District 9

Chapter 1,275 There is always a touch of warmth that makes you feel happy

On a small street about two kilometers away from Yinlang Jinfu, Xiaoliang looked at his watch with sweat on his forehead and felt very nervous.

Lin Chengdong has been in for about twenty-five minutes, but there is no news at all.

"Are you panicking?" Lao Zhou asked in a joking tone: "Aren't you and him friends or good brothers? Why are you panicking now?"

Xiaoliang looked at him coldly and said nothing.

"Afraid that he will be caught and want to run away; but also afraid that he will not be caught and there will be no way to explain to him if he runs away?" Lao Zhou looked at Xiaoliang with his neck crooked and continued to curse: "What a bullshit friend, why don't you think of yourself first when you are in danger?" .”

"Hey, fuck, fuck, you got it again!" Xiao Liang became anxious when he was provoked, and he waved his hands away like a big talker, hitting Lao Zhou with stars in his eyes.

"What the hell...!" Lao Zhou's eyes turned red and he said in his heart, you are a fucking fool, why don't you even give me a chance to do ideological work.

"If you push harder, I will sew your mouth shut with a needle. Do you believe it?" Xiao Liang pointed at the other person and cursed.

"You...!" Lao Zhou covered his face and still wanted to speak.


At this moment, the car door was pulled open, and a figure stepped forward and sat in the passenger seat.

Xiao Liang suddenly turned around and saw Lin Chengdong looking at him with bared teeth: "Fuck, it's done?!"

"It's done." Lin Chengdong nodded.

There wasn't much surprise on Lao Zhou's face, because he had used all the tricks he could. If he didn't give him the gold bar, he would die immediately, but if he gave him, there might be a glimmer of hope.

This is the same as the psychological activities of many death row prisoners. They know that they are going to be shot, but they still want to delay as much time as possible so that the sentence will come later and they can live a few more days.

Lin Chengdong sat back in the driver's seat, started the car, looked ahead expressionlessly, and suddenly said: "I discovered something."

"What's going on?" Xiaoliang asked.

Lin Chengdong turned back to look at Lao Zhou: "These fifty gold bars are not yours, right? The manager in charge of docking seems to have never seen you."

Lao Zhou was stunned: "I said, my identity is different from ordinary people."

"Haha, it's not important anymore." Lin Chengdong didn't argue with him anymore and just drove away quickly.

Although there were some minor twists and turns in getting the gold bars, the overall process was very smooth. Lin Chengdong, who had experienced countless unlucky events, seemed to have turned around in the past few days.

He and Xiaoliang returned with great achievements and cleared up the troubles. So... can they return to Nanhu successfully?


Qin Yu sat in the office of the construction company, raised his head and asked the old cat: "What did the contractor you contacted say?"

"I've asked all the big contractors in the ninth district." Lao Mao frowned and replied, "But they all said that they don't have the goods now. If we have to scrape together some goods, the price may be more expensive than the normal purchase. About 50%, and transportation is not included. They think there are too many things in the Sichuan area and it is too dangerous, so they asked us to find our own vehicles and pull them from various factories."

"Is it fifty percent more expensive?" Qin Yu was stunned.

"Yes." The old cat nodded.

When Fu Xiaohao heard this, he immediately scolded with a sullen face: "Are the idiots Sha Yong, Shen Yin and the others deliberately causing trouble?! These people used to be in charge of logistics. I heard that we need military building materials. , just deliberately looking for connections to get stuck?"

"It's possible." The old cat nodded slowly.

"Damn it, the price is 50% higher and we still don't deliver the goods. Isn't this just taking advantage of someone else?!" Qin Yu was upset and stood up and said, "If that doesn't work, then use civilian building materials first. It will take two months to carry it, and then we can build the camp area after the regular building materials are delivered."

"If you do this, the money spent on civil building materials will be wasted, and the quality will not meet the standards."

"Then there's nothing we can do," Qin Yu waved his hand: "We can't let the soldiers freeze!"

"Dip Lingling!"

Just as everyone was discussing countermeasures, Qin Yu's cell phone rang.

"Hey, where did you go? I can't get through to you even if I call you."

"Where are you?" Lin Nianlei asked.

"I'm at the construction company!"

"I'm here to pick up a friend in Fengbei. I'll be back in about three hours. You must wait for me!" Hanhan told him very quickly.

"What did you do in Fengbei?"

"You wait until I get back to tell you."


Three and a half hours later, at Songjiang North Station, Qin Yu and others picked up Lin Nianlei from the exit. She was accompanied by a fashionably dressed girl. The two walked out chattering and looked very close.

"Who is this...?" Qin Yu stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"My friend in Yanbei, Qiao Xiaoxiao."

"Hello." Qin Yu stretched out his palm.

"Hey, what a handsome guy!" Qiao Xiaoxiao shook hands with Qin Yu.

The two got to know each other briefly, and Lin Nianlei immediately said from the side: "Xiao Xiao also comes from a military family. She specializes in the production of military supplies in Yanbei."

Qin Yu was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Handsome guy, you are very charming. You have turned the most artistic young woman in our school into a philistine housewife!" Qiao Xiaoxiao said jokingly.

"Tch, please do something, are you a philistine?!" Lin Nianlei rolled her eyes and secretly reached out to pinch Qin Yu.

Qin Yu understood the idea and immediately said with a smile: "Oh, I just realized that this noble person is here! Come on, let's find a place to sit."

After the group left Songjiang North Station, they went to a restaurant in the city together.

While eating and chatting, Qiao Xiaoxiao took the initiative and said, "Your army is short of military building materials, right?"

"Yes." Qin Yu smiled and nodded.

"Approximately how much does it cost?"

"There must be at least enough building materials for four thousand people to camp." Qin Yu thought for a moment and said.

"That's not too much." Qiao Xiaoxiao pondered for a long time and said briefly: "Let me help you get out from Yanbei's company. Leilei said that your troops have to leave now, and it will take a lot of trouble to mobilize troops and transport them back. In two or three places, I will send the Buddha to the west, and I will directly have the building materials transported to Sichuan."

"Thank you so much!" Qin Yu was overjoyed.

"Xiaoxiao, give us a cheaper price. My old man Qin is very poor now and has no money." Lin Nianlei said beside him with a smile.

"Mou's question!" Qiao Xiaoxiao responded with a smile: "20% off, cash on delivery."

"Boots! From now on, my sisters' lives will be yours." Lin Nianlei took the initiative to pick up the red wine glass and said.

Qin Yu looked at Leilei from the side and suddenly felt that she had changed a little, for him.

Across the table, Lao Mao reached out and patted Fu Xiaohao's thigh, shook his head and sighed: "I ran all over the place and begged many friends, but I still couldn't settle the building materials matter. Leilei's words, the problem It’s solved. Little brother, what does this story tell us? The starting point, the starting point is so important!”

Fu Xiaohao looked at Qiao Xiaoxiao and ignored him.

Lao Mao touched Fu Xiaohao's thigh and felt something squirming, and pushed himself inexplicably. His pores suddenly stood up: "Fuck, are you hard?!"

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