Wang Erha felt like dying!

How could there be such a person in the world? It’s fine if he’s greedy for money! After all, who doesn’t like money?

But this person is not only greedy for money! He’s also irritating!

He has to rub salt into your wounds! He’s adding fuel to the fire!

He’s sending ice cream in the snow!

【The resentment value from Wang Erha +9999! 】

Xu Tian was stunned for a moment!

I'm so angry! I've met a treasure!

The resentment value is almost off the charts! ?

Is it that serious, brother? Didn't they just say that you are short and weak?


Xu Tian listened to the system prompts that kept ringing!

He was very happy in his heart!

He hummed a little song directly...

"There is no need for a reason to pay back a debt~~"

"Stop making excuses~~"


Nie Ying ヽ(゜Q)ノ? He tilted his head.

I don't know why Xu Tian sang this song!

Wang Erha's face was full of black lines!

Good guy!

Do you have to hint at us so obviously?

It's not like you don't want to pay!

【Resentment value from Wang Erha +999! 】

He really regrets it now! If he had known Xu Tian was this kind of person!

Even if he was swallowed by the corpse fairy maggots!

He would not have gotten in the car to suffer such grievances!.......

The off-road G-Class drove through the desert!

They met many people along the way!

Xu Tian is usually"helpful"!

The back seat was filled with piles of red bills!

The resentment value was also rising wildly!

Everyone was tired and thirsty!

But Xu Tian was driving the car! With the air conditioner on!

This contrast! Made many people jealous!

They wanted to kill Xu Tian! And rob the car!

But they were all blown away by Nie Ying!

At this time, Liu Ji woke up!

He lay on the roof of the car, staring at the piles of red bills in the car!

(✪ω✪)His eyes were shining!

Where had he ever seen so much money in his life?

Xu Tian suddenly asked:"Hey! Uncle! Have you heard of Vanity Fair?"

Liu Ji was stunned and looked at Xu Tian:"Of course I know! What's the matter?"

"It's okay, just curious!"

At this point,

Liu Ji seemed to be interested:"Hey! Little brother! Tell the truth! Do you want to get the flashy golden fruit?"

Xu Tian did not hide it either! He nodded heavily!

"Yes! I think most people who enter the spirit realm do so for this!"

"Seeing you like this, do you know something else?"

Liu Jiteng sat up and said,"You've asked the right person! I know..."

But he hadn't finished speaking yet!

His mouth was covered by Ma Dongmei!

Ma Dongmei frowned and shook her head slightly!

Xu Tian was stunned!

Hey! This woman!

She must know some secrets!

Xu Tian braked the car directly!

Ma Dongmei's heart skipped a beat!

Is Xu Tian trying to threaten them?

She frowned slightly:"Little brother, what are you doing? Why don't you leave!"

Xu Tian smiled:"I've been driving for so long! I'm a little thirsty! Eat some watermelon!"

As he said that!

He took out two iced watermelons from the system space!

Give one to Nie Ying!

Eat one for himself!

Everyone on the roof was dumbfounded!

What the hell!! ?

What's going on?

How come two big watermelons appeared out of thin air?

Why is there still cold air on the watermelon?

Liu Ji exclaimed:"What the hell! Where did you get the watermelon?" Xu Tian ate it in big mouthfuls, and said vaguely:"I'm a space system! It's normal to take a watermelon!?"

"What!? You are a space expert? Stop kidding! There are only two space experts in China! One is Master Zhu! The other is Xu Tian!"

"Hey! Wait! Are you Xu Tian?"

Liu Ji's eyes suddenly widened!

They were still on the road when the gate to the spiritual realm was opened before! They didn't see Xu Tian's passionate speech!

They didn't see what Xu Tian looked like! They just heard of him!


Xu Tian chuckled:"It's me!"

Hearing this,

Liu Ji and the other five people shuddered!

Is this really Xu Tian?

I heard that this person is insidious and cunning! Full of tricks! Shrewd! Shameless! Don't be a bitch!

Seeing him now!

Can't say they are exactly the same! It can only be said that they are no different!

Liu Ji's face froze!

Today is really a bad day for him!

He actually met Xu Tian, this jinx!

"How about it? Use my reputation as a guarantee! Do you want to make a deal?"Xu Tian said with a smile.

"What deal?"Liu Ji frowned!

Xu Tian is very powerful! It is well known!

If Xu Tian wants to kill them! It's just like pinching an ant!

We must be careful in what we say and do!

"Damn! Why are you so nervous? I'm very kind! I usually don't pinch ants! Unless I can't help it!"

Liu Ji(ΩДΩ)!! ?

You are blatantly threatening me!

Liu Ji wanted to cry but had no tears:"Tell me!"

Xu Tian smiled and said,"Tell me the whereabouts of the golden fruit! I will give you all the red bills in the back car!"

Hearing this!

Liu Ji and his five companions were stunned!

They looked at the back seat full of red bills!

Their eyes were dull!

This must be at least tens of millions, right?

Wang Erha whispered:

"Brother Liu, why don't you just give it to him? It's useless for us to have the blueprint anyway!"

"It is definitely not our turn to get the golden fruit! It is better to exchange it for money!"

Ma Dongmei also thought for a moment:"Old Liu, forget it! Give it to him!"

The other two also persuaded!

Liu Ji looked at the harmless smile on Xu Tian's face:

"You won't kill to silence someone, will you?"

"I guarantee it with my reputation!"

"It's because I'm using your reputation as a guarantee that I'm afraid!"

Xu Tian(* ̄3 ̄)oHey!

What do you mean! ?

You want me to crush an ant to death for you to see! ?

Xu Tian started to roll up his sleeves!

Liu Ji hurriedly said:"No, no, no! Let's talk it over! I promise!"

"but...I have one more condition!"

Xu Tian:"What condition?"

Liu Ji stared at the watermelon in Xu Tian's hand!

"Give us ten more watermelons!"


Xu Tian teleported to Liu Ji's side, covered his hand, and said affectionately:

"Good brothers! Whoever regrets will become 10 centimeters shorter!"

Xu Tian's sudden appearance scared Liu Ji and the others!

Wang Erha was so scared that he fell down!

He was like a dog eating shit!

【Resentment from Wang Erha +1000! 】

When Liu Ji was about to say something,

Xu Tian had already taken out twenty iced watermelons!

"Here! Buy ten and get ten free! Twenty watermelons in total!"

Liu Ji's eyes lit up:"Wow! And they're still chilled! Worth it!"

""Dongmei! Give me the map!"

Ma Dongmei took out a crumpled parchment from her pocket and handed it to Xu Tian!

Liu Ji:"This is the exact location of the flashy golden fruit!"

Xu Tian took the map and frowned:"Why do you have an accurate map?"

You know!

【Jingye] The spiritual realm has only been opened for the second time!

And all the people who came in last time have been reincarnated!

How could the blueprints be circulated!

Hearing this!

Liu Ji's eyes dimmed:

"In fact, the person who spread the rumor that there was a golden fruit in the spiritual realm was my brother! I found this blueprint by chance in his pocket!"

Xu Tian's eyes condensed:"What else did he say before he died?"

"No! He fainted right after he said there was a golden fruit in the spiritual realm! He was already dead when he arrived at the hospital!"

Liu Ji shook his head!

"Did the hospital tell you the cause of death?"

"He said he was too frightened! He died suddenly!"

Xu Tian(((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))???

Sudden death!!

Why didn’t you say you were scared to death? ?

You can even come up with such an outrageous reason! ?


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