In front of Xu Tian, there were dozens of long swords on the necks of the three of them!

It seemed that as long as they moved slightly, they could be wiped out!

Xu Tian took a general look and saw that there were about hundreds of people around!

They were all staring at Xu Tian with greedy eyes, as if they were looking at a treasure from heaven and earth!

Several of them shouted threateningly:

"Xu Tian, I advise you to be sensible and hand over the flashy golden fruit quickly!"

"Yes, we saw you pick all the golden fruits with our own eyes"

"Don't force us to do it!"

Xu Tian smacked his tongue when he saw this:"Tsk tsk! You are really an ungrateful bastard!"

Nie Ying also pinched her waist and said indignantly:"How could you do this! ? If it weren't for Xu Tian in the spiritual realm, you would all be buried there!"

These are people who just came out of the spiritual realm! They turned against each other as soon as they came out, and they burned their bridges after crossing the river!

Such behavior is really despicable!

"You bitch! Stop talking nonsense!..."


Xu Tian instantly appeared in front of the man and grabbed his neck.���To the sky, said coldly:

"Say it again if you have the guts!"

He could tolerate others scolding him, after all, it could increase his resentment, and he was thick-skinned and not afraid of being scolded!

But he could never scold the people around him!

This was the bottom line, and it must not be touched!


The man was pinched by Xu Tian's neck, unable to breathe, his face was dark purple!

He looked at Xu Tian's cold eyes, his pupils contracted, and his whole body trembled violently!

At this moment!

""Quick! Let's go together!" A voice came from nowhere!

Hearing this!

Everyone looked at each other, and immediately released their superpowers!

A powerful pressure came out!

They rushed towards Xu Tian together!

Xu Tian sneered, took out a frying pan, turned around, and knocked everyone around him away one after another!




The sound of vomiting blood continued!

Nie Ying and Wang Mazi also took action!

For a while, Shenxu Square fell into a melee!

Gradually, many people around the square came to watch the excitement!

After all, it is human nature to watch the excitement, not to mention such a fierce battle scene!

"Hey! What's going on? A gang fight?"

"Stop hitting me! You won’t kill me if you hit me like this!"

"This is outrageous! Using supernatural powers in public! It's illegal!"

"Eh? The one being besieged seems to be Xu Tian!"

"Damn it! Call the Law Enforcement Department right away! China's second space treasure cannot be hurt!"

"cough cough...Otherwise, you should take a closer look at who is injured!"

"Wow! Xu Tian is so strong! No one can touch him!"

"It's so awesome!"


Everyone started to discuss, but some people called the Law Enforcement Department directly!

This kind of scene!

Ordinary people like them can't play any role!

Otherwise, what is the Law Enforcement Department for?


Xu Tian knocked out another person and stepped back more than ten steps, back to back with Nie Ying and Wang Mazi!

The people around them automatically formed a circle!

They surrounded Xu Tian and the other two tightly!

Xu Tian looked down at his watch and smiled brightly:"Time's up, the good show is about to begin! You also have a part!"

Everyone was stunned!

I don't know what Xu Tian meant by the good show?

But Nie Ying and Wang Mazi smiled cunningly!

""Hmph! Playing tricks! Watch out!"

A thin man rushed over directly, holding a big knife in his hand, and chopped at Xu Tian!

Xu Tian did not dodge, but just looked at him with interest!

The man's face was full of doubts!

But the next moment!

His face froze instantly!

He only felt a surge in his abdomen, his face became distorted, and his body was still shaking slightly!

Not only him!

Everyone around was like this!

Most people dropped their weapons, squatted on the ground with their hands covering their stomachs with pain on their faces!

The man with the big knife pointed at Xu Tian and shouted angrily:"Xu Tian, you actually put poison in the watermelon!"

As soon as these words came out!

Everyone reacted!

They all ate Xu Tian's iced watermelon before entering the ancient city!

Now that their bodies are strange, they don’t need to think about it to know that it was Xu Tian’s fault!

