Yuan Hua was stunned

"Real food? ?"

"Um...I asked him who he was"

"How did he say?"

"He said......Wo Nen Daddy!"

Yuan Hua:"???"

Xu Tian:"???"

Bai Xiaoxiao:"???"

Yuan Xiaomin:"???"

What the hell?

Is this something a human strongman could say?

So outrageous?

Li Qi nodded silently:"As soon as he finished speaking, another white rose floated over. As soon as the white rose touched me, it turned into a white light and entered my body."

Yuan Hua asked curiously:"What happened next?"

Li Qi:"Then...All my injuries have recovered, and I am completely unharmed, and my realm has even been raised by one star!"

Yuan Hua was shocked:"Fuck! So outrageous?"

Li Qi:"Then I left...Returned to the Lingyin military camp.

Yuan Hua was stunned:"Why didn't I encounter such a powerful person coming?"

Li Qi said slowly:"Because...I wrote this."

Yuan Hua:"......"


After talking for so long, it turns out to be a fabrication���?

Good fellow!

I'll be the first to disagree if you don't write a novel!

Yuan Hua and Xu Tian rolled their eyes at the same time.

Li Qi then said seriously:"Okay, let's get down to business. Where is my tenfold compensation?"

Yuan Hua:"......"

That's right!

Didn't you come here to solve the problem?

Why are you still arguing?

Yuan Hua glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao, leaned close to Li Qi's ear and whispered:"Isn't this train chartered by this lady? Why are you still hanging around here? Get out of here!"

Li Qi smiled and said,"This lady is my buddy's buddy, and she agreed to take us with her."

Yuan Hua was stunned at first, then asked in confusion:"Then why do you want to refund the ticket?"

Li Qi continued:

"Look...I am using this lady's car, but I paid for the ticket. This is extremely unfair to her! She spent so much extra money, and now I want you to pay ten times the amount. Isn't this normal?"

Yuan Hua:"???" seem...That's right!

But I still feel something is wrong!

Li Qi saw him hesitating and put his arm around his shoulders:"Hey, we are all brothers, it's just 999! Are you unfamiliar with each other?"

Yuan Hua nodded:"That's right, it's not my money anyway, Xiao Min, go get the money to compensate him!"

After that,

Yuan Xiaomin obediently walked to the front car.

Yuan Hua also waved his hand and left.

As a flight attendant, he was still very busy.

Next, several people in the workshop began to do their own things.

Xu Tian and Bai Xiaoxiao were communicating in depth about their experiences.

Li Qi sat aside, stroking his chin, thinking about something with a blank look in his eyes.

In fact, what he just described was not made up, it really happened.

But what he didn't say was...

The place he was teleported to was not a forest, but a park in a community.

He only found out about this after he came out.

This community was called...

Yangwei Community...........

The next half hour!

The journey was surprisingly smooth!

After getting off the bus, Li Qi held the 999 yuan in his pocket, and his expression became brighter!

Xu Tian looked at him with contempt.

What a shame!

The station was crowded with people, and Xu Tian grabbed Bai Xiaoxiao's arm and teleported away.

Only Li Qi was left floating alone in the crowd!

【Li Qi's resentment value +999! 】

After Xu Tian came out, he went straight to Gou Bayi Middle School.

He didn't care about Li Qi anymore!

Anyway, he won't die, so he can do whatever he wants!

Suddenly, Xu Tian's face turned gloomy.

He only heard two people waiting for the bus on the side of the road whispering something.

"Hey! Did you watch the live broadcast? No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School played a friendly match"

"Of course I watched it. I didn't expect that Wei Wuji from No. 2 Middle School was so strong? He actually beat four players in a row! He beat No. 1 Middle School so badly that they couldn't even raise their heads."

"Damn! No. 1 Middle School has been humiliated this time."

"And that Liu Xiba, hahaha, his face was beaten like a pig's head"

"I saw it... I laughed my ass off!"


Xu Tian came over and smiled brightly:"Two brothers, what are you talking about? What friendly match?"

The passerby glanced at Xu Tian:"You don't know this? Today, No. 2 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School are playing a competition!"

Xu Tian asked curiously:"How was the battle?"

The passerby laughed:"Wei Wuji from No. 2 Middle School made a pass to four! No. 1 Middle School was beaten so badly that it couldn't raise its head!"

Xu Tian's face sank:"Are there any casualties?"

The man thought carefully for a moment and said:"Yes, I heard that Liu Qiang from No. 1 Middle School had both arms broken, Liu Xiba's face was beaten into a pig's head, Wang Junka was knocked unconscious, and that Tigger..."

"What happened to Tigger?"

"It is said that...It seems that his spiritual veins are cut, his supernatural powers are shattered, and he has become an ordinary person!"

Xu Tian was shocked:"What!?"

He clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were full of cold light.

The passers-by shuddered when they saw this!

Xu Tian asked in a deep voice:"Is the person still there?"

The passer-by stammered:"In...In, Wei Wuji is now the champion, and is waiting for the next challenger."

Xu Tian thanked him and turned to leave!

Bai Xiaoxiao held his fist and shook his head,"Xu Tian, I know you are very angry now, but don't do anything illegal, otherwise even the Lingyin Army can't protect you."

Hearing this, Xu Tian loosened his fist and grinned,"Hehe, Xiaoxiao, don't worry, I know my limits."

Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes were slightly worried, but he still loosened his palm!

The two rushed to Gou Bayi Middle School together!

And the two passers-by were confused!

"Eh? Why does he look so angry?"

"I do not know!"

"Oh, by the way, do you feel that he looks like someone in particular?"


"Xu Tian!"

"The city champion? The famous space-based awakened person?"

"That’s right!���

"Shit! Now that you mention it, it seems like they are somewhat similar!"

"It should be removed indeed!"

"Zhuo! He's back? This is going to be interesting!"

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and turn on the live broadcast!"


As he said that, a passerby opened the Douyin Shanggouba Campus Friendly Match.

Wei Wuji was seen holding a golden stick in the center of the field.

He was looking at the people in the audience opposite with disdain and sneered:

"A small middle school! That's all!"


There is one more chapter to the party~!

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