District 9

Chapter 1156 I have experienced battles and can kill all enemies

North Pass.

The joint defense garrison and police officers responsible for the defense manned machine guns and anti-armor 40-fire rockets, frantically blocking the first company.

After a round of concentrated fire, more than a dozen pickup trucks and 30 or 40 people were caught in a sea of ​​flames. The already low-quality concrete roads were riddled with bombed-out potholes and filled with gunpowder smoke and shrapnel.

In the middle of the first company's convoy, the company commander took a walkie-talkie and shouted: "Report the battle damage."

"Half of the pickup truck has been destroyed, and it has completely lost its mobility. Our troop reduction is at least 20 people." The platoon leader in the car in front shouted loudly.

"Set up a temporary position at your position and attack the pass." The commander of the first company shouted without thinking: "The wheels of the pickup truck that can still move can't stop for me, keep fighting in!"

After the leading convoy encountered a blockage, it took less than ten seconds to launch a second charge. The soldiers in the front row who could still participate in the battle established an attack position on the spot and charged into the pass without thinking. The team behind them rushed to the pass in the blink of an eye without stopping their tires.

At this time, the defense personnel in the pass had just loaded the artillery shells for the second attack and the spare machine gun magazines, but the battle-experienced soldiers were already on their faces.

"cnm, surrender your gun and don't kill!"

The commander of the first company jumped out of the car, walked on his self-propelled gun, led the people who got out of the car, and dispersed around to attack the defenders.

The machine guns on the armed pickup truck roared, and the steel plate on the front of the truck pushed through the fortifications, breaking through the pass like a wild bull.

The people from the joint defense garrison and the security company were all stunned. Some of them have never participated in a military conflict of this scale. On the one hand, they have never seen troops with such high execution capabilities. They charge without thinking and do not care about the battle losses at all.

After continuously biting open the relatively weakly defended North Gate, Li Zhan immediately shouted: "We have all the first battalion, pass through the North Gate quickly, don't be reluctant to fight."

The rear convoys rushed up like a tide, and the defenses inside the pass that had been beaten to pieces were simply unable to withstand the impact of so many people. The crowd could only be dispersed in an instant, and even the customs clearance hall was blown open.

Nearly five hundred people quickly passed through Beiguan and went straight to the headquarters of the joint defense compound.

On a street in Beiguankou, the joint defense commander shouted on the phone: "Headquarters, we have lost our place here."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ruan Jingshan said in disbelief: "It took two days to prepare, hundreds of people, and they were dispersed in less than five minutes?!"

"They are too fierce. They are not of the quality of a security company. Thirty pickup trucks and more than a hundred people serve as heavy fire-bearing points. The car was blocked on the road, and their soldiers even braved machine guns and ran down to the car. Push off the side of the road to make way for those behind you... We really can't handle it."

Ruan Jingshan was stunned.

on the street.

The battle-hardened convoy was like a long dragon, speeding up and maintaining a speed of about 100 miles. They were completely gathered together and scattered countless small patrol posts along the road.

Five minutes, less than five minutes after entering the customs, these five hundred people had already arrived near the joint defense compound. Although this courtyard is right next to the pass, at least there are patrols along the road! They were like paper and didn't play a blocking role at all.

After the convoy approached the compound, Li Zhan opened the door and got out of the car, holding the walkie-talkie and shouting: "The first company is disabled, stay around my command vehicle; the second company enters the compound and attacks to the left; the third company attacks to the right, don't do it." Let the opponent's troops gather together, and only give me enough impact depth in the middle of the compound to ensure that the fourth company can hit the main building when they enter the compound."




Everyone responded one after another.

In the joint defense compound, the sharp sirens kept ringing. People from the security company, members of the anti-terrorism brigade, and various departments of the joint defense garrison began to gather about three minutes ago. They stayed here, originally prepared to provide support at any time, but they did not expect that Beiguan would suddenly fall. While they were very shocked, they also hurriedly prepared for battle.

