Xu Tian can’t really be blamed for this!

These bounties are just too ridiculous, right?

Xu Tian thought the dark web was full of assassination missions!

Who knows why they are all these things?

Looking for ants?

Cutting off penises?

Taking photos of your wife having an affair with the man next door?

It’s simply outrageous, the more you look at it, the more outrageous it gets!

Xu Tian didn’t believe it and scrolled down, and found that most of them were these weird bounties....

For example.......

Buy inflatable babies.

Buy original underwear.

Take secret photos at comic conventions.

Stalk high school boys.


Xu Tian really felt like his worldview was about to collapse!

What the hell was going on! ?

BT was at its peak! Xu Tian was extremely disappointed!

But suddenly, he saw another bounty.......

【☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Assassination bounty: Assassination target: Xu Tian, 18 years old, an awakened space-related supernatural being, whose realm is approximately silver. He arrived at the airport by plane from Goucha City. The bounty for successful killing is: 99.99 million!】

""Shit! Isn't this me?"

This bounty was posted for Xu Tian.

As expected , it should be the one posted by Xiong Hai.

This bounty was different from the others. The fonts of the others were gold, but this one was gray.

"Why is it gray?"Xu Tian wondered.

Xu Tian clicked to view the details.

The system popped up a prompt.......The task has been cancelled.

Oh, I see.

No wonder it is grey....It turned out to be cancelled.

Xu Tian looked down and found that there were still people commenting.

**:【Holy shit! Who issued this mission? The reward is close to 100 million! ? So exaggerated? Who is this Xu Tian? 】

See if I can stab you**:【The person above, his identity is not important, what is important is that he is a space-type ability awakener! Space-type! There are no more than five in the world! There is only one Zhu Lao in the great country of China! 】

The girl opposite**:【The space system is mysterious and changeable, and it is not easy to catch. There is a reason why the bounty is so high.**:【I heard that this mission has been taken over by the Black Dragon Gang! Damn! This space genius is going to die! What a pity! 】

Damn you Sun Honglei**:【Latest news! Latest news! All 60 assassins sent by the Black Dragon Gang were killed! The Space Awakener killed them and escaped!】.......

Xu Tian was stunned when he saw this.

What was going on?

How long has it been?

The news came out so quickly?......

As soon as this post appeared, it immediately attracted the interest of many users!

**:【Is this true or not? Don’t go fishing! 】

Umekawa Kuzi**:【That's right! If you don't tell me! Do you believe me, I will follow the Internet to find you? 】

Don't hit me, I'm just a bystander**:【The mushroom cloud in the sky before.....Could it be caused by the battle? 】

Jianbing Gouzi**:【How is it possible? Can a Silver Realm person display such a strong combat power? Unless they use heavy thermal weapons! 】

Gary Dun Graduate Student**:【Holy crap! What the OP said is true! I was at the scene (picture.jpg)]

Click on the picture. What you see is a ruin.

The ground is full of black ash.

There are also a few flames burning on the ground. As soon as this picture came out!

Almost everyone who saw it was dumbfounded!

Holy crap! ?

Funny, right?

It turns out to be true! ?

Did the mushroom cloud we saw before come from here?

Shock filled my heart!

This boy named Xu Tian is really not simple!

Even if he uses heavy thermal weapons, it indirectly proves that Xu Tian has a wide network of contacts!

Due to China's gun ban...

The management of this aspect is very strict!

Even the large number of hot weapons in the hands of those evil forces...Most of them are smuggled back from overseas.

Want to buy guns in China?

It is as difficult as ascending to heaven!.......

"Hey, are you so well-informed about the dark web?"

"Then can I post a reward?"

Xu Tian smacked his tongue.

He opened the dark web just to satisfy his curiosity.

But now.

An immature idea suddenly popped up in Xu Tian's mind!

He clicked on my - post a reward.

The system prompts.......Sorry, you need to recharge 10,000 yuan in advance before you can publish the task.

Xu Tian was stunned.

So that's it.

He was just wondering...Why is there a bounty of 10,000 for finding an ant? It turns out that 10,000 is the minimum standard.

What a pitfall!

Xu Tian did not hesitate and rushed in with 10 million.


The user"Do you think I am big enough" has been authorized to issue bounty tasks.

Xu Tian curled his lips and took out the Lingxing locator from the system space.

It is similar to a tablet.

There are two dots on it.

One blue and one red.

The blue one is naturally where Xu Tian is.

The red dot...This is where Cai Kunkun is.

Xu Tian looked at the Lingxing locator with a smirk on his face.

"Chongyang Hotel?"

Xu Tian typed on the keyboard and filled in the reward information....

【Assassination bounty:

Assassination target: Cai Kunkun.

Age unknown.

Power unknown.

Realm roughly at the peak of Silver Nine Stars.

Address: Chongyang Hotel.

Reward 10 million! If the head is intact, another 30 million! 】

Editing completed!

Send directly!

Xu Tian smiled and turned off the computer.

His consciousness sank and he fell into a dream....

While he was being chased today...He was always in an extremely tense mental state, and after using the Insightful Divine Eye many times, Xu Tian's mental strength was somewhat depleted. He should rest for a while.~................

Xu Tian posted a bounty on the dark web to hunt down Cai Kunkun, but it was just for fun.

He didn't expect those killers on the dark web to be able to kill Cai Kunkun.

After all, Cai Kunkun is a night demon....How could there be no trump card?


Xu Tian underestimated the desire of the dark web killers for money!

A full 10 million!

If you can cut off the complete head!

Another reward of 30 million? ?

This is definitely a rare sponsor!

At once, many people hiding in the dark of Yunan City began to act............

‘I'm starving' Takeaway Lounge.

A guy in takeaway clothes was browsing his phone. Suddenly, his eyes focused, and he rushed out, rode on the scooter and ran away!

His friend shouted curiously:"Brother Qi, what are you going to do?"

"Chongyang Hotel, there are new takeaway orders!"........

Inside a high-rise building

"Xiaohua, you must work overtime today to finish this. This project is very important."

""Yes." A man in a suit nodded.

Suddenly, his cell phone beeped. He looked down!

His eyes lit up instantly, and without saying a word, he ran away.

The manager behind him was puzzled:"Xiaohua, where are you going? Are you not going to do the project anymore?"

Xiaohua shouted:"I won the lottery! What the hell am I doing! I quit!".........

On the street, a young street singer is singing passionately....

"I love you walking alone in the dark alley~I love you for not kneeling~I love you for confronting......."

There were a bunch of kids singing along!

They sang heartbreakingly!

Veins popped out on their foreheads!

Their faces were red!

They looked like they were suffocating!

Suddenly, the singer's phone vibrated violently. He took it out and took a look. He blurted out,"National Essence"’:"

" What the hell!"

He handed the microphone to a little boy and said,"Little boy, sing for me first. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll buy you an Ultraman suit when I come back!"

The little boy nodded excitedly,"Okay! Uncle, come back soon!"

At this time, the young man had disappeared........

This scene happened in the streets of Yunan City....

Security booth...

In the school dormitory...

There were many black figures in the dark night sky, all rushing towards one place....

Chongde Hotel...

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night...


Don't go into the dark web out of curiosity. If you get caught, it has nothing to do with me. The author is asking for five-star reviews, bookshelves, updates, and love online.∩ε∩

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