District 9

Chapter 1201 One director and one office director

Early the next morning.

Shen Yin returned to Songjiang, met Geng Lishan secretly, and conveyed the meaning of the First War Zone to him.

At noon that day, Geng Lishan met with Wu Di and Feng Yunian, and formally discussed the position allocation with them.

In the main building of the joint defense garrison compound, Geng Lishan was sitting in his office, smoking a cigarette and said, "Shen Yin came back today and had a talk with me."

"What did he say?" Old Feng asked with a smile.

"The city police department will definitely own you, and the results will be announced within a week at most." Geng Lishan bared his teeth and said auspicious words: "Old Feng, you can do this. The police system has been pulled out alone, you policeman Signing up is equivalent to hitting the ceiling in Songjiang. You only have to cooperate with the Fengbei General Administration, but you can completely ignore the orders and become a real border official."

Old Feng waved his hand: "Don't put a high hat on me, and it goes without saying that Shen Yin is running this matter. The top position in the police station has long been decided for me, and I said unceremoniously, This position should belong to me. I have held the title of deputy director a few years ago. In terms of political performance, among the five districts of Songjiang, except for Qin Yu’s underworld, which one can compare with Xinyuan? "

"Yes, yes, the work achievements of Xinyuan District are obvious to all. The newly built district has attracted 1.5 million people. It is not easy to maintain it so well." Geng Lishan is a man who talks about people and tells ghosts. Genius, he supports both sides, no one can offend him.

"Let's keep it simple and talk directly about the allocation of other positions." What Lao Feng means is, don't pave the way and get down to business quickly. Everyone is very busy.

Geng Lishan rubbed his palms: "It was agreed at the beginning that when Qin Yu became the brigade commander and took the independent establishment, he would give up the position of the director of the Black Street Police Department, right?"

"Yes, but we have to choose a new director." Old Feng nodded.

"What Shen Yin means is that Lao Li from the Xinyuan District Council can be promoted to the city council as the director of the office, which is also considered the third-in-command." Geng Lishan pondered for a while and said: "As for the Black Street Superintendent For the position of director, someone may be specially assigned from above."

Wu Di held his chin and said calmly: "This can't be done. Lao Li is now the chief member of the district council. He is the person who can speak at the conference. If you ask him to be the director of the office, he is just a Is it comparable to a character who keeps records in a notebook and has to listen to what is said above in everything he does?"

"The level has been raised."

"What's the use of rank?" Wu Di intervened and said, "It's OK to hold the position concurrently. He is still the chief councilor of Xinyuan District and also serves as the director of the office. This is acceptable."

"If that's the case, then I have to talk to Shen Yin again." Geng Lishan said with some embarrassment: "I can't make the decision on this matter."

"Old Geng, we are all old friends, can we get some useful information?" Old Feng looked at Geng Lishan bluntly, and said without any euphemism: "You were in a dilemma outside the city at that time. That Shen Yin Que ran away right away, leaving you and Sullivan to clean up this mess, but did I put this aside when you were most uncomfortable?"

"Yes, yes!" Geng Lishan nodded.

"Then let me ask you again, I can talk to anyone about reconciliation. Why did I stop you in the first place? How about letting you get down?" Lao Feng tapped the table with his hand and said, "Isn't it because we have already We all know each other, and there is no need for us to make a fuss and make a fuss. It’s not easy for you either, and that’s all we ask for, so if everyone can relax, then I won’t lose face and just be a peacemaker. .”

"That's right, I will remember your love." Geng Lishan nodded and said.

"So, if you talk to us, you don't have to make a fuss at all. Just say it directly if you can. There's no need to argue back and forth." Lao Feng continued to add: "I'm not the kind of fool who keeps making troubles. As long as you It’s not too much, I will definitely give you the face you deserve.”

When Geng Lishan heard this, he slapped his thigh like a thief and said, "Old Feng, you speak openly, so that brother won't be nagging anymore. I won't discuss this matter with Shen Yin, and I will risk my life and get scolded. That's it." , that old Li can hold the concurrent position of being promoted to the director of the City Council Office and the chief speaker of Xinyuan District at the same time, okay?"

Feng Yunian had known for a long time that Geng Lishan could make the decision, but this old guy was such a thief. He didn't agree directly because he wanted a personal favor to show his role in this matter, so Old Feng just made it clear. .

"The situation in the black street area is very complicated. In the past, the major crime rate accounted for 70% of the city. It has been very stable in recent years because of Qin Yu's influence on the ground, but you have to arrange for an ugly director to come in , working with the current leaders of the underworld superintendents, I guess I can’t pee in a pot.” Wu Di had already talked to Coco on the phone last night about this matter, so he said bluntly: “I personally recommend that the undercover police The director of the street police department still has to be selected from within, and an old man can be selected directly."

"Haha!" Geng Lishan laughed at the sound and waved his hands repeatedly: "This is definitely not possible. It was because Qin Yu agreed to resign as the director of the Black Street Police Department that he agreed to give him a job in the World War II Zone during the meeting. The establishment of the brigade. And now you are saying that you want to improve it from within, isn’t that the same as Qin Yu not resigning? The leading cadres of the Black Street Superintendent are all his direct descendants, right? "

"That's it..."

"Xiao Di, there are no outsiders here. What Lao Feng said just now is very clear, so I will also express my position. Songjiang is not my family, and I don't want to take power in the government, so whoever becomes the director has nothing to do with me. It doesn't matter. If I can handle this matter, do you think it is necessary for me to block you and offend others?" Geng Lishan said bluntly: "Let me tell you this, the Black Street Superintendent is too clingy, and the higher-ups must be asking for it. It disrupts the reorganization. If you want to raise the old cats on the black street, Zhu Wei and the others by half a level, and then assign them to other superintendents, that would probably not be a big problem. But let these people still stick together in the black street , I guess it’s hard for Shen Yin to accept it. This is a bit over the line, it’s too much, right?”

Wu Di also knew that this matter was not easy to discuss, so he nodded slowly and said, "Okay, we will discuss this matter later."

"As for the police station and the director of the city council office, let's decide for the time being." Geng Lishan nodded.

"Okay." Feng Yunian nodded with satisfaction.

At this point, the benefits of making trouble in Songjiang are reflected. Lao Li was the first to be pushed into the real power center of Songjiang City. Although he may be somewhat restricted in the future, judging from his wisdom and experience, as long as his level is raised, there is still a lot of room for development.


Lin Chengdong spread out a large piece of white paper on the table at home, stood next to it, and sketched it very carefully with a pencil.

The prototype of an island gradually became clear on paper.


I went to the hospital for a checkup today, and it was confirmed that the lymph nodes were inflamed, which was not particularly serious. The doctor asked me to continue to drain the fluid and observe it for a week. If there is no problem, it will be OK.

I have also recovered a lot. I will start adding more updates tomorrow. If there is no problem with my health, I will continue to do more updates for a week.

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