Xu Tian grinned:"Who let you get it for free!"

Hearing this.

Everyone began to curse:

"Xu Tian, you are despicable! You are shameless! You are vulgar!"

"You are so stinky!"

"You big bastard!"

"I fuck you immortal!"

【Resentment value from Liu Yuan +1000!】

【Resentment value from Luo Xuanming +1000!】

【From Xihong......】

Xu Tian laughed frivolously and said,"Hehe! I just like the way you guys want to beat me but can't do anything!"

Fortunately, Xu Tian was prepared!

Before telling everyone the news that the flashy golden fruit was in the ancient city, he had this immature idea!

Don't be afraid of ten thousand! Just be prepared!

What if they become enemies at that time, and they are outnumbered and powerful, and I can't beat them!

Otherwise, why would Xu Tian give them watermelons when he had nothing to do?

Xu Tian is not stupid!

He is smart!

At this moment.

A large group of people suddenly surrounded the square!

They were wearing black cloaks and masks on their faces, so people couldn't see their faces at all!

They all held hot weapons in their hands, and the black muzzles of their guns were pointed at the people in the square!

"Hold your heads and squat down!"

Hearing this, someone asked:"Who are you? What right do you have to command us!"

One of the men in black stepped forward, turned his back, and revealed a large word on his back:...


Everyone's eyes widened!

Everyone knew the meaning of this word very well!

Lingyin Army!

China's strongest army!

Everyone's heart skipped a beat!

It's over!

It seems that this time the matter has become a big deal!

Even the Lingyin Army has been attracted here!

In an instant!

Basically everyone in the square squatted down honestly, holding their heads nervously!

Only Xu Tian and Nie Ying were left!

Wang Mazi pulled the corner of Xu Tian's clothes hard and whispered,"Brother Tian, squat down quickly! They are from the Lingyin Army! We can't afford to offend them!"

He just met Xu Tian in the spiritual realm!

So he didn't know that Xu Tian was actually from the Lingyin Army!

Xu Tian smiled and was about to explain when a voice suddenly sounded:

"That ugly boy, I'm talking to you! Hurry up and squat down with your head in your hands! Be careful of my gun going off!"

This voice is very familiar!

Xu Tian quietly opened his insightful divine pupils, and when he saw the face under the mask, the corners of his mouth twitched!

Wang Mazi's forehead was full of sweat, and he said nervously:

"Brother Tian, squat down quickly! They are the Lingyin Army! We are not ashamed in our hearts!"

Wang Mazi thought Xu Tian was very proud! He was very arrogant!

He didn't want to squat down because he felt it was embarrassing!

But who knew, Xu Tian grinned:"What's wrong with the Lingyin Army? I still dare to fight!" As soon as he finished speaking!

Xu Tian disappeared on the spot!


Xu Tian appeared behind the black-clothed man who was threatening him, and hit him directly on the forehead!

"Hey! Old Chen! Haven't seen you for a few days! Are you so arrogant?"

This man turned out to be Xu Tian's old acquaintance... Chen Mingzhe!

At this moment, Chen Mingzhe felt his head buzzing!

There were even double images in front of his eyes!

He just wanted to tease Xu Tian, but he was recognized and got the blame for nothing!

Seeing this scene, many black-clothed people around smiled at each other! They were already used to it!

After all, they were all from the same camp as Xu Tian, and they knew Xu Tian's temperament better.

A man who squatted down and hugged his head was stunned at first, then stood up and refuted:

""What's wrong with you? Why didn't you shoot after he hit someone?"

Just as he finished speaking.


Suddenly, a bullet accurately shot at the man's knee!

The man only felt a sharp pain in his leg, and his knees knelt down weakly!

A heavy voice came into his ears:

"because...You don't deserve to know!"

Then, a thin figure walked out from the crowd!

He carried the sniper rifle on his shoulder, came to Xu Tian, took off the mask, and revealed the face behind the mask!

Li Qi looked at Xu Tian, stretched out his hand and smiled:

"Xu Tian, welcome back!"


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