District 9

Chapter 109: Humble in front of capital

Songjiang, inside the Grand Palace Entertainment City.

Yuan Hua sat on the office chair, loosened the neat collar with his slightly stiff palms, and touched his trouser pocket again with dull eyes.

"Old Yuan, has something happened in Fengbei?" Bald Man asked standing next to the desk.

Yuan Hua buried his face in his hands, rubbed his face vigorously, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Smoke, give me a cigarette."

The bald man looked at Yuan Hua for a moment, lowered his head and took out the cigarette case.

Yuan Hua put the cigarette to his mouth with trembling palms, lowered his head and touched his trouser pocket again and said, "Fire."

The bald man frowned and took out the electronic lighter. He couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"


Yuan Hua stood up suddenly, punched the table, threw away the cigarette with a pale face and said: "...Xing...Xing Zihao lost it, it's in the other person's hand."

The bald man was stunned when he heard the sound.

Yuan Hua closed his eyes and gasped, then immediately ordered: "Book a ticket and go to Fengbei."

"Okay." The bald man was also a little flustered, turned around and shouted: "Come in someone. Oh, yes, David, come in."

Two minutes later, seven or eight people walked quickly outside. When they reached the hall, Yuan Hua suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, call Xiaoke, and ask other people who can do things to come together."

"Okay." The bald man nodded again.

In the early morning, Yuan Hua led seven or eight people to Fengbei Longxing Company.

As soon as everyone arrived in the hall, Fatty Xing, the helmsman of Longxing, happened to come from outside the door.

"Hey, Mr. Xing," Yuan Hua hurried over to greet him, half-bending his body and extending his palm: "I really didn't expect this to happen."

"Haha." Fatty Xing smiled, held Yuan Hua's hand with a kind face and said, "Just a few hooligans on the ground, a small problem."

"We'll try our best to save it. I'll take care of it myself. We, old Yuan, will use our heads to guarantee that Zihao will return home safely." Yuan Hua immediately added.

"Go upstairs and chat, go upstairs and chat." Fatty Xing's posture relaxed and he told the follower: "First settle the people in Lao Yuan's company, and let Pete have a meal with everyone later."

"Okay." The follower nodded.

"Haha." Fatty Xing smiled again and reached out to pat Lao Yuan's shoulder: "Don't be nervous. You have been in Songjiang for so long. What storms have you not seen? Relax, go upstairs and I will treat you to tea."

Yuan Hua turned around and said, "You follow General Secretary Xing to settle in."




Yuan Ke, Bald Zi and others nodded.

"Let's go." Fatty Xing walked in front and greeted.

Yuan Hua immediately followed him.

Dozens of seconds later, Fatty Xing walked into the elevator with two vice presidents of the company and Yuan Hua.

The door slowly closed, Yuan Hua turned to look at Fatty Xing, and said apologetically: "Mr. Xing, I am responsible for this..."


Fatty Xing raised his hand and slapped Yuan Hua on the face, and asked with a gloomy look: "I want you to get rich, but you want me to lose my son, right?"

Yuan Hua was beaten for a long time, and then he raised his head with a stiff neck: "Nothing will happen to your child."

Fatty Xing took off his gold-rimmed glasses, lowered his head and wiped the water mist on them, and cursed in a hoarse voice: "I believed your 100% talk at the beginning, and now I have even lost my son."

Yuan Hua was silent.

A few minutes later, everyone took the elevator to the top floor. Fatty Xing led everyone into his lounge.

In the room, the four of them sat down. Fatty Xing lit a cigarette and asked briefly: "How can you guarantee that my son is fine?"

Yuan Hua wiped the sweat from his hands on his pants without leaving a trace, and organized his words in his mind before opening his mouth to respond: "Those people opposite have no connections in the local area, and they will definitely not be able to hide them. When they came, I found someone at the communications company who could use the phone..."

"That's not what I want to hear." Fatty Xing waved his hand to interrupt.

Yuan Hua was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Don't talk around in circles with me. Xiao Hao was arrested on the other side. It's impossible that he didn't contact you." Fatty Xing raised his eyebrows and asked: "Just tell me the conditions, the conditions they raised."

Yuan Hua actually wanted to lie at this moment, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that Fatty Xing had also received the news from the other side and knew the conditions for Yongdong's exchange, so he could only hesitate for a moment and replied truthfully: "Well, they Conditions have indeed been set.”


"...!" Yuan Hua gritted his teeth, then looked up at Fatty Xing and said, "They want to exchange Yongdong for him."

"Is he the one who came to Fengbei to handle Xiaoqu for you first?" Fatty Xing asked again.


"Then change." Fatty Xing lowered his head and picked up the cigarette case: "Let him go and let my son come back."

"Mr. But if we don’t change and check first, then with Longxing’s connections in Fengbei and the help from the communications company, the people on the other side will definitely not be able to hide in the local area. Give me 24 hours, and I will I will help you dig out these people."

Fatty Xing lit his cigarette, frowned slightly and looked at Yuan Hua and asked, "You're telling me a story, right? That ditty who replaced the fake medicine should have died as soon as he finished his work. Not only did you fail to do that, , instead, you asked him to come to Fengbei. You can't handle such a small matter well. What else are you talking about with me, digging out the person on the opposite side 24 hours a day?! Who do you think they are kidnapping? Then He is my biological son, and even one hundred of your heads, Yuan Hua's, are not as valuable as this one, do you understand?"

Yuan Hua clenched his fists and fell silent again.

"I will say hello to the officials and tell them not to mess around, so as not to anger Lei Zi opposite and put my child in danger." Fatty Xing pointed at Yuan Hua and said word by word: "In two days, Zihao must sit down Here. Listen, it’s necessary! If he can’t come back, let alone the business, I won’t let you continue with your life.”

A few minutes later.

Yuan Hua walked out of the elevator with a gloomy expression and strode outside quickly. Yuan Ke, who was staying behind in the hall, immediately got up when he saw him, ran to the house behind and shouted: "Let's go, let's go."

On the icy and snowy street, Yuan Hua opened the car door. As soon as he got in, Yongdong chased after him from behind and asked in a hurried tone: "What did Lao Xing say?"

Yuan Hua looked at Yongdong who looked anxious, with mixed feelings in his heart.

In the wasteland.

Although Ma Laoer's bleeding had been stopped, he was in a severe coma. The gun dealer Lao Er was looking for stopped answering their calls.

Without the arrival of a doctor, it was doubtful whether Ma Laoer could survive until midnight.

Qin Yu was forced to have no choice but to call Li Si continuously, but the other party never answered.

"How's it going? Have you contacted Lao Li?" Uncle Ma asked anxiously.

Qin Yu shook his head and responded with a very ugly expression: "The news of Xing Zihao's accident may have spread back to Songjiang."

"...!" When Lao Ma heard this, his heart suddenly dropped, and he completely understood what Qin Yu meant.

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