District 9

Chapter 1,169 An unofficial one

Early the next morning.

Qin Yu woke up in a daze in the hotel. He picked up his cell phone out of habit and saw no less than ten missed calls, including those from Feng Yunian, Lao Li, Ma Laoer, and Lin Hanhan. human.

After sitting on the bed and relaxing for a while, Qin Yu took the lead in calling Feng Yunian: "Hey, master, did you call me?"

"Did you drink too much last night?"

"Yes, Wu Di asked me to come to socialize. I drank till the end and my pieces broke. I just woke up..." Qin Yu yawned and asked, "What's wrong? Is something okay?"

"A stability maintenance team has been set up above, with Shen Yin as the team leader, and we have already contacted people from the city council today." Feng Yunian never talked nonsense, and just reminded straight to the point: "I guess he will talk to the chief councilors of each district and the superintendent of police. and talks with major departments in Songjiang.”

Qin Yu rubbed his face and said, "Let's take over now."

"That's what I mean." Feng Yunian nodded: "The stability maintenance group is the prototype of the new Songjiang leadership team in the future. Shen Yin asked the secretary-general to inform me that I am one of the deputy leaders of this group."

"Congratulations then."

"I found some connections and got you the identity of a specialist of the stability maintenance team." Feng Yunian's meaning is very simple. Those who can hold positions in this team are basically the main members of the new leadership team.

Qin Yu thought for a while and asked with a smile: "Is Uncle Li in the group?"

"No." Feng Yunian did not shy away and said bluntly: "His relationship with the upper echelons of the military and government is still too weak."

Qin Yu was silent.

"If I pull you, it's hard to talk anymore." Feng Yunian reminded frankly: "If Lao Li wants to come up, you'd better let Wu Di step in and make the operation."

"I understand." Qin Yu nodded: "Thank you, Master."

"Xiao Yu, I have some understanding of your character, otherwise we wouldn't have such a bad temper. But this is the way it is in this era. The powerful party makes the rules, and the weak groups obey the rules. There is never any reason. Maybe... ...You are somewhat dissatisfied about this incident, but just keep this feeling in your heart. When you no longer have to call me and Wu Di every time something happens, you may have the capital to be unhappy. ." Feng Yunian said a few more words to Qin Yu for the first time: "... I used to have a harder style of doing things than you, right? But today, I'm convinced... Ten years ago, Songjiang was in such trouble. , I’m going to fight you with a gun.”

"I understand what you mean, Master."

"That's it." After Feng Yunian finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Qin Yu sat on the bed, squinting at the bright sunshine outside. After a while, he suddenly stood up and prepared for a new day of running.


At the entrance of a teahouse near the riverside of Songjiang City, an off-road vehicle slowly stopped.

Lin Xiao pushed the door open and got out of the car, and ordered to the adjutant: "Drive the car away and wait aside for a while."

"Okay." The adjutant heard this and drove away.

Lin Xiao stepped into the antique teahouse and found Qin Yu in a small private room on the second floor.

"What do you want to drink?" Qin Yu asked.

"Black tea." Lin Xiao bent over and sat on the chair, took off his hat and asked, "Did you see Shen Yin last night?"

"I saw it." Qin Yu nodded: "Wu Di asked me to go over for a drink and met him face to face, but we didn't communicate much."

"He is the leader of Songjiang's stability maintenance team and the peace talks team in the next few days," Lin Xiao stepped in and looked at Qin Yu and asked, "Do you know what this means?"

"I can tell, he is the leader of Songjiang in the future." Qin Yu replied, pouring tea.

"Basically." Lin Xiao nodded: "The General Staff Headquarters in the First War Zone strongly favored him to take over Ruan Jingshan's position."

When Qin Yu heard this, his expression was a little speechless: "That's great, you don't have to do anything, you will be the mayor."

"This is a bit sour." Lin Xiao took a sip of tea: "Shen Yin's personal abilities are still fine."

"To be honest, I'm a little dissatisfied, but I admit it." Qin Yu replied calmly: "I don't have a father who can conquer the world, so I will do it myself. But I hope he is really capable. , do a good job in Songjiang. After all, once the military and government settled here, Songjiang became very independent. In the future, we will need someone with a strategy to argue with the party and government. "

"Yeah." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Is there any other news?" Qin Yu asked.

"I don't pay much attention to other people's news." Lin Xiao was silent for a while and replied: "I went to my uncle's place last night and chatted with him for a long time about you."

"About me?"

"Yes." Lin Xiao played with the tea cup and said to Qin Yu very straightforwardly: "You and Leilei have been together for so long, there must be an outcome."

"Haha, what's the result?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

"You never fucking thought about marrying my sister?" Lin Xiao asked through gritted teeth.

"I've definitely thought about it, but I can't decide this matter alone."

"Xiao Yu, since Leilei is not here today, let's talk it over once and for all." Lin Xiao reached out to unbutton his military uniform and took off his coat.

Qin Yu looked at him suspiciously: "Why, do we still have to get a room to talk?"


Lin Xiao cursed, took off his jacket and put it aside. He kept looking at Qin Yu: "To tell you the truth, at first... I really didn't agree with Leilei being with you. This has nothing to do with people. Quality only depends on your family circumstances and background."

Qin Yu was silent.

"I don't mean to look down on others, nor am I showing off my family background. I just look at this matter from the perspective of Brother Leilei." Lin Xiao gave a rare explanation.

"I know." Qin Yu expressed understanding.

"Your background is too complicated. You have connections with Gu Yan, Wu Di, and now Chen Jun. There are also some very stringent businesses on the ground, and you have been secretly scheming with the party, government, and college." Lin Xiao frowned and said: "Such a complicated network of connections, as well as your own position, can actually not give my sister stability. We won't talk about how far or how deep it is. Let's just say that this time Tiancheng Building was besieged, you I almost lost my life, so if my sister follows you... and you are going to die, what do you want her to do? You two are going to have a child, and the child has no father, what should you do? Maybe for ordinary families, this is It doesn't matter, but for our Lin family, is it necessary for my sister to take this risk with you? She can still marry well without you, right? "

Lin Xiao's words were very true. Qin Yu also knew his situation, so he nodded slowly: "Yes, I understand what you mean."

"So, as family members, we are all worried. After all, the ninth district is not the eighth district. We can take good care of you there, but you know how complicated the situation here is. The Lin family has some problems here. You have a certain right to speak, but you don’t have the final say in everything.” Lin Xiao licked his lips and continued: “However, you two have been together for such a long time and can’t be separated, so persuasion is of no use… Then as a family, we can only take things in a good direction."

When Qin Yu heard this, he asked with some confusion: "What's a good direction?"

"If you want to be with Leilei, you have to listen to our family's arrangements." Lin Xiao was silent for a while and said it bluntly.

Qin Yu was stunned and frowned inexplicably.

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