District 9

Chapter 1159 Father Wu’s words

In the car, Wu Di hung up the phone and urged the driver with a serious face: "Hurry up, we must enter Fengbei within twenty minutes."

Outside the area, around the battle site of Lindianzi, after Qi Lin led his people to the position, he instinctively used the method of attacking Longcheng and South Pass. He wanted to rely on the comprehensive quality of his own troops to launch a counterattack against the opponent's main firepower point, and They launch the engagement site.

But this time, Qi Lin suffered a big loss. He never expected that when more than a thousand people rushed forward, they would be strangled in a very formal military manner. Regardless of the opponent's attack hardness, personnel quality, and weapons and equipment, they are no worse than regular troops.

Qi Lin rushed up with his men and saw that the opponent did not panic at all, but instantly switched from offense to defense. In just five or six minutes, he set up a defensive position on the spot and spread it around in an orderly manner. While waiting for support, he knew that this was the case. The group of people fighting against Longcheng and the group fighting against Nanguankou are completely on two levels.

The party and government are rich, so they were forced to use the power of the nine districts to create such a self-defense force. Although the number is not large, its combat effectiveness is not a waste!

Qi Lin had no choice but to quickly withdraw with his men.

There was a sizzling sound in the intercom channel, and an officer under Chen Jun asked succinctly: "How did you feel after going up there and sneaking around?"

"Very hard." Qi Lin responded truthfully.

"This group is not giving you free money. Don't use aggressive tactics. Let's set up a formation. You are on the left and I am on the right. We will stick here and snipe him." The other party reminded again: "The number of people on both sides is almost the same now. We will suffer a loss if we delay. It's them."

"No problem." Qi Lin responded immediately.

Half an hour later.

Several cars stopped at the door of the office building of the General Administration of Military Supervision in Fengbei. Wu Di got out of the car with a gloomy face and hurriedly entered the main building.

Without stopping all the way, Wu Di soon arrived at the conference hall on the 6th floor, knocked on the door and entered.


Father Wu and several senior military officers from the First War Zone are negotiating.

Wu Di stood at the door and looked around, and saw the group of people in the room. Their lowest military rank was colonel level.

"You sit down first." Father Wu looked at his son and ordered expressionlessly.

"Commanders, Bureau Wu, I have something to say." Wu Di replied businesslikely.

"You sit down first." Father Wu frowned.

Wu Di clenched his fists and ignored his father's words. Instead, he turned to look at everyone and said, "Commanders, the situation in Songjiang is very clear. The chaos in the area will stop soon. As long as the Self-Defense Forces are blocked outside the area, the party will The government has no political cards. I don’t understand, why are we still holding a meeting here and haven’t expressed our position for so long?”

"Did you come here after drinking fake wine? What is your level? Is it your turn to speak here?" Father Wu asked with a cold face.

"Ha ha!"

There was a burst of hearty laughter, and a major general waved his hand at Wu's father and said, "Old Wu, there are no outsiders here. Just because his surname is Wu, he has the right to speak."

"Xiao Di, the political situation in District 9 is very complicated." Another colonel intervened and said: "We have received reliable information that someone from the upper levels of the party and government has proposed asking the EU District to dispatch troops to mediate this conflict by force. The reason is that we There are two million members of the European Union here, as well as Fengbei, Changji, Songjiang, at least a thousand European-owned companies, and people from the EU area who have not obtained permanent residency. It is not completely unreasonable for them to send troops to protect them. Qin Yu’s security company has a total of four thousand people, so why do they propose that the EU zone send troops to mediate? This is for us."

Wu Di was stunned.

"Before the First Era, the Northern and Southern Dynasties had to fight for various problems for how many years, thirty or fifty years! Territorial issues in Europe were also controversial every day, but in the end they still didn't dare to open fire." The colonel intervened He continued: "Why? Because no one dares to fire the first shot easily. This is also an objective problem we have now. If the military and government take action now, and they are forced to mobilize troops from the EU area to mediate with force, how will we take over? What? To fight or not to fight?"

"Sooner or later, we will have to fight." Wu Di thought for a while and replied: "If you are afraid of him, he will be more fierce and more aggressive. When it reaches the critical point, why don't you just hug him?! We have our own internal affairs issues in the ninth district. If we can solve it with our own abilities, why should we rely on them to mediate?!”

The colonel smiled and said nothing.

Wu Di hesitated for a while and then continued: "Logically speaking, all the leaders are here today, so I have no right to speak. But the situation of Tiancheng Group is very dangerous now. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. And as the founder of Tiancheng Group, I must We cannot watch it being squeezed into powder by several forces. Therefore, if the upper management does not give us support, then I may sell off Tiancheng Group at once. Chen Jun from District 7, Gu Yan from District 8, and The academics in Fengbei are very interested in the pharmaceutical group and the out-of-region railway currently contracted by Tiancheng. I believe that as long as we want to talk, they are willing to raise the price. After Tiancheng collapses, I will no longer be responsible for Songjiang. If you want to do something, I will take people with Qin Yu to the outside of the district to sell rice with the Hucha Zhu family."

Everyone was speechless for a long time when they heard this.

Wu Di's words sounded a bit childish, even like he was being playful. Everyone knows that he can't really sell rice, nor can he completely break away from military affairs, but he is telling everyone in a subtle way that there are too many people paying attention to the situation in Songjiang now, so don't think that you are the only one watching the show.

"Get out!"

After listening to Wu Di's words, Wu's father scolded him.

"Okay, I've finished my words and will return to Songjiang immediately." Wu Di nodded and turned around to leave.

More than twenty minutes later.

Wu's father saw his son in the car and stepped in to curse: "Do you think you can talk? They are giving me face."

"I know." Wu Di nodded: "Dad, I just don't understand. Things have reached this point and we are sure to win. Why don't we move? Isn't Qin Yu one of our own? Ah?!"

"Because no one thought beforehand that Qin Yu could really knock down Songjiang." Wu's father replied with a burst of blood: "Happiness comes suddenly, that's right, but whose happiness is it specifically? Yours , mine, is it from the First World War Zone, or is it from the Second World War Zone?"

Wu Di was stunned.

"The troops will definitely move. Tiancheng cannot die." Father Wu frowned and said, "Hurry back to Songjiang and deal with what needs to be dealt with."

"I see."

"I like Qin Yu, but that doesn't mean that everyone likes Qin Yu. He is from the military and political factions, but in the military and political factions, he is mine." Father Wu patted Wu Di's chest: "He swelled too fast , may not be a good thing, understand?”

In Songjiang City, people on the ground such as Ma Laoer and Zhang Liang have gathered, and people from the Wang family outside the area have also entered the customs smoothly.

Five minutes later, Li Zhan walked off the military off-road vehicle and said concisely: "Everyone is here. From this moment on, Songjiang will change the city flag!"


There is another chapter around 8:30.

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