District 9

Chapter 1,266 What is an order?

Inside a farmhouse in the planned area of ​​Zangyuan.

Yao Jingzhong wore casual clothes and said to Ma Laoer: "You just stay here, don't go anywhere, I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Ma Laoer nodded.

"If you have anything to do, tell the people in the east room and they will arrange it."


After the two communicated, Yao Jingzhong walked out of the room and drove away.

Indoors, Uncle Liu sat on a chair, licked his chapped lips and said, "I was surprised by one of the ideas before I even finished the work. Do you think this can continue?"

"I think it's disgusting." Guan Qi, wearing a military coat, said with his hands in his sleeves: "I heard from Chief Yao that there are a lot of people on the list this time, and they are all well-known people in the fifth district. One of them was shot. , and it happened at such a sensitive time, the remaining targets will definitely take more precautions."

"Yes." Liu Zishu nodded in agreement: "The fifth district and the third district are so tense. Even if there is no shooting incident, people will definitely take more precautions. What's more, I heard about the commotion about this shooting incident. It was so big that even the local mayor was alarmed.”

Ma Laoer took out a cigarette: "I'm not worried about anything else. I just feel that the work is a bit rushed. Since we want to take revenge, we must be prepared for five years or ten years. But the higher-ups still want to do it. We must let these people die on the same day as Pu Ming who was shot... I think it is unnecessary to create a sense of ceremony."

"Don't you understand this?" Guan Qi said with a smile: "Retaliation is to save face, to give an explanation to the people, because the fifth district has violated the rights and interests of our three major districts in the northwest line, and has reduced the number of our troops. Nearly ten thousand people... Then you have to wait five or ten years before taking revenge. Does that make sense?"

"Oh, yes." Ma Laoer nodded while smoking a cigarette.

"Don't think so much. We're here now. Let's see what the higher-ups arrange." Baojun also interjected.

Everyone nodded and said nothing more.

Nanhu, in the courtyard of an unfinished building.

Zhan Nan looked at the members of Group 17 eagerly and asked: "Are you going to investigate Lin Chengdong? Why are you investigating him?!"

The man hesitated.

Chen Jun thought for a long time and suddenly asked: "Isn't it because of the shooting incident in the fifth district?"

The man raised his head when he heard the sound.

When Chen Jun saw his expression, he cursed speechlessly: "What the hell is a donkey's lip connected to a horse's mouth? What is this!"

"What do you mean? Why don't I understand?" Brother Xiao was a little confused.

"I'll tell you later." Chen Jun waved his hand, bent down and asked, "Did No. 57 give you the order to investigate Lin Chengdong?"


"Who is the direct sender?"

"I don't know about this. It was the team leader who contacted me." The man slowly shook his head.

Chen Jun squinted his eyes and thought for a long time: "Then you are investigating Lin Chengdong, why do you want to engage in Zhan Nan?"

"The information shows that Lin Chengdong has experience as a police officer and received advanced training. He suddenly sent his wife and children away before disappearing. Therefore, the superiors judged that he was a senior intelligence officer in the seventh district and the purpose of going to the fifth district was to assassinate Jin ." The man said without hesitation: "In the more than four years since Lin Chengdong disappeared, Zhan Nan had given his family a lot of help, both financially and socially, so..."

"So, you suspect that Zhan Nan is Lin Chengdong's contact? Do you want to arrest him, find out the origin of the shooting, and then catch the people lurking in the fifth district?" Chen Jun then asked.

"Yes, that's what the higher-ups speculated." The man nodded.


Chen Jun couldn't help but laugh, pointed at the other person and said, "Your superiors are so damn talented! Haha!"

The man was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it?"

Chen Jun looked at the other party with his hands behind his back: "I'm a little confused. How did you judge that Lin Chengdong was the gunman sent by District 7? On what basis?"

"I don't know about that." The man shook his head.

Chen Jun stared at the other party with extremely gloomy eyes and stopped talking.

The man was a little panicked and quickly explained: "I really don't know because I don't have the right to directly contact No. 57."

Chen Jun is also an old spy. He can tell whether the man is lying by the look in his eyes.

"What's going on? Why do I get more and more confused the more I hear it?" Zhan Nan asked from the side.

"Leave these people to me." Chen Jun thought for a moment and whispered to Zhan Nan: "Contact Lin Chengdong as soon as possible, as soon as possible."

"Okay." Zhan Nan nodded.

Zangyuan, in a private house.

Yao Jingzhong frowned and said to the people in the Eighth District and the Military Supervision Bureau of the First Theater District: "I personally suggest giving up this operation."

"Why?" the people from District 8 asked.

"Obviously, Kim Tae-soo has been shot. The other targets with the same nature as him must have been shocked. The difficulty of the task has increased by more than one level. If we continue to act rashly, we may pay a lot of losses." Yao Jingzhong spoke succinctly Said: "In order to ensure that the mission can be carried out smoothly this time, the people selected by the three major districts are all new and have little experience, so... I suggest reporting it to the higher authorities and requesting cancellation of the operation."

"It's nonsense. People have all come to the northwest. Some of our people have even penetrated into the fifth district. If we cancel it, we will cancel it. How can we explain it to the superiors?" asked the people from the eighth district.

"Tell the truth, just explain the situation clearly and that's it." Yao Jingzhong replied expressionlessly.

"Xiao Yao, I think your thinking is too simplistic and you haven't figured out the real intention of the upper management." A middle-aged man next to him said with a smile: "Why do you do such a thing at this juncture? Because we want to Take action and give an explanation to the soldiers who died in the battle and the people who were affected by the disaster, and we must fight back, do you understand?"

"Is it a matter of face?" Yao Jingzhong asked.

"Haha." The middle-aged man did not answer directly: "The order has been issued and the people have come out. If you don't do it now, the upper-level leaders will think it is a fear of war. It will be difficult for us people to explain!"

There was no habitual smile on Yao Jingzhong's face. He just looked at him and asked: "Will you go on a mission? Are you at the scene? Will you fire?"

The middle-aged man was stunned.

"We can't let the people below do this just because we can't explain ourselves." Yao Jingzhong reached out and knocked on the table and said: "What is an order? There are lives in front of the order! Make decisions carefully!"

Everyone looked at Yao Jingzhong and fell silent, and the atmosphere in the room became depressing.


Qin Yu held the mobile phone and said with a solemn expression: "I think it's impossible. Can Chengdong go to the fifth district to do this? What are you planning for?!"

"I don't know. Brother Jun means that you should contact him."

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time: "Okay, I'll give him a call."

A few minutes later, Qin Yu called Lin Chengdong's mobile phone, but the other party's phone was turned off.

District Five.

Lin Chengdong looked at the kidnapped Lao Zhou with hesitant eyes.

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