stronger dust and thunder, and maybe water and magnetism, but in any case, it is not realistic to fight and walk at the same time at present.

These four shadows are not dry food.

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