District 9

Chapter 1221 Arriving at Hata in seven days

Fengbei is nearly 4,000 kilometers away from the war zone, and Feng Ji's command headquarters has planned a march route for all its troops: starting from Fengbei, passing around the Eighth District, Hucha, and then heading to the northwest line, and finally at Enemy contact in Hata area.

This section of the road is the closest, but it is also the most difficult to walk. There are very few businessmen, the road is dilapidated, the snow is deep, and emergencies may occur at any time. It usually takes about twenty days to get down, which is very normal.

However, the northwest front is tight, and the current number of blocking garrison troops is too small. They are desperately trying to intercept the madly advancing Pu Clan Army, and they will not retreat in a bloody battle. If once it is exhausted and the northwest line is completely broken through, what will be in front of Ura system will be an extremely broad offensive line. War will also be fully ignited in Sichuan and Zangyuan areas, and the internal areas will be greatly affected. Therefore, Feng Ji's order to Qin Yu was that he must arrive at the fighting location within a week, and there was no room for negotiation.

Seven days!

For seven days, the First Mixed Brigade was marching desperately. The car broke down and only two teams were left to repair it. The others didn't stop at all and just continued to move forward. It takes less than an hour and a half to cook three meals a day, plus one. They sleep, poop and pee in the vehicle. The rear of each military vehicle is surrounded by military quilts to form a simple triangle with a bucket inside. This is the toilet.

That is to say, the current climate is cold, and there is no strange smell when eating in the nest. The dirty stuff in the bucket turned into lumps of ice if frozen for half an hour, so the soldiers could still accept it.

Due to different regions, different temperatures, and long journeys, Qin Yu was very afraid that soldiers would get sick on the road and cause large-scale infections, so he issued death orders to all battalion commanders and pay close attention to the health of the soldiers. If there was any problem, he would immediately report to the health department. The department reports, distributes medicine when needed, and provides treatment when needed.

But even so, after the troops entered the border areas, many soldiers still had reactions and started vomiting and diarrhea on a large scale, and many even had fevers. But the health department has no good solution, because most of Qin Yu's soldiers are from the Lao Tiancheng Security Company, mostly young men from near Jiangzhou. They cannot adapt to the changes in the morning and evening temperature here, which will also cause water and soil problems. Symptoms of dissatisfaction.

The climate in the border area is indeed different from that in the north. Although it has also been affected by global climate change and is in a cold winter state all year round, the daytime temperature can often reach about minus ten degrees, which is considered a "high temperature" zone. But it can work to temperatures of more than 30 degrees below zero at night. If you are not a local, few people can withstand it.

In this way, Qin Yu's mixed brigade was groping along the way and constantly solving problems. It stumbled and arrived at the Hata area on time, and stopped and camped less than 20 kilometers away from the battle site.

The reconnaissance battalion immediately set up a headquarters tent for Qin Yu. Qin Yu was wearing a cotton-padded jacket and a military coat, his face was as red as an apple, and he spoke to Feng Ji again.

"You are already at the camp site, right?" Feng Ji asked.

"Yes," Qin Yu yelled, scratching his neck, "already here."

"How are the soldiers doing?"

"It's not very good. Many people are sick, and people from the health department are already distributing medicines on time." Qin Yu responded truthfully.

Feng Ji thought for a long time: "Separate your eight battalions. The people from the 041st Regiment have already informed us by telegram that the military monitoring system on the opposite side is very sensitive. Several groups of special forces with a small number have penetrated into our defense area. Harassment and attacks on our frontline commands."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Qin Yu instantly understood what the other party meant: "I will change the location of the headquarters frequently."

"Wait for my order and prepare to enter the battlefield."


"that's all."

After the words fell, the two ended the call.

Qin Yu quickly walked out of the tent and looked at the vast white open area. He saw at least a thousand soldiers setting up military camps in the planned area.

The sound of hammers hammering into fixing bolts was banging, and the motors of cars transporting supplies back and forth were also roaring. The plains were covered with white snow, and military green tents bulged. This shocking scene was something you could not see in Songjiang. , which Qin Yu had never experienced before.

The military fortifications in the garrison area had been set up. Qin Yu himself was worried, so he led Cha Meng and the security platoon to walk over to inspect them despite the cold wind.

At this moment, dense car lights lit up on the road outside the left side of the camp. Li Zhan came over and said, "Is this our convoy from District 9?"

"No." Da Ya shook his head: "This is obviously going in the opposite direction. It is probably the troops who have withdrawn."

The marching convoy slowly approached the camp. Qin Yu quickly noticed the opponent's military flag and saw that it was indeed the troops of the ninth district, and it was the convoy of the 041 regiment that fought bloody battles and spent seven days to increase the number of troops.

"Quick, quick, stop us and ask how the situation is on the front line!" Qin Yu shouted smartly: "Get some supplies from the warehouse, cigarettes and so on, and distribute them to the friendly forces."

Soldiers from the guard platoon heard the sound and ran to the center of the road, stood in a row and saluted in the direction of the convoy.

The convoy approached and slowly stopped.

Qin Yu bared his teeth, stepped forward to greet him and asked, "Brother, are you from the 041st regiment?"

In the lead car, a company commander opened the door and jumped out, saluting a military salute with numb eyes: "Hello, sir!"

"Regiment 041 is great!" Qin Yu complimented, "I heard about it on the way. When you return to District 9, you will be commended by everyone."

The company commander looked at Qin Yu, stood at attention and asked, "Sir, do you have anything else to do?"

Qin Yu was startled and thought to himself, I haven't offended you either. What do you mean by making a bad face with me?

Not far away, Daya and others came over carrying several boxes of cigarettes and several boxes of wine, placed them on the ground and said, "Take them."

The company commander was unmoved and continued to ask: "Sir, is there anything else?"

Fifty kilometers outside the war zone, at the headquarters of the Ninth District Self-Defense Counterattack Army, a communications soldier saluted and shouted: "Commander! The 041st Regiment has withdrawn. Two regiments of the Eighth District's First Army have already gone up, and the Seventh District's troops have also We are rushing to the Heshuo battle area. Commander Gu Taixian proposed that we mainly attack the enemy's 197th Brigade, and they flank the 196th Brigade and counterattack at the same time."

"Call back, our department is willing to take over the 197th Brigade." Feng Ji replied succinctly, bending down and looking at the sand table.

The chief of staff thought for a long time, then stepped forward and said: "Let Qin Yu's mixed brigade come up. They will enter the combat zone faster."

"The situation of his unit is quite special. It was just recruited and was pulled to the front line. The soldiers are not accustomed to the climate. The officers were probably confused when they saw the aircraft and artillery." Feng Ji looked at the sand table with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Give him a night It doesn’t matter if you adjust the time. In this way, order the 851st Regiment and the 852nd Regiment to move into the combat zone immediately, and within two hours, use machine guns and artillery to change the defensive posture into an offensive posture."

"Yes!" The chief of general staff nodded and asked softly: "Haha, is this still taken care of?"

"I'm taking care of the military defense force of the ninth district!" Feng Ji replied very simply.

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