District 9

Chapter 1268 Dirty

Next to the abandoned water conservancy plant, Lin Chengdong looked into the distance, stretched out his hand to tie his belt and said, "Bo, you are a particular person, but he is not."

Xiao Bo said nothing.

"The money has been made, but the problem is how to divide it." Lin Chengdong turned to look at Xiao Bo and asked bluntly: "What should we do if there is a stalemate?"

Xiao Bo was silent for a long time and asked: "What do you want to do?"

"If he doesn't play dirty, then the points will be divided normally. If he plays dirty, Xiaoliang and I will stand by you, and each of us will get half the money." Lin Chengdong said briefly: "He wants to exchange the meat stamps for fifty gold bars. But Xiaoliang and I don’t agree, we think it’s too dangerous, what do you think?”

"I also think it's too dangerous." Xiao Bo nodded.

"But if he has to bring the meat ticket to get fifty gold bars, if something happens, we will all be implicated. Whether he can return to Nanhu in the future will be a question." Lin Chengdong said in a low voice: "I have already got the money. , you said, is it still necessary to take such a big risk?"

"My brother and I are in front, so let's share half. Isn't it a little less, Brother Dong?" Xiao Bo asked bluntly.

Lin Chengdong smiled, walked up to Xiao Bo, patted his shoulder and said, "Awei won't even give you half of it, do you believe it?"

Xiao Bo was silent.

"This is not the only job I have in hand." Lin Chengdong leaned into Xiao Bo's ear and said, "I still have many ideas that can make a lot of money. If Ah Wei doesn't make trouble, I don't want to just do it with everyone. Hammer sale.”

Xiao Bo thought for a few seconds: "Okay, it's settled. If he doesn't make trouble, we will divide the money as normal, but if he makes trouble, we will stand aside and kill them..."

"Yeah." Lin Chengdong nodded.

After the two talked, Lin Chengdong did not return to the abandoned water conservancy plant immediately. Instead, he stood alone outside and fiddled with the phone for a while.

Late at night, the cold wind howled.

Ah Wei and his brother stayed in the same room, and Xiao Bo and his people sat in the room on the left to eat.

Xiao Liang didn't look for anyone. He just spread some military coats in the hall and lay down to rest.

Lin Chengdong returned from outside and shouted softly to Ah Wei and the others: "Someone has to keep an eye on the outside at night, otherwise there will be some disturbance and we won't be able to react."

Ah Wei raised his head and shouted nonchalantly: "I got it."

Lin Chengdong didn't say anything more, turned around, walked to the hall, and sat on the military coat.

"What have you been doing?" Xiao Liang asked.

"Go around and step on some places." Lin Chengdong replied succinctly: "I haven't left here yet, so be careful."

"Haha, all of us who have worked as police officers have this occupational disease." Xiao Liang smiled.

"Yes." Lin Chengdong took out his mobile phone, slowly plugged in the headset and asked, "Have you eaten?

"I can't eat enough." Xiao Liang was obviously a little uneasy. He looked at Lin Chengdong with a melancholy face and asked, "Isn't it difficult to divide the money?"

"Haha, what do you think?" Lin Chengdong asked.


Xiaoliang sighed, sat up slowly and said: "Chengdong, we are all poor brothers. It's not easy to come here from Nanhu together. I think, now that the money has been earned, everyone has nothing to worry about. Isn’t it nice to think too much, to be safe and go back happily?”

Lin Chengdong plugged the headphones into his ears and asked calmly: "Did Ah Wei talk to you?"

"No." Xiaoliang shook his head.

Under the dim light, Lin Chengdong looked at Xiaoliang and suddenly asked with a smile: "Are you on good terms with Ah Wei or me?"

Xiaoliang was stunned by the question.

"Haha, is it difficult to answer?" Lin Chengdong asked.

"I mean, there is no need to make everyone look ugly, the money has been earned...!" Xiao Liang said urgently.

"Xiao Liang, let me ask you, do you have a better relationship with them or with me?!" Lin Chengdong asked stubbornly.


Xiaoliang sighed: "I came with you, what do you think?"

"Okay, as long as you say this." Lin Chengdong reached out and patted Xiaoliang's shoulder, and said solemnly: "Brother, if I hadn't earned the money, things might not be so complicated. Do you understand?"

Xiaoliang was silent.

"When you came here, you were the one carrying the gun and luggage all the way, but when you went back, it was someone else who was carrying the money. This is human nature, and it doesn't depend on your will or mine." Lin Chengdong tilted his neck and looked at Xiaoliang: "Tonight If something happens, just bring the meat ticket and act based on my look."

Xiaoliang clenched his fists: "Does it have to be like this?"

Lin Chengdong looked at him and said nothing.

"Okay." Xiaoliang gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Squint for a while." Lin Chengdong patted the dust on his military coat and lay down on his back.

Xiaoliang sat cross-legged next to him, reaching for some dry food to eat. He changed the topic and asked, "What are you listening to?"

"Listen to the radio."

"Fuck, the radio here is all about birdsong, can you understand it?" Xiao Liang was obviously nervous and deliberately found some relaxing topics to talk about.

"There is simultaneous translation, I will listen to the news." Lin Chengdong replied softly.

"Oh." Xiaoliang ate and said nothing.

"Squint for a while earlier." After Lin Chengdong said that, he turned around and turned his back to Xiaoliang.

Xiao Liang sat on the military coat, frowning, as if his mental activity was too intense.

About an hour later.

The abandoned water conservancy plant was completely quiet. Ah Wei's brother went out to stay to avoid being picked up by the police. Lin Chengdong and Xiao Liang stopped talking and just lay down in the hall to sleep.

In the room on the left, Xiao Bo slowly stood up and said to everyone: "Get ready and go to bed. You may leave in the middle of the night or at dawn."

"Okay." The three brothers nodded.

"Bo, are you there?" At this moment, Ah Wei's voice came from outside the door.

Xiao Bo was startled for a moment and turned to look outside.

"Haha, I want to talk to you about something." Ah Wei smiled.

Xiao Bo thought for a moment, looked up in the direction of the hall, and saw that Lin Chengdong and Xiao Liang were not moving, so he waved to the brothers: "You guys go to the back room and stay for a while."

The three of them got up and left.

There was no door in the house, so Ah Wei and Xiao Bo walked to the window and started talking in low voices.

"Open the skylight and tell the truth. Have you thought about how to divide the money?" Ah Wei asked.

"Isn't it normal? Haha!" Xiao Bo asked back.

"Why should we divide it normally? It's us who squatted in the pit, we were the one who fired the gun, and we were the one who killed our brother. Tell me, what did he do?" Ah Wei said with a gloomy face: "He just handed it over. I still haven’t understood it yet, so we almost ended up in District 5. The last time we started the company was just a last-minute idea, does it have anything to do with him?”

Xiao Bo didn't say anything when he heard this.

"We won't give in. We'll give you 60%, and you'll get 40%. The meat tickets will be mine. Do you think that's okay?" Ah Wei asked directly.

When Xiao Bo heard this, he put his right hand in his pocket unconsciously.

In the hall, Lin Chengdong slowly opened his eyes with headphones in his ears.

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