On the other side,

Xu Tian and the others had already reached the mountain.

This mountain was called Quyun Mountain.

It was just an unknown small hill.

There were bushes and trees everywhere, and from time to time there would be a few fallen leaves blowing in the wind, making a rustling sound.

"Xu Tian, I feel it.......The location is roughly over there."

Suddenly, Mu Wanqing pointed to the depths of the forest.

Xu Tian looked over there. It was pitch black. He could only vaguely see a few bats circling in the sky.

"Well, now that we have identified the location, let's wait for the contract to be connected."

As he said this, he sat down on the ground, feeling a little exhausted.

His spiritual power was almost exhausted.

Because Xu Tian teleported with Mu Wanqing, the spiritual power consumption was naturally much greater than teleporting alone!

Fortunately, his realm was restored to Silver One Star.

Otherwise, he might have collapsed before reaching the place.

Xu Tian took out the 'Secret Hamburger of Lao Ba' from the system space.

It looked similar to a normal hamburger, but it smelled a bit strange.

Xu Tian looked at Mu Wanqing and asked:

"Do you want to eat?"

"No, no, no, you eat it yourself."Mu Wanqing quickly shook her head.

She was two meters away from Xu Tian, but the moment Xu Tian took it out, she smelled a fishy smell.

Let her eat it?

How is that possible?

Xu Tian curled his lips and took a bite.

Instantly, his eyes lit up!

He took another bite with a surprised look!

""Fuck! Why is it so delicious?"

As soon as he took a bite, he could smell a sweet and spicy taste, which was completely different from what it smelled like.

Crispy and delicious.

And with every bite, Xu Tian could clearly feel the rapid recovery of his spiritual power!

Crunch, crunch!

Xu Tian finished it in a few bites, and the moment he swallowed it, his spiritual power directly recovered to its peak state!

Not only that, Xu Tian felt that his realm seemed to have loosened a little, so he hurriedly sat cross-legged and circulated his spiritual power.

After a few seconds,...


A subtle sound rang out in Xu Tian's body.

【Ding! The host's realm is upgraded by one star, and the points are increased by 100!】

【Name: Xu Tian】

【Realm: Silver Two Star】

【Talent: E-level】

【Ability: Space-related 'Star Shift' (can teleport anywhere within your sight)】

【Strength: 61】

【Speed: 63】

【Mental strength: 146】

【Defense: 49】

【Skills: Come here, Crow on a Plane, Clip Sound, Mad Dog Fist, Equipment Mastery!】

【Points: 3100】

【Backpack: Kirin Arm, Da Chu Brand Hehuan Powder, Anti-wolf Spray, 3 Strong Spinach, 2 Yangqi Yams, 10% off coupon for the store, JK uniform with Barry Family black silk, frying pan...(Click to view all)】

【Stores: (Click to view all)】


Xu Tian sighed.

It was just like a little cow carrying a parachute - awesome!

At this moment, a warm current was flowing back in Xu Tian's chest, just like experiencing a top-notch massage.

Mu Wanqing, who was standing next to him, opened her beautiful eyes wide and asked in disbelief:

"Has your realm been elevated?"

""Yeah." Xu Tian nodded.

【Shock value from Mu Wanqing +666! 】Mu

Wanqing was so surprised that she covered her mouth with her hands........

The realm has been raised?

How outrageous!

Then the two of them did not say much, and quietly waited for the time to come...........

Time is like running water, flowing through your fingers carelessly.

Now, it is already one o'clock in the morning............


Mu Wanqing looked happy,"Xu Tian, it's done."

"Ask about the situation."Xu Tian nodded.

"Hmm." Hearing this, Mu Wanqing made hand seals and her eyes became blank and dull.

Her body seemed to be frozen, motionless.

Five minutes later......

Mu Wanqing showed a joyful smile on her face:

"My mother said that the Night Demons guarding them would take turns at this time, so there might be a few minutes of slack."

""Let's go!"

Xu Tian stood up, holding Mu Wanqing's slender arm, and disappeared with a flash of white light.

At the same time, deep in Quyun Mountain, there is a huge circular altar with a diameter of about 10 meters.

Around the altar, there are ten tall and thick stone pillars.

Each stone pillar emits a different glimmer.

Corresponding to yellow, green, blue, red, orange, purple, gray, black, white, and dark blue.

It looks very magical.

Because there are many tall trees around, the situation here is not very obvious.

On the altar, there are three figures wearing red cloaks next to each stone pillar.

They hold weapons and look around with cold eyes.

Next to a stone pillar emitting a green glimmer, three people in red cloaks are extremely lazy. They chat in a low voice:

"Damn, the time is up, why haven't they changed shifts yet? Where are those three people?"

"Damn, could he have died in his sleep?"

"It's already past one o'clock, why don't you come? I'm so sleepy!"

The three complained.

Because usually at one o'clock in the morning, people have to take over, but today no one came to take over, so they couldn't help but feel resentful.

At this time, a man in a crimson cloak came over and shouted coldly:

"What are you doing?"

When the three saw the visitor, they knelt down and saluted:

"Report to the Demon Envoy, the guards need to be exchanged at this time, but now it is past the time and they have not come yet, so I want to ask why."

Hearing this, Han Qian, who was called the Demon Envoy, frowned.

When he was about to say something, two figures wearing red cloaks came from a distance.

Han Qian said coldly:

"Why are you late?"

"Report to the Demon Envoy, we met three suspicious people on the way, so we were delayed for a while.

""What! Where are those three people?" Han Qian was shocked.

His heart suddenly skipped a beat!

"Over there." One of them pointed to the distance and said,"Another of our brothers is following them and has not been discovered yet."

"Good!" Han Qian nodded in appreciation,"If we catch him, you will definitely have a share of the credit."

Then he said to the person behind him:

"Twenty of you come with me, and the rest of you continue to guard here. Don't let any outsiders come here. If you meet any suspicious people, kill them immediately!"

""Yes." Everyone leaned forward and responded.

Then, twenty figures wearing red cloaks jumped out from the central altar and swooped down into the forest with Han Qian....


The author has something to say, but the words of thanks are said to be repetitive╯﹏╰So I put it in the comment section.(≧∇≦)O→

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