District 9

Chapter 1,239 The civet cat exchanges for the prince

Along the withdrawal line on the left, after the first company met the enemy, it seemed that they had no intention of fighting at all. They just wanted to rush to the outside, so they fought very simply. Mortars and RPGs appeared one after another, shooting wildly at the enemy, beating the opponent. Caught off guard, he could only lean back.

After the space was created, only one platoon of the company was left to cover, while the others ran to the outer hillsides desperately.

In the enemy's command position, a battalion commander grabbed the communication equipment and shouted: "Report, our unit is the 2nd Battalion of the 196th Brigade, 1st Regiment. They encountered the enemy at 700 kilometers along the Haiyi Highway. There are about 100 people on the other side. It was an assault from the inside out, and they suddenly encountered us. We have already exchanged fire! Please give instructions!"

As soon as the report came up, it didn't take a minute to reach Pu Ming's headquarters.

The convoy came to a standstill, and an officer held up a map and said, "It's probably right here!"

Pu Ming frowned and looked at the map. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly asked: "Are there more than a hundred people?"

"Yes, about a company was encountered by a battalion of the 196th Brigade when it rushed from the inside out." The officer nodded and responded: "They have no intention of fighting and just want to escape. The second battalion currently has 250 people. Left and right, it’s already biting them.”

Pu Ming's military qualities are undoubted. He looked at the map, suddenly pointed at a point with his finger and asked: "The supply point where the gunfire was fired before is probably this location, right?"

"Yes." The officer nodded.

Pu Ming drew a line on the map with his finger and said softly: "They are exposed and have no effect. Then they suddenly move outward from here in an attempt to land safely."

"It's very likely that this is the case." The chief of staff also stood aside and said: "It should be the special forces, rushing to the high command, but if they are exposed in advance, they will lose their effect, so prepare to run."

Pu Ming frowned and looked at the map and said, "That's not right. The distance from the supply point to the ribs is not far. Can they move so fast?"

"Regular troops may be able to choke, but special troops are possible." The officer objectively analyzed: "Although this distance is not far, during the night battle, we did not find the enemy's special troops. They reserved their physical strength. If you want to pass through it quickly in a short time, it won’t be a big problem.”

"Damn it." Pu Ming immediately commanded: "It's not safe for this group of people to wander around the ribs. If they continue to intervene from the front, they may catch us by surprise. In this way, we can notify the surrounding troops and quickly Reinforce your flanks and annihilate them in the shortest possible time!"

"Yes!" the officer shouted after saluting.

"After total annihilation, let the flank troops continue to maintain the previous retreat posture and leave this position."



The officers nodded and saluted.

In the peripheral ribs, the mission of the first company is to escape immediately after being exposed, rather than risking life with the opponent. Therefore, when attacking near the hill, it also paid a lot of price. The platoon left to block the attack was almost crippled, only The remaining ten people ran back.

Half the battalion of the Pu-style regiment, clinging to the rear without letting go, chased them out from the flanks and quickly passed through the central area.

When approaching a small hill about 200 meters away, a soldier suddenly shouted: "Be careful to avoid, there are booby traps!"


A violent explosion suddenly sounded, and heavy snow was blown all over the sky. Half of the opponent's platoon of soldiers was directly killed in the series of booby traps.

"Damn it!" the second battalion commander glared and cursed: "They have troops to support them, they are in trouble!"

On the hill, Qi Lin took the lead in shooting: "cnm, shoot me to death!!"

"Da da da!"

Machine guns roar!


Several bright lights were set up, blinding the eyes of a large part of the soldiers in the second battalion.

The military used handguns, RPGs, and large-caliber machine guns to launch a massacre attack on the enemy's second battalion!

Less than half a minute after the battle between the two sides, Qi Lin immediately shouted: "The returned company, move to our rear and prepare the retreat route, while the others save ammunition and prepare to deal with reinforcements from other enemy troops! Everyone, give us a fight." Spirit, the harder you work here, the greater the chances of the first battalion!”




The commanders of each company and platoon responded one after another, spread out with their own soldiers, and began to frantically block the enemy's second battalion.

On the highway line.

Da Ya, who was in the enemy's abdomen, held a military night vision binoculars and squinted in the direction of his ribs.

About one kilometer away, there were obviously several groups of troops rushing towards the direction of the sound of gunfire and artillery.

"It's moving, it's moving!" Da Ya's eyes were excited.

From the rear, Liang Xing ran up and said breathlessly: "There is a group of troops behind us that rushed diagonally toward the ribs. They are probably going to add more troops!"

Da Ya thought about it for a long time: "We are going to do a full show, and they are all going over there. If we don't move, it will look fake! Notify the troops and move to the side as well, but at a slower speed, and wait for the command to reply!"

"This is too exciting." Liang Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "If a troop comes up from the front or behind and says a few words to us, the secret will be completely exposed."

"It's just a heartbeat!" Daya said with bright eyes: "During the war, didn't you find that the troops of the Pu faction were all a bit licky? They seemed to have been brainwashed and had great admiration for Shangguan. Sex and obedience, if we, the civet cats, change the prince, and let Brother Lin pretend to be us, then the nearby troops will definitely do their best to ensure the safety of the high command, so how can they have time to care about us!"

"Yes!" Liang Xing nodded.

"Quick, move to the ribs!" Daya waved his hand.

As soon as he finished speaking, a battalion of 500 men wearing the military uniforms of the Pu clan also pretended to be attacking diagonally forward.

In Pu Ming's headquarters, the officers were all on the phone.

"Give me all the reinforcements in the flanks. This special force and the supporting troops must be wiped out. Five to six hundred people with firepower. If they penetrate from the front, there may be security risks for both the 196th Brigade Headquarters and the General Headquarters. !”

"That's right, just ask your troops to go up and that's it. Hurry up!"

"Have you confirmed the number of people over there? Find out and see if the other side has any hidden troops!!"


The car came to a standstill, and all the officers were on the phone, constantly in contact.

After more than ten minutes, Da Ya kept looking at his watch and cursed urgently: "Damn it, this headquarters is too slow. They haven't replied to my message yet!"

"All the soldiers have gone to Qi Lin. If we delay for more than 20 minutes, we will have no chance!" Liang Xing was also very anxious: "They only have 500 people. They can't hold on for long!"

Beads of sweat broke out on Da Ya's forehead, and he immediately called the correspondent: "Hurry up and call the headquarters!"

A few seconds later, the communication was connected: "Hello, I'm Feng Ji!"

"What happened?!" Da Ya got angry: "More than ten minutes have passed, and they haven't replied to us yet. This attack will trap the Second Battalion!"

Feng Ji was stunned for a moment, and ignored what Daya was yelling at him, and just scolded his mother directly: "What the fuck, the military intelligence department can't get any information within one minute, so I'll give you a fuck!" "

As soon as he finished speaking, an officer saluted and shouted: "Report, the location has been found!"

"Where?! Give me the exact coordinates!" Daya yelled and asked immediately after hearing the shouting.

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