After doing all this!

Xu Tian took Wangcai back home!

As for what happened next, it had nothing to do with him!

If they knock on the door and ask again!

Just say I don’t know!

I didn’t see anything! I will never admit it!

When Xu Tian untied the bandage on Wangcai’s leg and wanted to disinfect it, he was surprised to find...

Its wounds healed in such a short time! ?

And there is no scar left!

If it weren't for the missing hair, Xu Tian would have thought he was seeing things.!

"Wangcai, what did you eat to grow up? How can you recover so well?"

Wangcai raised his little head, looking very proud!

"Hey! See what I can do!"

Xu Tian slammed his head on its head!

【Resentment value from Wangcai +999! 】


Did I provoke you?

You just flicked my head?

And you flicked it so hard! My head is still buzzing!

Listening to the system's prompt, Xu Tian picked up Wangcai!

"Come on! I'll give you a bath! Look how dirty you are! It's like you're covered in shit!"

【Resentment from Wangcai +1080! 】


Can we not speak if we can't?

Why is it shit?

This is obviously mud!

Xu Tian ignored Wangcai's resentful look, put the water in place, and threw it in directly!

"You are so old now, you can take a bath by yourself, right?"


Is it too late for me to leave now?

Seeing Wangcai's confused look, Xu Tian couldn't help but sigh helplessly!

""Forget it! Let me wash you!"

Xu Tian took the bath towel and grabbed Wangcai's head with one hand!

He rubbed the bath towel hard on it!


The hair fell into a pool!


It nimbly escaped from Xu Tian's clutches!

It fluttered into the corner of the bathtub and stayed there quietly!

Xu Tian:"......"

In this way, Wangcai soaked in the pool for a full half an hour!

He finally came out satisfied!

Xu Tian, who was sitting next to him playing with his phone, was stunned when he saw Wangcai's appearance!

The dirt on Wangcai's hair was washed clean, showing the original purple color!

There was also a cat paw mark between his eyebrows!

It looked very cute!

""Oh shit! Wangcai, you’re purple? I thought you were black!"

Xu Tian exclaimed in surprise.

He held Wangcai in one hand and blew him dry with a hair dryer!

Wangcai’s hair is lush and extremely fluffy, and feels almost like mink fur, very comfortable!

Xu Tian said with a smile:"Wangcai, let’s discuss something!"

Wangcai tilted his head in confusion:"Meow?"

Xu Tian pulled Wangcai’s cat hair, his eyes shining, and said:

"Your fur is quite soft. When winter comes, make me a pair of cat fur pajamas!"


Or you should just let me go!......Too dangerous!

【Resentment from Wangcai +666! 】

Just then, there was a knock at the door!

""Brother! Are you home? I forgot to bring my keys again!"

Xu Xiaotang's voice came over!

Xu Tian replied,"Right away!"

Then he picked up Wangcai and walked quickly to open the door!


As soon as the door opened, Xu Xiaotang rushed over happily!

But when she saw Wangcai in Xu Tian's arms, she couldn't help but be stunned!

"Brother, where did this cat come from?"

"The stray cat I picked up!"

"Wow! So cute!"Xu Xiaotang held Wangcai in her arms!

Stroking its soft fur, her cherry lips couldn't help but curl up into a happy smile!

"Bro, does it have a name?"


Xu Xiaotang:"......"

"Why did you give such a cute cat a dog’s name?"

Xu Tian said disapprovingly:"Why is it a dog’s name? Look at Wangcai! His fur is lush! And he’s valuable!"

Xu Xiaotang:"......"

She stroked Wangcai's fur silently!

Her eyes were full of pity, little kitty! You are really wronged!

"Meow~!"Wangcai also cried out with tears in his eyes!

He looked so pitiful!

Xu Xiaotang pouted and said,"Brother, look at you, Wangcai.......The kittens are crying!"

Xu Tian:"Hey! Wangcai! You didn't have this attitude before!"

"Meow~!"Wangcai was scared and snuggled into Xu Xiaotang's arms again!

Xu Xiaotang glared at Xu Tian fiercely, then hugged Wangcai and went back to the room!

Xu Tian:"......"

So I am a clown?

Good deeds don't bring good rewards?

I wiped a DJ!.......

Xu Tian returned to the bedroom!

Seeing that the emotional value on the system panel had reached 99999!

He immediately made a ten-draw streak of silver!

【Congratulations on getting 10 RPD machine guns!】

【Congratulations on getting the Corn Cannon!】

【Congratulations on getting the air-to-ground missile!】

【Congratulations on getting 20 m249 machine guns!】

【Congratulations on obtaining 100 incendiary grenades!】

【Congratulations on obtaining 60 AK-47 rifles!】

【Congratulations on getting the Barrett sniper rifle!】

【Congratulations on getting 20 fixed machine guns!】

【Congratulations on getting the Blue Fire Gatling!】

【Congratulations on acquiring the skill: Equipment Mastery! 】

The system stopped!

A lot of knowledge about thermal weapons flooded into Xu Tian's mind like a tide!

For a moment,

Xu Tian couldn't help but fall into deep thought....

So many hot weapons?

System! What do you want to do?

Do you want me to rob a bank?

You know.

Although the spiritual energy has revived, China still has a gun ban!

Civilians are not allowed to illegally possess guns!


Firearms and other hot weapons still pose a great threat to the lives of people below the gold realm!

And most of the ordinary people in the city are only at the scrap iron realm!

How can they resist?

Therefore, in order to prevent some terrorist incidents from happening, China's gun ban is still necessary!

At least, within China, safety can be guaranteed!

You don't have to worry about your life being endangered every moment!

Die inexplicably!

Xu Tian took out all the weapons and filled the bedroom with them!

""Fuck! It's so fucking cool!"

Xu Tian held the Blue Fire Gatling gun, with a look of regret on his face!

"With so many guns, I feel like I can take on a small country alone!"

Xu Tian touched all the weapons!

The relevant knowledge in his mind was also constantly consolidated!

Xu Tian sighed again and fell asleep!.......

The next morning,

Xu Tian left the house early in the morning!

As for Wangcai, let him stay at home to guard the door!

Let him rebel yesterday!

It's worth it!

When he came to the classroom, he saw a group of people gathered around Wang Junka's seat!

Xu Tian looked puzzled and walked up!

When he got closer, he heard a conversation between several people....

"True or false? Is this the test taking technique of Xu Xueshen?"

"If you take a closer look, it’s really terrifying!"

"What a genius! He actually figured out the pattern of the exam answers himself!"

"As expected of him!"

Xu Tian asked in confusion:"What are you talking about?"

Hearing this, several people turned their heads!

When Wang Junka saw Xu Tian, he bent his legs and knelt directly!

Xu Tian:"???"

゛(◎_◎;)A confused look???


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