In the warehouse, a large number of armored vehicles and armed pickup trucks began to appear, and crowds from various units were also gathering on their side.

At the entrance, the joint defense garrison had already deployed its formation to prepare for defense.


More than twenty small drones flew in from outside the courtyard and hovered over the courtyard, with their positions spread out.

The fourth company's information team immediately took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "The convoy has come out. They gathered at three points. There are about 200 people at the gate, but the number is still increasing."

"Give me howitzers to move the convoy," Li Zhan responded immediately: "Smash all the remaining shells and clear the way for the second and third companies."

Five seconds later.

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

At the street entrance a hundred meters away, four vehicle-mounted howitzers began to roar.

In an instant, the warehouse in the joint defense compound collapsed, and flames shot into the sky. The convoy that had just gathered was crippled in one round, and the surrounding soldiers scattered like ants.


A row of more than thirty armed pickup trucks, smelling strongly of engine oil, instantly came to the front.

"Boom boom boom!"

The mortar position was set up in advance, with the muzzle pointed diagonally at the gate, and a salvo fired directly through the fortifications. The second company's pickup truck convoy crushed the defenses, rushed in instantly, and ran directly to the left.

"Da da da……!"

More than thirty vehicles were attacking non-stop. Each vehicle was equipped with two machine gunners and two loading soldiers to ensure the continuity of firepower. They used the fastest speed to attack the fourth company in depth.

At the same time, all members of the third company rushed into the courtyard and, with the cover of mortars, launched a fierce attack on the joint defense garrison.

The garrison of four thousand men was dispersed by five hundred men before they had time to gather together.

In the camp building, some people had not yet run out, some had just picked up their guns, and some were looking for the cars they were responsible for. The scene was chaotic. When they fully reacted, Tiancheng's motorcade had already arrived under the building.

Outside the street, Li Zhan pointed at the main building of the joint defense compound and shouted: "The central position in the compound is empty. Let me set up mortars into the compound to attack the main building. The fourth company is ready to attack!"

"They dispersed. These losers didn't hold up for five minutes." The commander of the fourth company waved his hands and shouted: "All the CNM's are here. As soon as the gunfire stops, I will enter the main building and kill his commander!"

Inside the main building.

Ruan Jingshan looked at the scene in the compound in disbelief and asked blankly: "How many people are there?"

"Less than a thousand people at most."

"There are four thousand of us, can't we hold it for even a few minutes?!" Ruan Jingshan stood at the window and fell down with a thud: "What's the use of spending so much money to invite a security company...!"

After the bursts of artillery fire, the fourth company launched a charge towards the main building, like a spear, stabbing into the opponent's heart non-stop.

In three years, Qin Yu spent all his spare money on Tiancheng Security Company. Three years later, he had not been treated badly in all the battles. Although the number of people in Tiancheng Security Company had not increased much, the quality of these four thousand people had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At the South Pass, Qi Lin had just broken through the blockade when a soldier ran over: "It's over with the chief instructor."

"It's over?!" Qi Lin was stunned for a moment, then immediately grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted: "What's going on, my God of War?"

"It broke as soon as I touched it on the other side. I'm already in the courtyard." Li Zhan frowned and replied, "No need to come to my place. You go directly to Tiancheng Building. Now that they hear the news, they will definitely evacuate."

A team of 4,000 people from the Joint Defense Garrison, the Anti-Terrorism Brigade, and the Fengbei Security Company were melted away in one round when they encountered 500 experienced people.

Tiancheng Building.

The captain of the anti-terrorism brigade desperately held the walkie-talkie, stood on the floor below Qin Yu, and sat limply on the ground.

"Captain, the south and north gates have all been opened. If we don't leave, we will all have to suffocate here." The deputy next to him said with a trembling voice: "The people upstairs are all red-eyed. Give us five more minutes." It may not be possible to hit it.”

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