District 9

Chapter 1149: Chaos, complete chaos

Within the site.

Miller listened to the shouting outside, frowned and walked out and asked, "What's going on outside?"

"The people are going to attack the station and start a riot." The leader of the anti-terrorism brigade lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "Get ready, we will go inside and get on the bus in a moment!"

"Damn it." Miller was a little anxious and started walking back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back.

Hall side.

Carrying a canvas bag, Baojun led his brother to the security glass door and saw many police officers in the hall.

"Go in?" the brother behind asked.

Baojun turned his head and glanced around, and said concisely: "Put...!"


Before he could finish his words, two people among the people who attacked from behind were armed with pistols and suddenly killed one of Baojun's brothers.


The crowd dispersed instantly and hid beside the glass watchtower. Baojun raised his head and glanced at the crowd, and saw a dozen men dressed as ordinary people, all with their faces covered, pulling out guns!

"Damn it, why did someone among the people shoot at us!" The brother next to him cursed with red eyes.

Before Baojun could reply, more than 20 police officers rushed out of the hall and rushed towards the place with guns.

"What the fuck, someone must know that we are going to take action!!" Baojun stood up immediately: "Don't be obsessed with fighting, don't be trapped by the police and the enemy, let's withdraw!"

"Da da da!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several people stood up together, shooting in the direction of the ticket office next to them.

Inside the station, the leading man from the anti-terrorism brigade heard the gunshots coming so close to him. He immediately waved his hands and yelled: "Go to a group of people and see what's going on?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, seven heavily armed anti-terrorism team members bent down and quickly rushed to the place where the gunfire rang out.

Half a minute later.

The leader of the anti-terrorism team immediately took a walkie-talkie and hid behind the large glass door and said: "There are armed men outside, two groups, seven or eight on the weak side, and more than 20 on the strong side. They all have automatic firearms and are approaching the station! "

The leader of the anti-terrorist brigade was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded: "The seven of you are responsible for blocking, please communicate with me at any time!"

"Got it!" the other party immediately replied.

The leader turned around and immediately said to Miller: "This is very dangerous, we must leave immediately!"

Miller was stunned for a moment: "Mr. Sheriff, where do you think I should go now?"

"Leave the station!!"

"Why are you as stupid as a pig!" Miller was so nervous that he shook his head and yelled, "You can start pedaling soon, do you want me to leave?!"

"Mr. Miller, it's obvious that there are armed men ambushing the station. We can't stay here anymore, we have to leave!" the leading officer replied hastily, then turned around and shouted: "Police officers at the station, follow me from our side." Leave through the back door!”

The leader of the third group immediately came over and said, "Do you want to leave?"

"Yes, leave immediately!" the leader said without any doubt.


The leaders of the three groups immediately waved their hands: "Gather together and escort them away!"

More than a dozen police officers gathered in an instant, all pushed down the safeties of their firearms, and followed the leaders of the third group.

The leading officer of the anti-terrorism brigade did not listen to where Miller was beeping, so he just forcibly pulled him out and hurried towards the corridor from where he came.

Just when everyone was preparing to evacuate, in the direction of the waiting hall, a dozen strange men who didn't know how they escaped from the security check pulled out spears from their canvas bags and rushed towards them with rapid strides!

"Da da da da...!"

Fierce gunfire rang out, and the police officers who failed to take precautions were instantly swept away by four or five people. The young man who said he wanted to resign next to the watchtower was so frightened that he shivered when he saw the bloody scene. He almost couldn't think of it. Without thinking, he went straight into the corridor, choosing to hide rather than fight back.


Thunder poured into the corridor, and the people from the anti-terrorism brigade immediately waved their hands and shouted: "Squat down, don't mess up!"


The personal quality of the police officers was definitely not comparable to that of this group of professionals. They were afraid that thunder would explode around them, so they just scattered and ran to the rooms on the left and right.

A series of deafening explosions sounded, and the corridor was filled with smoke. The previously injured people were killed, and two members of the anti-terrorism brigade had their body armor worn through and were seriously injured.

The other members of the anti-terrorist brigade quickly dragged their teammates into the bunker, and then started sniping at the attacking gangsters!

The leader, the leader of the third group, and others didn't stop for a moment, pulling Miller and running away!

"Car, the car will be picked up at the door. We'll get out right away. Hurry up!" the leader yelled, pulling his neck.

In just ten seconds, everyone rushed out of the corridor and saw four cars parked at the door.

"Quick, get up!" the leader shouted as he pushed Miller.

Miller was already scared to death. He was as nervous as a cerebral infarction patient, and his walking posture became a little awkward.

The car door popped open, and Miller was about to step forward when suddenly there was a burst of bright light in the warehouse on the left!

A man wearing a warehouse supervisor's uniform, with a shaved head and a tattoo of a blue dragon on his arm, held an automatic rifle in both hands, pushed open the safety of the grenade launcher below, and directly pulled the trigger!


There was a dull sound.


A car was hit and exploded on the spot. The counter-terrorism team members who were not in a hurry to take precautions instantly dispersed to the left and right sides!

"Da da da!"

Immediately following from the warehouse at the other end, more than twenty people rushed out, all holding heavy firepower in their hands, and swiped at the back door!

The anti-terrorist brigade fought tooth and nail to resist, but they lost too many members and divided their forces twice. Faced with such ferocious close-range shooting from the opponent, they were unable to use their abilities at all!

The worst thing is that the leader of the third group was shot to death at the door for the salary of more than 600 yuan a month and the position he was reluctant to give up...

If you give up your job, you won’t be able to support your family. If you sacrifice yourself, how can you support your family? Contradictions, entanglements, struggles, this is the real life portrayal of the people at the bottom...

Gunfire erupted in the hospital for about five minutes, and more than half of the anti-terrorist brigade was killed or wounded. As they pulled Miller to flee to the right, they were scattered again.

In the dim warehouse alley, Miller fell on the ground covered with dirty snow and water. He stared blankly at the man with the green dragon tattooed on his arm and said in a hoarse voice: "I...I have money...!"

"I want your head, so I want your head!" The strong man pulled out the thorn and stabbed directly into Miller's neck.

Miller's nostrils were bleeding, his head was leaning against the wall and his whole body was twitching!

The strong man took the military thorn and cut his neck with great ferocity...

five minutes later.

In the chaotic Songjiang North Station Square, a human head was suddenly thrown over from nowhere and rolled bloody on the flat tile floor.

At the same time, Bao Jun took advantage of the chaos to break out of the encirclement, holding the phone and saying: "There are at least five groups of people who want to kill Miller, and we can't grab the slot at all...!"


There will be an update in the early morning, so it will be Monday. Students who have recommendation votes in their hands should vote, otherwise it will be invalid.

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