District 9

Chapter 1,208 Looking for trouble

In the interrogation room, several pickets were no longer as polite to Da Ya as they were outside. Instead, they said coldly: "Sit on the chair. What do you say when I ask you something?"

Daya frowned, bent down and sat in the iron chair, looking at the other person without taking the initiative to speak.

After the leading picket officer sat down, one of the other two people was responsible for recording, and the other pointed the video recorder at Da Ya's face.

"Do you still remember when your Second Battalion opened fire in Fengbei City?" the leading picket officer asked suddenly.

Daya was startled for a moment: "Remember, what's wrong?"

"It was you who ordered the shooting at the people, right?" the other party asked again.

When Da Ya heard this, he frowned: "I gave the order to shoot, but it was for a reason."

"You don't need to explain your reasons, just answer my questions." The other party turned to his pen with a sullen face, and asked softly: "At that time, two groups of people clashed at the entrance of Tailai Hotel. One of them, There are relatives of yours, right?”

Daya tilted his head and looked at the other person, clenching his fists unconsciously.

"Your relative's name is Qin Yu. It was he who had a conflict with another group of people in front of the Tailai Hotel. So when you arrived, you ordered the shooting as soon as possible, right?" the other party asked again.

Da Ya remained silent.

"Why don't you speak?!" The other party looked at Da Ya with a smile, and asked very clearly: "Can we doubt that there are personal emotional factors in you ordering the soldiers to shoot? You are doing it for you My eldest brother chose to open fire and kill the people and those involved in the conflict after rescuing the siege, right?"

"Our battalion was on normal defense. We accidentally encountered a large-scale firefight in the area, and we only chose to open fire after firing warning shots to no avail." Da Ya frowned and replied, "This has nothing to do with my personal feelings."

"It's a fact that Qin Yu was present. It's also a fact that you relieved him after ordering the soldiers to shoot. In this case, isn't it a bit far-fetched for you to say that there were no personal emotions involved?" The other party pointed. Da Ya crossed his legs and continued: "We now suspect that you did not take the troops away according to the normal deployment procedures that day, but privately mobilized an entire battalion of troops for personal purposes."


Daya scratched his head and suddenly asked: "Are you trying to trick me?"

"What are you trying to do? This is a normal interrogation. You should have a more correct attitude!"

"I'm so straight up!" Da Ya replied with a disdainful expression: "It's been a long time since this shit happened, and now it's turned outward, isn't it because you want to mess with me? If a person is put under a magnifying glass and looked at, then the whole body will It’s all a fault, you can fix it as you wish, I have nothing to say.”

"Wang Henan, this is the picket department, not your battalion commander's office. Please be honest!" The recorder next to him slapped the table and yelled.

Daya gave him a cold look: "You don't have to give me this. I just have nothing to say. You can write whatever you want."

The picket department is the disciplinary department within the military. Although they do not have as much power as the Military Supervision Bureau, grassroots soldiers and officers are within their scope of management. Therefore, ordinary soldiers are quite upset when they see pickets in the camp area. Confused.

In fact, Daya didn't want to offend this group of people, but he had already understood in his heart at this moment. When he was "called" this time, it was obvious that someone from the upper level wanted to punish him, but there was no entry point, so he just ruined the previous incident. Turn it out.

In this kind of disciplinary department, if he really wanted to find trouble with you, then your breathing would be wrong and explanations would be useless, so he just remained silent and resisted the questioning.

Half an hour later, the first interrogation was over. The people from the picket department threw Daya directly into an unheated room. They didn't give him anything to eat or drink, and they just left him to dry out.

Upstairs, in the department office, the young man who had met Sha Xuan in the camp before took the phone and said: "Haha, yes, yes, just ask normally. Okay, okay... Got it."

After hanging up the phone, the young man who interrogated Da Ya came in, holding a stack of interrogation records and said: "These people are very tough. When I ask questions, they don't look down on me."

"Take your time and don't be in a hurry." The young man lit a cigarette and bared his big yellow teeth and asked, "Where did you throw the person?"

"Haha, he threw it in the storage room. That idiot was as cold as a dog." The interrogator put down the materials and whispered: "I really found out more about Wang Henan. He was definitely trying to help. Qin Yu just ordered the soldiers to shoot. This incident itself was against discipline. Our arrest of him was completely in compliance with the procedures. Moreover, the regiment headquarters did not issue any defense orders to him that day. It was supplemented by the regiment headquarters after the matter was over. I can get evidence of this too.”

"Yeah." The young man nodded.

"Tough him? Just take off his clothes and hold him accountable. If this matter gets serious, he will go to a military court." The interrogator said with gleaming eyes.

"No." The young man smoked a cigarette leisurely and replied with a faint smile: "The reason for punishing him is because Sha Xuan is angry and wants to disgust Qin Yu and take revenge. But there must be a limit to this matter. Songjiang is talking about it, we have made Wang Henan miserable now, it won’t end well.”

"Then what do you mean...?"

"Stay here to harm him for two days. First, let Master Shaxuan vent his anger, and then give him a big demerit and put it in the file. From now on, he will be useless and there will be no room for improvement." The young man said very damningly: " The other people you capture don’t need to be coddled, they can be treated harshly.”

"If we do this, the Third Group won't be impatient, right?" the interrogator asked.

"He has indeed committed a crime. Why are the Third Group so anxious?!" The young man frowned and ordered, "Just follow the normal procedures and don't let anyone catch you."

"Okay, I get it."

"that is it."

In Yanbei, District 8, outside Gu Taixian's office door, an officer knocked on the door three times and shouted: "Report!"

"Come in!" Gu Taixian shouted, looking down at the document.

The officer heard the sound and walked into the room. He stood upright beside the desk, held up the documents in his hands and said: "Report to the chief, the 112th Military Intelligence Station on the Northwest Front suddenly sent a secret report."

"Read it!" Gu Taixian finally raised his head and looked at the officer.

The officer was ordered to open the secret report, lowered his head and read: "Top secret, personally issued by Commander Gu Taixian. In the past month, Puyuan troops on the northwest front have been mobilized frequently..."

After Gu Taixian listened to the report quietly, he frowned and cursed: "This blind guy Pu, he just needs to be taken care of. He will do something for you every now and then!"

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