District 9

Chapter 1124: The pieces fall on the chessboard, killing every step of the way

Manulife's choice to escape just now was a temporary one. He, Lao Zhang, and Ke Ke are in different situations. He is the person in charge of two small companies and gives rebates to the upper management through various channels. The nature of his work is relatively single and rarely He was involved in the operation of other things, so as soon as the strong man introduced the situation to him, he had already guessed why the people in Fengbei wanted to arrest him.

He ran to protect himself, because as soon as the gun fired at the pass, Manulife himself knew that his situation was very dangerous. So Coco and Wu Di didn't touch him at this time, which doesn't mean they won't touch him when the situation becomes more critical. If things are completely out of control and these two people choose to get rid of themselves, then Manulife will have no chance to fight back.

What's more, even if Coco and Wu Di choose to protect him, the upper-level connections who have received the money will not do it. Those politicians are merciless and will do anything to protect themselves.

Based on the above reasons, Manulife chose to go solo. He stood in the alley next to the butcher shop. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to get a phone card first and try to find a way to contact someone he trusted.

"Dip Lingling!"

At this moment, the mobile phone, which had been without signal, suddenly rang, startling Manulife.

The call was from the woman maintained by Manulife. He stared blankly at the caller ID. After hesitating for a long time, he slowly pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Husband," a woman's voice sounded: "Where are you?"

Hongli immediately turned around and walked deeper into the alley: "What's wrong?"

"The police officers from Fengbei found me. They said that you have a big financial problem. They talked to me for a long time..." The woman responded with a trembling tone: "I have already met the leader of the task force. He said Your problem is not particularly serious, Fengbei just wants to get Tiancheng's cocoa this time, if you can surrender..."

"There are police officers around you." Manulife narrowed his eyes and suddenly interrupted.

The woman was stunned.

"You cooperated with the police and deliberately transferred me back to the area, right?" Hongli's voice was hoarse: "You are really worthy of me as a married couple."

"I...I...I didn't." The woman replied in a panic.

In the interrogation room, Su Yong put down the monitor, frowned and grabbed the woman's phone: "Hello, Qi Hongli?"

Manulife was silent.

"Let's get straight to the point. I am the leader of the Fengbei task force." Su Yong said very concisely and directly: "You know very well why we want to arrest you. I can also tell you very seriously that Li San, who is surrounded by Songjiang, There are three floors outside, so it’s not that easy for you to escape.”

Hongli held the phone and still didn't say anything.

"I will say three points: First, Lao Zhang and Ou Bin have been arrested, and they have vomited everything they should. Second, you may not die if you surrender, but if you continue to follow them, those people will I won’t kill you to silence you. You can weigh it yourself. Third, this operation is not against you. From the perspective of the task force, you are just an indispensable small role. As long as you are willing to cooperate, I will turn you into a taint witness. . It is definitely a lie to say that I can let you go immediately, but you will definitely not be sentenced to death." Su Yong knew very well what Manulife cared about, so his words were sharp and sharp, piercing the vital points of human nature.

Manulife did hesitate for a moment, but after all, he was the person responsible for connecting with the upper class, and he had seen too much filth and shady things, so he only replied in a calm tone: "I don't believe in Tiancheng, let alone I will believe you. In your eyes, I am an indispensable little character, but in the two major factions of the party, government and military, you are just a team leader who obeys orders and does things. You can't decide whether I die in the end. of."

Su Yong was stunned.


After Hongli finished speaking, he hung up the phone, took out the phone card, broke it into pieces, and threw it in the alley.

In the task force office, the assistant frowned at Su Yong and asked, "Don't we have to talk?"

"This kind of person who has been in the capital circle for a long time has a vision and mind that is incomparable to ordinary people." Su Yong slowly shook his head: "He feels that we can't protect him."

"Group Su, Manulife's phone signal has been interrupted and cannot be traced." Someone from the technical department walked in and said.

Su Yong put his hands on the table and his brain was running rapidly: "Where will Tiancheng hide him? In the hands of Ma Laoer, Zhang Liang, or other people in the area?"

"It must be Ma Laoer. His influence in Songjiang..." The assistant followed the words and was about to reply.

"No!" Su Yong suddenly stood up and interrupted with gleaming eyes: "No, no!"

"What's wrong?" the assistant asked.

"Hongli should not be with Tiancheng's people now. He must have run away alone." Su Yong shouted in a loud voice: "Quick, go and interrogate Lao Zhang!"

"It's impossible. When Manulife was at the pass, he was obviously picked up by someone from Tiancheng?" The assistant asked puzzledly: "Could it be that someone he arranged himself came to pick him up? That's not right. If he If we knew in advance that we were going to arrest him, why would we go back to Songjiang?!"

"He probably ran away secretly after being picked up." Su Yong licked his lips excitedly and said, "Just now he said on the phone that he didn't believe in Tiancheng or me. What does this mean? It means that he has already reacted. , Yu Jinnian and Wu Di may kill him and silence him. If he were with the other party now, would he say such a thing?!"

The assistant was stunned.

"If he was with the other party, he would not have answered the phone call just now, let alone listen patiently to my explanation of the conditions. I was too impatient and ignored this point." Su Yong immediately ordered: "He must be sure now I'm not with Tiancheng's people, hurry up, bring Lao Zhang to trial quickly, I want to ask him about Manulife."

"Okay." The assistant nodded and immediately ran towards the interrogation room.

Within the city.

Coco held the phone, frowned and said to Ma Laoer: "Did you receive the text message I sent you?"

"I got it." Ma Laoer nodded and replied, "But there are too many people. It's a bit troublesome to keep up with everyone now."

"You can use the elimination method." Coco said quickly: "Before Manulife entered the area, he didn't know that someone was going to arrest him. Now something suddenly happened, what do you think he will do?"

When Ma Laoer heard this, he didn't react for a while: "What?"

"If he wants to escape, what does he lack most?" Coco asked again.

When Ma Laoer heard this, he suddenly realized.

In a scrap collection station in Jiangnan District, Manulife turned around and glanced around, smiled and said to an old man: "I want to use your phone."

"Can you use the phone at will?" the old man replied with a sideways glance.

Manulife took out a hundred-dollar bill, put it on the table and said, "My phone is out of battery. I have something urgent and I want to call home. Can you please help me."

"Okay, you can use it." The old man accepted the money and suddenly smiled like an old chrysanthemum.

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