District 9

Chapter 1,243 The peace and stability created by fighting

In the headquarters, after Feng Ji ended the call with Daya, he immediately gave instructions: "Order the forward pursuit troops to speed up with all their strength and go along the highway to meet the new battalion of the mixed brigade. At the same time, telegraph to the eighth district headquarters, saying We captured the enemy's major general-level commander and asked them to send air troops again for support."


"The troops sent out from Fengshan Pass were ordered by telegram to reinforce the New Second Battalion of the Mixed Brigade at all costs. We carried the sedan and took Qi Lin with us." Feng Ji was very happy and made a series of actions happily. Order.

After capturing Pu Ming alive, Daya led the remaining troops as quickly as possible and charged in the opposite direction of the enemy's withdrawal route. On the way, everyone also encountered a desperate attack from the enemy, but they were all defeated by the air support from the Eighth District.

While the enemy troops were desperately retreating, the air defense troops had no idea where they had gone. The small group of troops that came to block the attack did not have the air defense conditions, so once the air support arrived, it was almost a one-sided massacre. They won't retreat until they run out of ammunition.

The soldiers of the new first battalion of the mixed brigade just wanted to quickly pass through the enemy's withdrawal zone and had no intention of fighting. Therefore, if the opponent wanted to intercept them, they could only send more troops to attack here from four directions.

But does such an order make sense?

The large forces regrouped here. If once they were bitten by the pursuing forces behind them and the two sides fell into a stalemate, the losses to the Napu Army would be immeasurable. When the time comes, we will be unable to retreat and unable to fight, and we will face a dead situation.

Therefore, as soon as the various small units of Pu's army were about to spontaneously attack Daya to rescue Pu Ming, the headquarters directly issued an order to retreat at all costs, requiring all units to arrive within the specified time. Evacuation location.

The military orders were like mountains. No matter how unwilling they were, the small troops of the Pu faction had to obey the orders from above. They had no choice but to give up the pursuit of Daya's new battalion and quickly assemble towards the target location.

After many twists and turns along the way, Daya and more than 300 people finally passed through the enemy's withdrawal zone of more than ten kilometers and met the friendly troops from District 8 who were at the forefront of the pursuit.

"The new battalion is awesome!"

"Awesome, brother!"


The friendly troops who were marching forward burst out with shouts of mountains and tsunamis. They saluted and waved to the soldiers of the new battalion.

However, the soldiers of the new battalion were not in high spirits. They only returned the greetings and continued to move forward with numb expressions.

Morning, around eight o'clock.

Daya and the soldiers finally returned to the headquarters and met the officers, soldiers, Feng Ji, Qin Yu and others who welcomed them.

When the two sides met, Daya saluted with a military salute and shouted: "Report to the brigade commander, army commander! The new battalion, with 505 people before departure, lost 123 people in combat during the mission, and the actual number of people returned to the camp was 382! Deputy... Deputy battalion commander Liang Xing died, and second company acting commander Guo You died!"

Qin Yu listened to Daya's words and looked at his soldiers in front of him, his eyes turned red.

Feng Ji clenched his fists and saluted Big Ya: "Everyone stands at attention and salutes the New First Battalion!"

The officers in the headquarters courtyard all stood at attention and saluted the soldiers who were still alive and the dead soldiers of the new battalion.

The military flag flutters in the wind, the smoke billows from the northwest front, and all loyal bones are buried.

In this military conflict, the frontal fighting lasted for more than ten days in total. Although the fighting was very brutal, it did not take too long, and this is also a characteristic of modern warfare. The process of joint operations with multiple arms is naturally fast-paced. Otherwise, if it drags on for a long time, it will be a great test for the economy and the army.

Although the frontal battle did not last long, the pursuit battle lasted for nearly a month. The northwest front was sparsely populated and the area was large. The coalition forces in Districts 8 and 9 did not want to let go of the Ura clique army that had taken the initiative to provoke friction, so they launched an almost crazy retaliatory pursuit. From the Hata area, we have fought all the way to the Al-Khasa area, nearly a hundred kilometers beyond the northwest line, and we are still chasing them.

In the end, the fifth district had no choice but to fear that the flames of war would come to their doorstep, so they immediately sent troops to garrison. More than 20,000 people from the Pu Clan Corps hiding in the Old Triangle area also rushed over to help.

The current strategic direction of the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Regions is to slowly promote the "integration" of the three major regions, so they do not want to engage with the Fifth Region now and no one will be able to step down, thus causing the European Union to intervene. Therefore, various headquarters issued orders to the frontline troops to withdraw their troops and conduct military garrison within the northwest line.

After Ming Jin withdrew his troops, the three major regional governments began to jointly put pressure on the Asian League politicians, and launched an economic encirclement and suppression campaign against the fifth region. For a while, the political situation in the Asian League region became a little tense.

But these have nothing to do with Qin Yu. His mixed brigade is stationed in the Hata area, waiting for further orders.

After the troops rested for a week, a solemn farewell ceremony for martyrs was held inside the mixed brigade.

The newly built graves are buried next to the northwest line and will stay here forever. With the snowfield at their back, they seem to be gazing at their hometown.

On the tombstone, there are a series of familiar names such as Liang Xing, Laoyou, and Wang family children, as well as those soldiers who only have nicknames but never said their real names. They may be blurred by the wind and sand many years later, but each of them is still alive. The image, as well as a series of experiences, will be forever engraved on Qin Yu's army.

"Salute to the martyrs, salute!" Qin Yu shouted loudly.


Gunshots and cannons rang out, soldiers in military uniforms saluted under the setting sun, and their shadows trailed long and narrow on the ground.

This military conflict was a key node in the transformation of Qin Yu's army. They have completely transitioned from local armed forces to soldiers. The previous corporate models and habits were all crushed and re-established in this extremely tragic military conflict.

Nirvana, rebirth!


Within the camp area.

Qin Yu soaked his feet and kept picking at the dead skin and cracked wounds on his cheeks. The wind here is so strong that you can't notice anything when you first arrive. But after you stay for a long time, it is difficult for outsiders to adapt. He was so dry all over, not only had small cuts on his face, but also all over his body and legs.


Cha Meng shouted outside.

"Come in!" Qin Yu shouted.

"Report to the brigade commander, Chief Feng is calling!" Cha Meng shouted after saluting.

"As I said, there are no outsiders, so you don't have to do this to me." Qin Yu squinted and replied, "Isn't it fun to pretend every day?"

"Since you have joined the army, you must follow the rules." Cha Meng said with a smile: "Put on the military uniform, I will be your guard platoon leader, and you still have to follow the procedures."

Qin Yu couldn't do anything to him. He just lowered his head and wiped his feet and replied: "Let's go, I'll see what Brother Feng said."

Two minutes later.

Qin Yu bared his teeth and picked up the phone and asked, "What's your order, old chief?"

"Since you have been rewarded for your merits, come with me back to Fengbei." Feng Ji said briefly.

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