"Little girl, go at ease."

Jihun's shrill voice came out faintly!

And just when his palm was about to touch Nie Ying's throat!


A stream of water the size of a tree stump shot out at his palm!


Jihun had never thought that someone would dare to attack him. Due to his carelessness, blood spurted out of his palm, and a blood hole appeared!

His figure shook, and he instantly retreated dozens of steps!

"Who? Dare to attack only in the dark?"

Jihun's face was extremely gloomy!

Since he entered the diamond realm, he has never shed even a drop of blood, and his heart is full of pride!

But at this time, he was attacked and injured, which was a naked insult!

I saw a turtle crawling slowly from a distance, and the water column just now was emitted by it!

Jihun narrowed his eyes slightly:"Squirtle? Shouldn't you be in the spirit pool? Why can you come out?"

Squirtle rolled his eyes!

It seems that he is too lazy to pay attention to him!

Jihun's eyes were cold:"Don't think you are still in the same realm as before! You at this moment are not enough for me to fill my teeth!"

Squirtle ignored him at all, but came to Nie Ying with a humane smile on his face!

Nie Ying was stunned, and suddenly said anxiously:"Little turtle, you should leave quickly, he is too strong! We are not his opponent!"

Squirtle shook his head slightly!

The turtle raised its paw and gently stroked Nie Ying's little head!

His eyes were full of kindness!

Nie Ying was stunned, not knowing why Squirtle showed such a look!

It was like the former looking at a younger generation, full of doting!

This kind of eyes......She had only felt it from her grandfather!

The Lonely Soul not far away stared at him, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly:

"It’s true, no wonder I felt the aura of this little girl was very familiar!"

"It turns out that he has the blood of your Shuiyuan clan, and it seems to be even purer than yours."

Hearing this,

Nie Ying was stunned!

She looked at the huge figure in front of her with a puzzled look on her face, and murmured in a daze:

"...Are you a senior from the Water Source Clan?"

Squirtle smiled and said nothing! Not far away, Xu Tian,

who was half leaning against the wall, was stunned!

You are a direct descendant of the Water Source Clan? What? Does that mean this turtle is also from the Water Source Clan? And

...Or is he the ancestor of the direct lineage?

Funny, right?

How could the elder of the Shuiyuan tribe be a turtle?

Could it be that Nie Ying is also a turtle?

Oh my god!

It seems like a new world has been discovered!

Xu Tian's mouth twitched, and he looked at Jihun and sighed:

"Little mouse, eyes are a good thing! It's a pity that you don't have them!"

"Which eye of yours can tell that Xiaoying is a bastard? Did you use your third eye? Fart swallow?"

Although Xu Tian was seriously injured and weak, his mouth was intact!

Even if he couldn't beat her!

He had to scold her to vent his anger!


His head was full of question marks?


Is he calling me?


He is calling me little mouse!

It shouldn't be mine, right?

But Xu Tian's affirmative words made him angry!

"What are you looking at? The little mouse is talking about you!!"


Nie Ying couldn't help but laughed out loud!

She also glared at Xu Tian:"You're injured like that! And you still can't control your mouth!"

"Hehe! The ultimate secret: Mouth-to-mouth combat!"

Xu Tian grinned!

He accidentally touched the wound and hissed again!

Jihun was furious:"You are the little mouse! Your whole family are little mice!"

Xu Tian:"Then you are the rat shit!"


He was furious!

He was admired by everyone no matter where he was!

Now he was insulted by a mere human at the Silver Realm!

How could he tolerate this!

He rushed over directly!

【Resentment from Lonely Soul +1000! 】

Xu Tian's face froze:"Hey hey hey! A gentleman should talk, not fight! Why are you so angry?"

He wanted to crawl to the side, but he had no strength at all!

Suddenly, Squirtle rushed up and blocked Lonely Soul's way!

Lonely Soul paused:"Are you sure you want to stop me?" Squirtle didn't speak, his eyes were calm!

Lonely Soul said coldly:"If you stop me again, I won't kill you! But I will beat you half to death!"

As soon as he finished speaking!

He looked fierce, and his blood claws swung like crab claws!

Squirtle was surrounded by golden light, forming a faint golden shield!


The blood claws collided with the golden shield!

There was a trembling roar, and all the buildings within 300 meters around were blown away by the strong wind!

Xu Tian was also implicated, and he flew directly into the air along with the house!

"Ahhhh! I will be back!"

Nie Ying covered her face helplessly!

Forget it!

Never mind him! He has thick skin and flesh, so he shouldn't be killed by the fall!

The confrontation continues!


Jihun stretched out both claws at the same time and hit the golden shield, which only caused ripples!

The Golden Bell Cover was intact!

Jihun opened his eyes and said:"Is your realm recovering?" Squirtle glanced at him silently, ignored him, and closed his eyes to rest!

Jihun narrowed his eyes slightly, he could clearly feel...

The aura of Squirtle was gradually increasing!

He suddenly set his eyes on Squirtle's back! He raised his eyebrows and shouted:

"you...How did you take down the Vanity Tree?"

Jihun's face was full of fear!

He used his claws to gain momentum and backflipped more than ten steps!

Squirtle slowly opened his eyes:"You know it, why don't you get out of here!" Jihun hesitated for a moment, he knew that if Squirtle's strength recovered, he would definitely not be his opponent!


He was unwilling to give up!

The reputation of the Eternal Night Nobles resounded throughout the major spiritual realms!

As one of them, how could he be stopped by a mere turtle!?

Thinking of this!

Jihun's eyes became fierce, and his hands slowly lifted up:

"You forced me to do this!"

"Bloody Night Erosion!"

As soon as these words came out!

The sky and the earth changed color, and dark clouds rolled!

With Jihun as the center, a touch of night spread out radially!

As dark as ink!

There was not even a little light!

Squirtle's eyes condensed, and he whispered in a low voice:"Field?"

The night slowly spread, swallowing up the entire 300-meter radius in the night!

The speed was so fast that it also covered Nie Ying who wanted to escape!

It was pitch dark around, and no light could be seen!

Nie Ying lost her sense of direction for a while!


The roar sounded again!

Jihun's figure kept changing directions, attacking the Golden Bell Cover!

There was only sound, no fire generated by friction!

It was like being swallowed directly!

""Haha! Are you going to hide forever?" The voice of Lonely Soul came into Squirtle's ears vaguely.

Squirtle ignored him and continued to take a nap!

But suddenly, Lonely Soul's attack stopped, and a familiar voice suddenly sounded!

"Mmmmm...you...Let go!"


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