Just when Chen Fan was feeling strange,

Zhang Guoqing's wife, who was notified by the police, also arrived at the scene.

As soon as Zhang Guoqing's wife Li Huilan arrived at the scene, she knelt down in front of the dead Zhang Guoqing.

"National Day, National Day...what's wrong with you?……"

"How can you leave me?……"

Li Huilan cried and shouted.

When Li Huilan had almost finished crying, the director standing next to her said,"Family of the deceased, when did you find out that the deceased was missing last night?"

Li Huilan wiped her tears and choked up and said,"My husband went out to his second brother's house to drink last night. He didn't come back for a long time. I thought my husband fell asleep at his brother's house, so I didn't worry at first."

"But the next morning, around six o'clock this morning, my second brother called my husband to get up, but he told me that my husband had already gone home last night."

"My son and I searched all over the village and asked everyone, but we couldn't find my husband."

"I couldn't get through to my husband on the phone, so I had no choice but to call the police."

The director thought for a while.

According to what Li Huilan said, she found her husband missing at six in the morning.

It is now eleven o'clock in the morning.

Li Huilan called the police three hours ago, which means that Li Huilan searched for her husband for about an hour after she found out that he was missing before calling the police.

But solving a case cannot be solved by relying solely on one's own subjective conjectures.

So the director asked:"Then how long did you look for Zhang Guoqing?"

Li Huilan answered without thinking:"About an hour or so. Our village is not big, and it didn't take long to walk through it."

The director nodded to Chen Fan on the side and said:"The time points she said are all right."

But Chen Fan still has his own doubts.

Chen Fan said:"Has your family always lived in the village?"

Li Huilan replied:"No... twenty years ago... after my husband's parents died... all the family property was divided between my husband and his younger brother."

"My husband felt that there were too few opportunities to make money at home, so he took my son and me to the city."

"He didn't come back until the Chinese New Year this year."

Chen Fan said:"What kind of jobs do you do outside?"

Li Huilan replied:"My husband is still a carpenter, and I am a nanny for other people."

Chen Fan then asked:"Did you make money outside?"

In fact, Chen Fan had the answer to this question in his heart.

Li Huilan in front of him was very thin and pale. She should be in poor health.

If she made money outside, she should not be really weak.

Li Huilan shook her head and said:"I made money in the first few years, but then I got a serious illness and spent all the family savings."

"I couldn't work as a nanny due to my health problems, so my family had no money since then."

"In order to reduce the cost of living, our family decided to move back to the village."


I left home 20 years ago to work outside... No wonder the man who lived nearby didn't know Zhang Guoqing.

Of course...

It was also because Zhang Guoqing had been away from home for too long. As a result, no one who knew him recognized him.

Chen Fan thought of the poem: I left home when I was young and returned when I was old, my accent has not changed, but my hair has turned gray.

At the same time.

Two policemen suddenly came over, holding down a dirty man.

The man shouted,"Let me go...let me go……"

Hearing this voice,

Chen Fan and the director looked at the man who was brought in.

"What's going on?" the chief asked.

One of the two policemen answered:"Chief... we were looking for clues nearby just now, and then we saw this man sneaking around, looking over here... we asked him what he was doing... he didn't say anything."

As soon as the policeman finished speaking,

Li Huilan, who was standing nearby, suddenly exclaimed and said,"Aren't the clothes you are wearing... my husband's clothes?"

This sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This person... is wearing the clothes of the deceased?

Could it be that this person killed the deceased and stole his clothes?

The chief immediately went over and asked seriously:"What's going on? Why are you wearing the clothes of the deceased?"

The man quickly shook his head and explained in a panic:"Clothes... I picked up these clothes nearby.……"

Chen Fan also came over and said,"Picked it up?"

0 ········Request flowers0 ·····

【If he picked it up, why does he look so nervous? It's suspicious.……】

【After watching this live broadcast more, I think it was definitely not this person who killed him.……】

【Is there anyone picking up clothes to wear now?……】

【You above are the one who is asking why you don't eat meat... There are so many poor people in this world who can't afford clothes and can't eat enough.……】

The man nodded and recalled,"Last night... after the amusement park closed... I sneaked in from the back hill... to see if there was anything to eat.……"

"When I walked near here, I heard a very strange sound, but I looked carefully and didn't find anything that made the sound. Then I felt a little scared and was about to leave here. I looked down and saw some clothes on the ground, so I picked them up and put them on."


The director frowned.

Chen Fan also observed the man carefully.


The man was dirty, with messy hair and skinny body, and he looked like a beggar.

The director said:"Take him back to the police station first, I still need to interrogate him."

When the man heard that he was going to the police station, he panicked and said hurriedly:"You really didn't do it... Don't arrest me……"

But the director ignored him.

Chen Fan continued to walk back to the body, intending to check it again.

Chen Fan found that the body's hands were clasped, so he opened one of the palms.

As soon as the palm was opened, a gold chain appeared in the hand of the corpse.

Chen Fan took out the gold chain.

The director also noticed the situation here and hurried over.

Chen Fan said:"This was found in the hand of the deceased."

Gold chain... and it is a women's style.

This naturally made Chen Fan think of Zhang Guoqing's Li Huilan

【Women's necklace...it couldn't have been done by Li Huilan.……】

【It's unlikely that a wife would hurt her husband...Look at how sad Li Huilan was crying just now...she must have had a good relationship with the deceased.】

【Could it be another murder of passion?】

At this time, Li Huilan was taking notes nearby.

Chen Fan walked over with the gold necklace, showed it to Li Huilan, and said,"Li Huilan... do you recognize this gold chain?"

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