District 9

Chapter 1106 Escort all the way

Qin Yu knew very well that his goal had been achieved at this moment. If he didn't run away from Fengbei quickly, Zhu Wei and Lao Mao would definitely not be able to take away the people they desperately caught.

The people who came to Fengbei to arrest people were impromptu, and they had a stronger sense of revenge for Ma Laoer. The military and political leaders were completely unprepared. If the police system in Fengbei really gathered together to forcibly retain people, the people who would be detained would definitely be It is absolutely impossible for Qin Yu himself and the troops to really get angry because of this matter.

Based on the above reasons, after Qin Yu received Zhu Wei's call, he immediately told the other party to follow the troops and go out without stopping for a moment.

At the same time, Qin Yu and others followed Daya's troops and rushed outside the city gate with the captured Brother Tian.

About an hour later, the convoy stopped at the North Pass.

Qin Yu sat in the car and glanced around the situation. He saw at least forty or fifty police patrol cars around the pass, and the multifunctional combat vehicle of the anti-terrorism team was also at the scene.

On both sides of the pass, police officers armed to the teeth stood with guns in hand, looking at Da Ya's troops expressionlessly.


Da Ya pushed the door open and got out of the car. Wearing an upright military uniform, he strutted to the pass and asked, "Who is in charge here?"

A young man carrying the rank of sergeant came out of the watchtower, saluted and asked: "Which unit are you from?"

"The Second Battalion of the Third Regiment of the First Field Division in the First Theater, I am the battalion commander Wang Henan." Daya returned the greeting and said: "We have an urgent mission, please switch to release."

The young police chief pondered for a while and replied: "A gunfight broke out in the city. We received an order from the police station to temporarily lock down the gate."

"I can't wait for you to solve the case," Da Ya frowned and replied, "I have to leave now."

"That won't work." The police chief shook his head.

"you said?"

"Yes, I said so." The sergeant nodded.

Daya stopped talking nonsense. After hearing the sound and returning, he stood outside the car with a walkie-talkie and shouted: "Second Battalion, please call."

Two minutes later.

The phone rang rapidly in the watchtower, and a middle-aged man with the title of superintendent slowly answered the phone: "Hello, how are you?"

"I am the headquarters of the Third Regiment of the First Field Division. Our Second Battalion has an urgent mission. Please let us go immediately." The other party said in a strong tone.

"We can't let him go now." The director frowned and replied.

"I'll give you five minutes. If the second battalion doesn't come out, we'll go pick him up as a group. That's it." After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"These fucking gangsters don't follow any rules." The director was very upset and cursed with a sullen face.

On the roadside of the pass, the pickup truck convoy did not shut down, and the soldiers were ready, but Daya was not in a hurry. He bent down and said to Qin Yu in the car: "Hey, I haven't taken off my vacation after graduation. I will follow the group later. Tell me, I’ll go home and stay for a few days.”

"Twenty cents, young man." Although Qin Yu already knew about Daya's promotion on the phone, he still nodded happily.

"The old officer said that I am too young and the insignia on my shoulders is too heavy and will weigh me down, haha. Generally, those with senior qualifications will get the rank of lieutenant colonel after graduating from the Army," Daya replied with a smile: " But I guess I’ll have to wait another two years.”

"Stay steady..."

"Stay calm." When Cha Meng saw that the two of them were chatting about family matters, he suddenly said in a broken voice: "There are so many people blocking the door. Can we study how to walk first? If we wait for a while, the city will Now that someone is here, it won’t be in vain.”

Da Ya glanced at his watch when he heard the sound, and replied in a relaxed tone: "It's okay, we can definitely go out first."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden burst of sound in the sky. Two military helicopters were hovering outside the gate. They were very low and did not get close. They only hovered above the city gate.

Inside the watchtower.

The director raised his head and glanced at the sky, then immediately took the phone and dialed a number: "Hello? Yes, I'm in Beiguan now and have already met them. The Third Regiment of the First Field Division said... If we don't let them go within five minutes, they will send a group to pick them up. Now the helicopter has arrived... No one can say whether there will be a conflict, but the joint defense outside the zone called me and he said three The regiment is indeed moving this way. OK, OK, I understand."

Two minutes later, the director stepped out of the watchtower, waved his hand and shouted: "Raise the railing and let them pass."

Hearing the sound, Daya turned around, adjusted his military uniform and shouted: "Everyone is here, come out of seclusion!"

urban area.

Brother Yun sat in the car and waited for a long time before he saw a car stopped at the fork in front of him. He glanced at the license plate, immediately opened the door and walked out.

It was cold outside. Brother Yun walked quickly to the car in front, opened the back seat door, and shouted first: "Secretary Gao."

"Come on up." The man in the car wearing a windbreaker and slicked back hair greeted softly.

Brother Yun bent down and sat in the car, closing the door smoothly.

"The higher-ups are very dissatisfied with your matter." Secretary Gao said directly: "If it doesn't work out, forget it. How can you let the other party grab the pigtail?!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't handle this well." Brother Yun nodded in agreement.

"Is there any progress with Xiao Su?" Secretary Gao asked again.

"Xiao Su is a bit difficult to get along with." Brother Yun frowned and responded: "About the case, he didn't reveal even a little bit of useful information to us. Every time I asked him, he said he was working on it. Woolen cloth."

Secretary Gao was silent.

"He has been doing it for a long time, but it has not been effective." Brother Yun asked tentatively: "How about replacing him?"

"People with weird personalities are more or less geeks." Secretary Gao intervened and said, "It's been so long, let's continue to let him do it."


"Wipe Songjiang's ass clean, and don't leave any more clues for the other side." Secretary Gao sighed and said, "The higher-ups have spoken. We must capture him in Songjiang before the end of the year."

"I understand." Brother Yun nodded.

outside the area.

The pickup truck convoy was speeding along and soon met the Third Group on the road.

Daya got off the military vehicle and quickly rushed to the side of the regiment commander's vehicle. After saluting, he shouted: "Report to the regiment commander that we are accepting a defense deployment mission..."


The regiment leader slapped Daya on the head: "What a fool, the Army has been so messed up, your wings are strong, aren't you?"

"Hehe!" Da Ya smiled: "I'm just a little major, I will always be your soldier."

"What a bastard! The division commander scolded me so much that I really want to whip you with a belt." The regiment leader was also a troll. He stretched out his hand and slapped his big teeth twice, frowned and asked: "Did your second battalion suffer any battle damage? "

"That's definitely not the case."

"Send the troops back, I will put you in confinement tomorrow." The regiment leader ordered.

Daya turned his head and looked around. He stepped forward with a smile and said, "Chief, can the confinement be closed again in a few days? I haven't been home for a long time. It just so happens that I'm seeing my eldest brother off this time. You can give me a few days off... ?”

The team leader kept scolding him, but he was obviously very kind to Da Ya. After thinking about it for a long time, he said: "Come back before changing defense next time, get out!"

Ten minutes later, the pickup truck convoy set off again, and Daya rushed to Songjiang very excitedly. In these years, besides thinking about Qin Yu, there was actually another person who often appeared in his sleep.

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