District 9

Chapter 1,225 Smooth progress

In the Hata area, about fifteen kilometers to the left of Kela Life Village, Li Shihong stood on the roadside and shouted: "Get all the tarpaulins for me. The convoy spread out. Each unit was fifty meters apart and built its own launch site in a triangular shape. Drive, quickly!”

The words fell.

Ten vehicle-mounted 119-type 300mm multiple rocket launchers immediately spread out in all directions, stopping one every fifty meters and aiming in the northwest direction in a triangular shape.


The grinding sound of mechanical rotation could be heard clearly. A drill bit was protruded from under each giant truck and plunged into the ground with a buzzing sound. It penetrated two to three meters deep before it completely stopped and the frame was fixed.

After the vehicle was positioned, the truck body rose diagonally, and the multiple rocket launcher officially appeared. The huge barrel was pointed diagonally into the sky, filled with murderous intent.

Li Shihong stood in the center with a walkie-talkie and kept shouting: "The observation team will connect to the military surveillance system immediately and report the shooting of Zhu Yuan!"


"All operations teams are in place!"



Orders were issued one after another, and nearly two hundred people were mobilized to serve these ten giant cannons.

About two or three minutes later, the observation team shouted clearly: "Shoot Zhuyuan, target...!"

Thirty kilometers away, in the 197th Brigade assembly area along the highway, thousands of soldiers who had withdrawn were sorting out their existing equipment, contacting their separated comrades, and preparing to continue fleeing to the northwest.

At the artillery camp position, groups of data were displayed on the multi-screen military computer. The people in the observation team reported to Li Shihong again about the shooting of Zhu Yuan.

"Full fire coverage, launch!!!" Li Shihong yelled, pulling his neck.


There was a roar, a harsh sound, almost like you were lying on the engine of an airplane. The fireworks at the rear of the shell melted the snow covering more than ten meters around the truck in just one breath, creating a large amount of fog.

"Swish swish!"

Ten rocket launchers soared into the sky and shot into the clouds instantly.

A few seconds later, a siren suddenly sounded at the assembly point of Highway 197 Brigade.

Thousands of soldiers raised their heads collectively, instinctively looking toward the sky.

at the same time!

In the direction of the infantry battalion, the anti-aircraft guns that had been deployed for a long time suddenly raised their heads without anyone operating them. More than a dozen of them were aimed at the sky together, and the gun barrels were swaying rhythmically from left to right.

"Weng, buzz...!"

Densely packed artillery shells shot down from the air, and the fireworks ejected from their tails were extremely dazzling.

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

More than a dozen anti-aircraft guns opened fire on their own, and the rate of fire was so fast that it was visible to the naked eye, instantly creating a net of bullets in the air.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Groups of mushroom clouds exploded in the blue sky, and the soldiers gathered in place immediately dispersed in all directions.

The anti-aircraft guns were still pulling their projectile nets wildly and firing into the sky. But unfortunately, the 197th Brigade has been fighting for several days. The men and horses are exhausted. The subordinate units have been dispersed and assembled several times. The air defense system has been affected a lot, and many equipments have been damaged in the battle. In addition, the ten vehicle-mounted artillery pieces of the mixed brigade fired together, and the firepower was overwhelming. Many rocket launchers penetrated the shell net and exploded when they landed.

Explosions sounded one after another, the earth trembled, and the fire burned into the sky. Those soldiers in the explosion area had no time to run. The high temperature generated after the explosion could melt them alive.

The covering rocket attack lasted for nearly ten minutes. At least one-third of the shells landed firmly on the target location, while the rest were intercepted by the air defense system. But even so, the newly assembled 197th Brigade was dispersed again, and thousands of people fled together.

The 197th Brigade war room.

"Damn it!" Pu Ming threw the cigarette case on the table, frowned and cursed: "Let ten vehicle-mounted artillery mix in the military vehicles, just waiting for us to retreat and gather before firing. The tactics of this mixed brigade are very bad! "

The chief of staff heard the sound and replied: "I just finished a phone call with the frontline troops. They received a round of shelling. We lost four to five hundred men and almost lost the combat effectiveness of a battalion."

"Can you confirm the position of his artillery camp for me?" Pu Ming asked.

"It's certain, but the opponent ran away after the fight. They should have withdrawn from the combat zone by now." The chief of staff said in a low voice: "A strike of this intensity cannot be sustained. It is estimated that this round, their artillery battalion will Already empty. Twelve rounds in one round, one hundred and twenty rounds for ten vehicles. In two rounds of shooting, they emptied the shells of at least thirty military vehicles."

Pu Ming frowned and pondered for a while, then immediately made a deployment: "Give the forward troops an order to regroup in company units. The assembly points must be at least two kilometers away. Each company will be allowed to withdraw to the designated position after three hours."

"Yes!" The chief of staff nodded.

Mixed Brigade Headquarters.

Qin Yu held the encrypted military communication equipment and reported succinctly: "Our brigade has effectively advanced twenty kilometers and shelled the assembly point of the 197th Brigade, killing at least 500 of them..."

"How are your battle losses?" Feng Ji asked.

"There are about a hundred casualties, and the situation is pretty good." Qin Yu responded truthfully.

"The three-axe swing is okay, but the place where we are fighting is too far away from home. It is impossible for you to use cannons to clear the way without restrictions." Feng Ji frowned and said: "I have spoken with Chief Gu of the Eighth District on the phone. It is unanimously agreed that the Hata area is the place for the decisive battle. Starting from the afternoon, the eight and nine districts will fight together, so your mixed brigade still needs to continue to move forward without stopping."

"Understood!" Qin Yu nodded.

"The troops will be sending more troops here soon. Before the decisive battle, you must not only ensure the integrity of your troops, but also disrupt their deployment. You cannot allow them to regroup on a large scale, otherwise it will be a bloody battle. Feng Ji lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "I'll give you two hours to rest and eat, and then continue the pursuit."

"Yes!" Qin Yu nodded.

After the two communicated, Qin Yu walked out of the tent and shouted: "Call Daya to come over."

Five minutes later, Daya walked into the camp, saluted and shouted: "Brigadier!"

"Qi Lin has been chasing in front for several hours, and it's time for your reconnaissance battalion to move forward." Qin Yu ordered succinctly: "Your reconnaissance battalion, and the battalion of the battle leader, start eating now. After an hour, rush to the front and continue to pursue the enemy's 197th Brigade."

"Yes!" Da Ya saluted.

An hour later, Qi Lin returned to the center of the army and began to rest and eat, while Daya and Li Zhan each led a battalion and alternately pushed to the front.

Surprisingly, Daya and Li Zhan encountered almost no decent obstacles along the way. The other side just kept running and had no intention of fighting.

Feng Ji's order to Qin Yu was to push forward at all costs, so the faster the frontline troops of the 197th Brigade ran, the faster Qin Yu's mixed brigade had to catch up.

In just five hours, Qin Yu changed the location of his headquarters twice and pursued for more than fifty kilometers.

In order to ensure the absolute safety of the mixed brigade, Feng Ji transferred back the 852nd Regiment and another 856th Regiment that had just joined the war, and continued to move forward following the rhythm of the mixed brigade.

Chasing all the way, time soon reached night.

At the 197th Brigade Headquarters, Pu Ming warmed his hands and said softly: "Order the troops to rest for two hours and prepare to cooperate with the military headquarters to fully engage in tonight's battle."

"Why do I feel like the decisive battle is coming early?" the chief of staff said with a frown.

"That's what the military department means." Pu Ming stood up slowly: "Tonight, we will attack the combined forces of District 8 and District 9!"

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