Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Xu Tian did not pay too much attention to Wei Wuji's affairs.

Still alive?

It doesn't matter!

If he dares to jump around in front of him again, the worst that can happen is to kill him again!

As for why Nie Ying and Wang Mazi can't remember.

Xu Tian guessed that Wei Wuji must have sent a strong man to erase their memories.

In China, this kind of awakening of unconventional superpowers is not uncommon.

Needless to say, the rest of the people who came out of the spiritual realm are also the same!

Xu Tian didn't care too much, as long as he didn't harm the lives of those around him, everything would be fine!

In these three days, Xu Tian had a lot of fun! He basically went around the entire Yunnan!

During this period, he called Wang Hu and just asked about his recent situation.

He didn't say that he had obtained the Vanity Gold Fruit, and there was a chance to help him restore his superpowers!

Wang Hu naturally didn't ask, after all, he didn't have much hope.

Moreover, he didn't know that Xu Tian actually entered the [Jingye] spiritual realm for him.

The morning of the fourth day.

In a mountain behind Yunan City, there gathered many Lingyin soldiers wearing black cloaks.

""Xiao Xiong! I'm sorry to bother you these days! I'm leaving now! I'll come and have fun with you when I'm free!" Xu Tian patted Xiong Hai on the shoulder.

"No trouble, no trouble! Master, take care!"

Xiong Hai prayed in his heart. This trouble is finally going to leave.

In the past three days, he has caused him a lot of trouble.

He went to the luxury car 4S shop and was ridiculed by the rich second generation. He called him directly and asked him to drive a whole car full of red bills to buy all the cars in the 4S shop!

Slap the rich second generation in the face!

He went to the haunted house in the amusement park and felt it was boring. He knocked out all the ghosts and the haunted house was torn apart. He called him to send someone over!

Buy the haunted house and pay ten times the medical expenses for everyone!

He went to the comic exhibition and met someone who took a sneak shot of Nie Ying. He knocked him down on the spot. He was besieged by more than a dozen people and turned them into vegetables. He alarmed the Law Enforcement Department and called him over! He went to the Law Enforcement Department to rescue him and paid more than 100,000 yuan to bail him out!

He went to the bath center......

In just three days, more than ten things have happened!

I really don't know how Xu Tian has survived until now, he is completely possessed by a troublemaker!

Thinking of this, Xiong Hai's eyes were full of complicated meanings.

No wonder President Xu asked me to buy a coffin, it turned out to be prepared in advance!

Tsk tsk!

As expected of President Xu, he is so predictable!

Xu Tian smiled and turned to get on the helicopter behind him!

In view of safety considerations, military helicopters are safer!

What if you encounter a hijacking incident like in TV dramas, and the plane will be blown up at any time!

In that case, your life will be over!

Tut tut tut——!!!

More than a dozen military helicopters flew away together, very domineering!

Xiong Hai looked at the black dot that was getting smaller and smaller in the sky, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called Xu Shimei:

"Hello! Mr. Xu, the young master has already set off, but he is riding a military helicopter..."

"Are you sure you want to proceed with the original plan?"

"Very good! I'll arrange it right away!"

Beep beep beep...

After hanging up the phone,

Xiong Hai sighed:"I often hear about children who cheat their fathers, but this is the first time I have seen such a cheating father!"

"No, it seems like it has happened several times."

"I've really learned a lot!"

Xiong Hai smiled bitterly, walked down the mountain, picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and said,"Everyone, take your positions! Be ready for action at any time!".......

"Phew! After a few days, I finally returned to this familiar place!"

Xu Tian sat at the door of the helicopter, his legs hanging down, swinging in the air.

"Xu Tian! Be careful! Don't fall down!" Li Qi's eyes were full of worry. He was really afraid that Xu Tian would fall down accidentally, and then he would be finished!

Xu Tian waved his hand indifferently:"It's okay! He will definitely not fall down!"

There were five people on the plane.

Lu Ming was driving the plane in the driver's seat, and Li Qi, Nie Ying and Wang Mazi were sitting in the back seat.

Wang Mazi was also on the plane, and followed Xu Tian and others back to Goucha City.

During these three days, he was not idle. He applied to join the Lingyin Army and passed the assessment specially designed by Li Qi.

Now he is considered a quasi-member of the Lingyin Army.

Wang Mazi's talent is not bad, but he is not conspicuous. He has never mentioned to others that he has an S-level talent combat ability [Blade afterglow].

He is already 29 years old, but his realm is only white. Silver eight stars.

This kind of talent shouldn't be like this.

So Li Qi asked curiously and learned that Wang Mazi's talent had been automatically promoted a year ago. It was originally a B-level talent.

It was promoted two levels at once!

It was simply shocking!

After Li Qi knew it, he was also a little bit unbelievable, but he didn't continue to ask, as long as he was dedicated to the country.

Tut tut tut——!!!

In the sky, more than a dozen military helicopters soared in the sky!

Although they took a more remote route, they inevitably passed by the suburbs of several cities.

The people on the ground looked at them curiously.

"System, how much resentment is there now?"Xu Tian had nothing to do, so he asked in his heart

【[Resentment value: 1.088 million]


I didn't expect that the resentment value has accumulated so much?

I really didn't notice it before.

Xu Tian pinched his chin, feeling a little tangled for a moment.

This much resentment value can be used for ten gold-level draws and one diamond-level draw!

But ten consecutive draws are really a rip-off. Last time, I got nine gold draws. I finally got the Insight Divine Eye in the last one! After a moment of contemplation ,...

"System, conduct a diamond-level lottery."Xu Tian silently thought in his heart.

A diamond-level lottery requires 1 million grievance points.

A single shot will create a miracle!

【Ding! Diamond level lottery begins...wu~~~】

In front of Xu Tian, an illusory turntable appeared, surrounded by diamonds, looking extremely luxurious.

The proportion of each piece on the turntable was different, some were large, some were small.

But because the rewards on the turntable were all blocked, Xu Tian had no idea what the rewards were.

Generally speaking, the smaller the proportion, the better the reward!

""Stop!" Xu Tian muttered to himself.

The pointer slowly slowed down.

Until it was about to stop at a very small reward, Xu Tian stared at it intently, fearing that the pointer would move forward one more step.

Finally, the system did not let him down, and it finally stopped there!

【Ding! Reward host' Macabacca Camera’】

【Maca Baca Camera: Aim the camera at the marked object and shout"Maca" to take a photo. The marked object will be frozen in place and can be released when the user shouts"Baka"! 】

After seeing the introduction of the system, Xu Tian was stunned!


So powerful?

""System, can there only be one marker?" Xu Tian asked curiously.

If there is no limit to the number of markers, as long as they are within the camera's range, then can't a large range of control be performed?

System: [Practice makes perfect.]

Xu Tian:"How do I practice?"

System: [Isn't this opportunity here?]

Xu Tian:"???"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came into Xu Tian's ears...

"Xu Tian! Danger! Come back quickly!"

Xu Tian suddenly opened his eyes and found that he had fallen from the helicopter and was falling rapidly to the ground!

Xu Tian was stunned for a moment, and quickly inserted the"Bamboo Dragonfly!" on his forehead to slow down his falling speed.

He looked up, his eyes wide open!

"Holy shit! Where did this come from?"


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