Xu Tian smiled and nodded:"It's easy to grasp!"

"You look so weak, yet you are still being stubborn."

Nie Ying rolled her eyes helplessly and wiped the sweat off Xu Tian's forehead with a tissue!

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened!

Li Qi rushed in hurriedly, panting:"Huh~ Xiaoying, you said Xu...."Eh?"

But suddenly, he paused!

Li Qi showed a strange expression on his face.

As if he thought of something, he lowered his head quickly, retreated silently, and closed the door by the way.


Xu Tian was confused, and when he looked at his posture with Nie Ying, the corner of his mouth twitched.

At this time, Nie Ying was sitting on Xu Tian, bending over to wipe the sweat for Xu Tian.

This action was really strange.

Especially in the middle of the night, a man and a woman were alone in a room!

No wonder Li Qi misunderstood!

Nie Ying found something wrong and jumped down quickly, and a blush quickly appeared on her face.

Although she looks very young, those who don’t know would think she is only 10 years old.

But she is already 19, and she naturally understands this kind of love.

Xu Tian asked in confusion:"Xiaoying, did you call Lao Li just now?"

Nie Ying hung her head and stammered:"I just saw your body shaking violently and your breathing was disordered, so I quickly called Uncle Li and said that you seemed to be possessed."

There was obvious worry in his tone.

Xu Tian smiled helplessly and looked at the time:"It's past four in the morning now, you should go back to sleep first! Oh, by the way, don't tell anyone about my absorption of the spirit beads!""It sounds too horrifying that the silver realm can absorb diamond nine-star exotic beast spirit beads.

Telling it out may bring unnecessary trouble to oneself.

Moreover, hiding it can also be used as a trump card.

If used well, it can even kill the enemy in seconds without warning!


Nie Ying responded, opened the door, and was about to leave when she suddenly turned her head and said,"Hey! Where is my one kilogram of lollipops?"

Xu Tian's face froze. He didn't expect that this little girl was still thinking about this matter?

"cough cough...let's talk tomorrow"


Oh." Nie Ying nodded and ran away in a hurry.

【Option 1: Go to sleep peacefully, and the reward for completion is: Soul Gathering Eye Mask!】

【Option 2: Look at your phone all night long, and your reward will be: Dichlorvos!】

【Option 3: Find an open space to test the new skill. Completion reward: realm upgrade by one star!

Xu Tian really didn't expect that he would trigger the system option.

He didn't hesitate and directly chose the third option.

"System, I choose the third one!"

After saying that.


Xu Tian's figure instantly appeared in the back mountain of Lingyin Military Camp.

Lingyin Military Camp is located in Yinlong Mountain, a mountain where Gouba City and the neighboring Jiangcheng City intersect.

Yinlong Mountain is remote and dangerous, and there are many wild beasts, so generally no one will come here.

At this time.

Due to Xu Tian's arrival, the originally quiet forest became noisy. Many wild birds sleeping on the branches were awakened and flew out of the forest. The leaves rustled and the sounds of many insects echoed in the forest.

A touch of evening breeze blew, stirring Xu Tian's flowing bangs.

"It was a dark and windy night, a good time to try out new skills."

Xu Tian swung his hand!

An invisible transparent silk net shot out at a very fast speed, and it looked extremely tough!

It shot out about 200 meters and then stopped directly!

"This should be the limit distance."Xu Tian guessed.

But he was not disappointed!

This is already very strong!

This spider web is invisible to the naked eye of outsiders, only he can feel it!

If so!

In the future, when fighting against the enemy, he can control the opponent silently!


What makes Xu Tian feel a little regretful is that he has three space skills in total, but they are all control types, and the offensiveness is still a little weak!

"Oh no! Forget it! At worst, I can go to the spiritual realm and hunt space-related monsters myself!"

【Ding! Option 3 mission completed, realm upgraded by one star!】

【Ding! Points +100!】

【Name: Xu Tian】

【Realm: Silver Six Stars】

【Ability: Star Shift (can teleport anywhere within your sight)】

【Strength: 86】

【Speed: 92】

【Mental strength: 165】

【Defense: 68】

【Skills: Come here! Crows on planes! Kirin arms! Clip sounds! Medical saint inheritance! Mad dog fist! Equipment mastery! Insightful divine eyes! Lightning shadowless kick! Devouring spider silk!】

【Points: 2.1w】

【Backpack: 2 spinach sticks, 10% off coupon for the store, JK uniform with Barry family black silk, frying pan, King Kong Barbie armor, magic wand, deadly suona, super invincible spiral drill......(Click to view all)】

""Eating Spider Silk? That's a good name."

Xu Tian stroked his chin, looked at the virtual panel in front of him, and muttered softly:"These should be basic values. If you use the Qilin Arm or some trump cards, the attributes should be higher."

Xu Tian didn't notice.

In the bush behind him, a pair of eyes emitting dim light were staring at him covetously!


The bush moved!

Xu Tian turned his head abruptly, but there was nothing!

His eyes condensed!

The insightful pupils were quietly released!

"Hey! Kitty! Just a good opportunity to practice with you!"

He flicked his right hand, and a spider silk invisible to the naked eye shot out into the bushes on the right!

He thought! Swish!

A dark tiger emitting a faint light was pulled out!

The spider silk tightly wrapped around one of the legs of the dark tiger like a brand!

Blood marks were seen on its legs from being cut by the spider silk!

The dark tiger screamed miserably!

The fierceness in its eyes became even stronger!


With a roar, it rushed directly towards Xu Tian!

Xu Tian sneered!

With a flick of his left hand!

A spider silk wrapped around the other leg of the Dark Tiger, and pulled it hard!

The spider silk was like a sharp knife!

The two legs were cut off alive!

Blood spurted!

The blood-stained legs fell to the ground!

The Dark Tiger lost its balance and fell to the ground like a dog eating shit!

Xu Tian retracted the spider silk and smiled brightly:"Not bad! This skill is unexpectedly strong!"

The Dark Tiger lay on the ground whimpering in pain, staring at Xu Tian with resentment in his eyes!

【Resentment value from Dark Tiger +1000!】

"Hey! A short pain is better than a long one! I'll give you a ride!"

Xu Tian swung his hands forward and wrapped them around the neck of the Dark Tiger!

At this moment!

Xu Tian felt as if there was a powerful force behind him, which made him a little breathless!

Xu Tian quickly retracted the spider silk and turned around!

He saw a large Dark Tiger staring at him fiercely!

【Scientific name: Dark Tiger】

【Realm: Gold Star】

【Strength: 196】

【Speed: 253】

【Mental Strength: 157】

【Defense: 125】

【Skills: Tiger Pounce! Dark Claw! Tiger Shadow Step!】

【Contains a small amount of rare exotic animals in the body...The blood essence of the Nether Tiger Tribe has a very strong recovery ability, so don't let your guard down!】


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